Jennie nodded enthusiastically, happy for any excuse to spend some time alone with Lisa. They usually went out instead of staying in, sharing their favourite places with each other, with Jennie trying to ensure that Lisa did all the things she'd missed out on doing as a child. One of those things was watching Disney films, but somehow that didn't surprise Jennie. Lisa was probably too busy taking apart machines and trying to get Lillian's attention.

Lisa made a pot of fresh coffee whilst Jennie dragged her coffee table out of the way, replacing it with a pile made from every pillow in her apartment. She brought her quilt from her bed too, making a nest on the floor in front of the TV. Bringing two cups of coffee over, Lisa settled in next to Jennie.

"So what's first?" Lisa asked, looking at the TV. Jennie smiled and pressed a few buttons, bringing up the first film.

"The Fox and the Hound?" Lisa asked, her tone a bit sceptical. Her childhood hadn't left room for childish films, instead she'd been forced to take daily piano lessons and extra tutoring up until she'd been sent away to boarding school.

Jennie smiled widely, pressing play. She started writing something down as the film started playing.

'This was my favourite film as a kid, I used to want a pet fox because of it. When I got adopted by the Kim I moved to Midvale, it's a small town so there's a lot of fields and trees'

She waited for Lisa to finish reading it before erasing it and continuing.

'Rosé and I would spend hours walking around trying to find a fox so I could keep it. Pretty sure she thought it was weird but I was her new sister so she was trying to be nice'

Lisa laughed, of course Jennie would think keeping a wild animal as a pet was a good idea. They both turned their attention to the screen, as Jennie snuggled in next to Lisa, who looked down in surprise, quickly putting her arm around Jennie.

She was still getting used to having a girlfriend, it even sounded weird to say it, and Jennie was a very affectionate person. Lisa loved that about her, she was never afraid to take Lisa's hand as they were walking, or cuddle her like she was doing now.

Lisa was trying too though. She'd slowly become comfortable with the fact that she was in a real relationship, and she tried not to keep herself closed off from Jennie. Her past didn't really make it easy for her to open up to people, but she shared everything with Jennie. Lisa was also adamant that they take it slow, she didn't want to rush into things and risk ruining everything. Jennie meant more to her than she let on.


They watched the first film, and then Jennie put on Mulan, another childhood favourite. She mouthed along to all the songs, smiling at Lisa as she bobbed her head along to the tune.

By the end of the fourth film Jennie was starting to feel better. With the help of some more aspirin her headache was mostly gone, and besides throwing up a few more times, as Lisa held her hair back, she was fine.

After watching Beauty and the Beast, Lisa ordered Chinese food, hoping some potstickers might make Jennie feel better. They ate it on the floor, surrounded by pillows, as they watched the next film Jennie put on. This time it was Tangled, and she mouthed along to all the songs again as Lisa watched her, laughing.

Lisa ended up spending more time watching Jennie watch the films than she actually did watching them herself. She loved watching her facial expressions, Jennie's face would light up as she watched the happily ever after at the end of each film. She was like a little kid, and Lisa thought that maybe some part of Jennie still believed in fairytales.

They watched The Little Mermaid, and Jennie confessed that it had been her favourite since she had been in the car accident. Lisa didn't understand at first, but then she got to the part where Ariel traded her voice for legs and then it made sense.

It made Lisa sad. Not to say that whether or not Jennie could talk would have made a difference to their relationship, but Lisa would be lying if she said she didn't want to know what Jennie's voice sounded like. Or her laugh. Or want to hear her sing along to the songs in the films. Lisa didn't even know if Jennie could sing, she could've been the worst singer in the world for all she knew, but she still wanted to hear it for herself.

She also knew it frustrated Jennie sometimes when she couldn't get Lisa's attention from across the room, or she when she was trying to order food. It didn't bother Lisa though, she tried to be patient. She never wanted Jennie to feel like it was a nuisance for Lisa to have to figure out what she was saying in sign language, and then have to write it down in the end when it turned into an elaborate game of charades.

She thought about last night, when Jennie had signed 'I love you' to her. She hadn't brought it up, because either Jennie was drunk and didn't mean it, or she couldn't remember it at all. Either way, Lisa wanted to hear it come from Jennie's lips, and maybe that was selfish. Maybe it was selfish that she hadn't said it to Jennie herself, but wanted to hear Jennie say it as some form of self-validation. Lisa had no one who loved her, and she wanted someone to say it, and even more than that, she wanted it to be Jennie.

Jennie gently nudged Lisa in her side, bringing her out of her thoughts. She looked concerned, a faint crease between her eyebrows.

'Are you okay?' Jennie signed.

Lisa smiled, "yeah I'm fine, and don't frown, you're going to give yourself wrinkles," she said quietly, smoothing the creases away before she placed a quick kiss on Jennie's lips.


It was early hours in the morning. On the floor in front of the TV Jennie and Lisa were wrapped up in the blankets. They'd fallen asleep in the same position they'd been in as they'd sat watching Sleeping Beauty.

They were propped up against the pillows, Jennie's head resting on Lisa's chest, her glasses still on, and Lisa's head thrown back against the sofa, one arm still wrapped around Jennie. They both looked peaceful, their breathing slow and in sync as they slept on in each other's arms.

It was the first time one of them had stayed over.

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