"Ricky everyone else and I are coming over," Nini says into the phone. 

"W-What why?" Ricky asks. 

"You don't remember?" Nini asks. "You said we could come over last week," Nini says. 

"O-Oh well okay, uh see you guys soon, I guess," Ricky mumbles. 

"Okay, bye," Nini says hanging up. 

Ricky sighs to himself and he gets himself off the bed. He walks to the bathroom and changes his pad. "Where's his jacket," Ricky mumbles as he walks out of the bathroom trying to find E.J.'s varsity jacket. When he couldn't find it, he just put on a sweatshirt and some baggy pants. All he wanted was to cuddle his boyfriend right now. He walks downstairs and falls on his couch. 

"RICKY!!" Someone yells as they knock on the door. Ricky groans to himself and he stands up. 

"E.J. better be with them," Ricky grumbles as he opens the door. 

"Hey, Ri- oh my god are you okay?" Nini asks. 

Ricky nods and lets everyone in. He pouted when E.J. wasn't with them and he shuts the door sighing. "Where's E.J.?" Ricky asks. 

"He said he'd be over soon, he had some stuff to do," Ashlyn says. Ricky pouts more and he walks to his couch, he falls on it and Nini walks over to him. 

"You sure your okay?" Nini asks. Ricky nods and he sits up holding back a whine when he felt a cramp. 

"So, what should we do?" Gina asks. 

"We should play two truths and a lie," Carlos smiles. Everyone quickly agrees, well everyone but Ricky, Ricky just pulled his legs to his chest and watched as everyone started. 

The whole time Ricky was spacing out. He was in so much pain, he just wanted his boyfriend. Ricky heard the doorbell and he sighs as he stands up. He walks over to the door and opens it. "Hey baby," E.J. smiles soon realizing something. "Shit, it's today," E.J. mumbles. 

"It hurts," Ricky whines as he hugs E.J. 

"You'll be fine," E.J. says as he picks up Ricky. "We can go to your room and cuddle if you want," E.J. mumbles. 

"But everyone is here," Ricky sighs hiding his face. 

"I'll tell them you aren't feeling well," E.J. smiles walking upstairs with Ricky. He walks to Ricky's room and lays him on the bed. "I'll be back okay," E.J. smiles. Ricky nods and he gets under the covers closing his eyes. 

E.J. ran downstairs and he looks at everyone in the living. "Hey, guys," E.J. smiles. 

"Hey E.J." Everyone says. "Where's Ricky?" Big red asks. 

"Oh, he's not feeling very good," E.J. says. 

"Should we go?" Seb asks. 

E.J. nods. "I'll make sure to text you guys if he gets better," E.J. says as everyone stands up. 

"Okay, tell him I hope he feels better," Nini smiles as she walks out with Gina. 

When everyone was gone E.J. shut and locked the door. He ran upstairs and finds Ricky under his blanket whining. "Baby," E.J. says walking over to him. He lays next to him and quickly cuddles him close. "It will be over soon," E.J. mumbles kissing Ricky's head. Ricky hugs E.J. tight and whines softly. 

"It hurts," Ricky whines. 

"Just try to fall asleep," E.J. mumbles as he rubs Ricky's back. Ricky closes his eyes and he bites his lip trying to fall asleep. Ricky hugs E.J. tight and he slowly fell asleep. When E.J. noticed Ricky was asleep he chuckled softly and kissed his head. He soon fell asleep himself and the two cuddled through the day and night. 


"Pizzas here," Ashlyn smiles as she stands up and walks to the door. 

"Yes finally," Ricky cheers as he cuddles up next E.J. 

When Ashlyn came back into the living room Ricky grabs a piece of pizza and starts to eat. "So, what shall our topic for today be about?" Nini asks taking a slice as well. 

"Why not, our next musical?" Seb asks. 

"Oh yes, we should all make guesses, and then like say who would be good for what parts," Carlos smiles as he cuddles up closer to Seb. 

"Okay, who wants to start?" Gina asks. 

"Oh me," Nini smiles. "Okay, I think we should do like beauty and the beast, E.J. should be the beast," Nini chuckles softly making E.J. roll his eyes. "Ricky, Gina, or I should be belle, but I think Ricky would be a cute belle," Nini continues making Ricky blush softly. "Gina, you would be Gaston, cause you have a good voice and a girl version of gaston would be so cool," Nini smiles moving closer to Gina. "Carlos you and Seb would be Lumiere and Cogsworth," Nini smiles as Seb and Carlos giggle. "Kourtney, you'd be Mrs. Potts," Nini chuckles and Kourtney rolls her eyes. Nini was about to talk when Ricky's phone went off. 

"Oh, uh I'll be back," Ricky smiles as he picks his phone up and runs out of the living room. "Hello?" Ricky asks as he answers. 

"Hello, is this Ricky Bowen?" The voice asked. 

"Yeah," Ricky says confused a little. 

"Well I'm Dr. Meng, I saw your email, and we happen to have a spot open on a Saturday," Dr. Meng says. 

"Wait for what?" Ricky asks. 

"Your top surgery Mr. Bowen," Ricky's eyes widen and he stands up straight. Ricky ran outside, of course, getting a few concerned looks from his friends. 

"Um, What date is it exactly?" Ricky asks. 

"April 18th," Dr. Meng says. Ricky was on the verge of tears and his smile grows. 

"Okay, Um, you have my dad's phone number right?" Ricky asks. 

"Yeah, I plan on calling him after," Dr. Meng answers. 

"Okay, well, thank you very much, and uh bye," Ricky smiles. 

"Bye Mr. Bowen," Dr. Meng says and hangs up. 

"Hey, Ricky, you okay?" E.J. asks as he walks outside. 

"E-E.J." Ricky smiles quickly hugging him. 

"I-I'm gonna get top surgery," Ricky cheers. 

"Wait really," E.J. smiles picking Ricky up. 

"Yeah, the Doctor called, I'm gonna have it April 18th," Ricky smiles quickly hugging E.J. harder. 

"Baby," E.J. smiles and kisses Ricky cheek. "Right after our show too," E.J. smiles. Ricky nods and he looks at E.J. He kisses him and of course, E.J. kisses back. Well, things got heated until Gina came out and yelled at the two. "When are they gonna know?" E.J. asks. 

"Soon, but not now," Ricky smiles walking back in with his boyfriend. 



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