She turned to smile at Lisa, who had turned to talk to Jackson. Lisa still hadn't said she loved Jennie, but it was obvious in the way she had her hand around Jennie's waist even though she was turned away from Jennie, or the way she always walked Jennie home, or the way she woke Jennie up with breakfast and a cup of coffee every morning after they stayed at each other's place.

There were a thousand ways to say I love you without using saying the words, and they all meant just as much to Jennie, and maybe they even showed Lisa's love better than those words ever could.

Jennie gave Lisa's knee a squeeze as she stood up.

'Does anyone want a drink?' Jennie signed as she made her way to the kitchen.

Everyone assured Jennie they were fine, before she walked out of the room. The kitchen counters were covered with dozens of bowls, pots and pans. Jessica was busy finishing off a chocolate pecan pie. Jennie's face lit up, it was her favourite dessert, and the best part about Thanksgiving in her opinion.

"Hey sweetie, can you turn the potatoes off for me please," Jessica said, looking up as Jennie walked in. She nodded, lifting the big pot off the stove and dumping the potatoes in the strainer. Jennie took the pot over to Jessica, and started mashing the potatoes as her mom set aside the pie and started peeling carrots.

"So, Lisa seems nice," Jessica whispered, lowering her voice so the others couldn't hear. Jennie smiled at Jessica, nodding in agreement, "she's very pretty too," she continued, smiling at Jennie as she looked at her out of the corner of her eye. Jennie nodded again, her cheeks turning slightly pink.

'She is, she's smart too, and so kind' Jennie replied.

"And you love her?" Jessica asked, turning to face Jennie. She felt her cheeks turn redder as she stared at the pot of potatoes she was mashing, nodding shyly. Jessica brushed the hair out of Jennie's face, kissing her on the cheek.

"Then I hope she loves you too, and makes you happy," Jessica smiled, as Jennie looked up at her.

'She makes me happier than she knows' Jennie signed, smiling at her mom.

Jessica wrapped her in a hug. She was happy that both of her daughters were happy. Sometimes she worried about being so far away from them, she felt like she missed out on so much.

"I hope I'm not interrupting," Lisa's voice came from the doorway, she was wringing her hands nervously, "I came to see if you needed any help preparing the rest of the dinner."

Jessica and Jennie broke apart, smiling over at Lisa.

"Oh no sweetheart, it's fine, I'm almost finished here. Why don't you help yourself to a drink and take Jennie back in with you," Jessica told Lisa, smiling at her. She turned to Jennie, "go on, I'll be in when I'm done."

Jennie poured them both a glass of wine before taking Lisa's hand and leading her back into the living room.


They all sat around the table, holding hands as they went around and said what they were thankful for. Really what they were all thankful for was each other.

Jennie was thankful for her adoptive family, her friends, and most of all, she was thankful for Lisa this year.

Lisa was thankful for Jennie, above anything else, but she was also thankful towards the Kim for making her feel welcome. Jessica had shown her what it was like to feel a mother's love and she was more grateful than she could explain.

And Jessica was thankful for both of her daughters, and for their girlfriends. Seeing them both so happy and in love made her think about her and Jeremiah when they were younger. She'd seen Rosé and Jisoo together dozens of times since they'd started dating, so she was used to seeing them laugh together and finish each other's thoughts.

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