•-Chapter 1-•

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The shrieks and giggles from the children in the pizzeria roared over Freddy's train of thought. He was attempting to punch a family of four into Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria's waiting system, but he couldn't seem to punch the code into the system because of how loud the pizzeria was. Once he finally was able to dissociate with the loud screams of the children, he walked the family to their assigned booth.

Freddy exhaled as he walked back to the host stand. He pushed back his chocolate brown bangs as he huffed out a breath. He adjusted the black bow tie seemed too tight around his neck as he waved goodbye to a family that was leaving the pizzeria.

Working at the pizzeria was draining, to say the least. His father, Franklin Fazbear opened the joint while Freddy's mother was pregnant. Franklin named the pizzeria after their upcoming child and the restaurant took off. To Freddy, the only thing worth working at the pizzeria was his coworkers.

A group of teenagers walked into the restaurant with mischievous grins. Freddy silently groaned as he put on his happy face. "Hello! Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. I'm Freddy and I'll be your host today. How many are in your party?" His baritone voice rang out. One of the kids towards the front flashed a happy smile. "Six please." A kid in the back whispered towards his friend loudly, "Yeesh I would hate working here.. I'd gain so much weight.. Like him.."

Freddy's face flushed red once he heard the comment. "L-Let.. Let me-"

"Your table is this way." Bonnie smiles as he takes six menus out from underneath the table. The slim boy starts walking towards one of the bigger booths as the group of kids follow behind him. He turns his head back to Freddy and winks, mouthing "Thank me later." Freddy blushes and bites his lip to contain the smile that breaks onto his face.

Freddy checks the clock and notices it's about time for him to clock out. 'Probably why Bonnie came and sat those kids.' Freddy thought as he clocked out on the machine that rest on the host stand. He walked back to the kitchen, stopping by the door.

He watched a blonde mop of hair put three pizza's into the oven. That blonde mop of hair turned towards him, wiping her hands onto her apron. She saw Freddy and immediately smiled. "Freds!" Chica chirps, a hint of her southern twang soaking into her words. "I knew you were clocking out at one-o-clock sharp so I decided to make you a pizza! Pepperoni and black olive, your favorite!!" Chica purrs as she sets a timer for the pizza's in the oven.

"I probably don't need any pizza.." Freddy chuckles as he pokes his stomach.

"Oh please!" Chica rolls her eyes as she walks towards him, "You're gorgeous and I know you're hungry." She hip bumps him as she walks over to the fridge. She pulls out a water bottle and tosses one towards Freddy while she takes one for herself. Chica cracks open the lid and takes a sip from the head of the bottle.

"How was your shift?" Chica asks as she sits down on a bar stool by the main kitchen counter. "Eh.. loud and boring as usual. I'm pretty sure I just sat some kids from my english class though.." Freddy's voice trails off. He looks down at his hands, his mouth slowly turning into a frown.

Chica sympathetically looks at Freddy. She slowly stands up and puts a hand on Freddy's shoulder. Her voice is soft and welcoming, "Hey Freds... It'll be okay. Everyone has these poopy days. Everything will be okay." She smiles softly up at him.

Freddy looks down at Chica and smiles.

"Thank yo-"

"Holy Shit. Kids are fucking annoying!" Foxy cries out as he walks into the kitchen.

Freddy and Chica's attention is immediately directed toward the tall teenager in a pirate costume. "I swear if one more kid tries to put glitter glue onto my hook I will have an aneurysm." Foxy barks as he flops his back onto the wall. He crosses his arms and sets one leg up against the wall for support. He runs a hand through his dark crimson hair.

Freddy smiles at Foxy's attitude while Chica grins. "At least I made a pizza for you!" The blonde girl beams. Foxy perks up, "Mushroom and sausage and kapers?" Chica smiles softly as she goes to check the timer, "Of course."

Foxy rushes towards Chica, and in a blink of the eye he has her wrapped up in his arms. "Lassie' I love you so much!" He squeezes Chica tightly as she blushes and wraps her arms around him. "Er- YOu're so very- Ergh- welcome honey!" She wheezes out, "B-But yoU're kind of suffocatiNg me-"

Foxy immediately lets go, "Oops- Sorry Lassie." He blushes as he rubs the back of his neck. "But really. Thank you, I'm starving." He grins down at Chica. She smiles up at him and bites her lip. The two lock eyes, Chic's face flushes.

Freddy rolls his eyes, 'God. Can they just fuck already?'

The timer rings, interrupting Freddy's thoughts and Foxy and Chica's eye fucking. Chica grabs a pair of oven mitts and gets out the three pizzas.

Two of the pizzas are small -for the two boys in the room- and the other is for an order Chica had gotten earlier that day. Chica grabs a clean pizza cutter and gets to cutting the two small pizzas. She transfers the small pizzas to their own plates and pushes them to Freddy and Foxy. The two boys sit down at the counter.

Foxy immediately starts shoveling the pizza into his mouth while Freddy tentatively takes a bite.

Chica then cuts the bigger pizza into eight equal slices.

"Jeez, slow down Foxy-Woxy." Chica slyly says as she places the big pizza onto a serving tray. "God, don't call me that." Foxy groans, "It's bad enough to be called Captain Foxy constantly at the Pirate's Cove."

"Well Captain, please slow down" Chica rolls her eyes as she grabs the pizza and balances it on her palm. She starts walking to the door and walks out, a sway in her hips as she makes her way to the table that ordered the pizza.

Foxy's eyes follow after Chica, his mouth slightly open. Foxy's view is suddenly blocked by a lean figure standing in the door. Bonnie has a hand on his hips, his head almost hitting the top of the door frame. He has on a purple bow tie that matches his deep purple hair.

"Close your mouth Foxy, you'll catch flies." Bonnie quips as he walks into the kitchen.

"I was not- wasn't- My mouth wasn't fucking open!" Foxy blushes as he scrunches up his nose, crossing his arms.

Bonnie ignores Foxy's protests of "not" looking at Chica and rolls his eyes and smirks, "Well they need you in the Cove, Captain." A teasing tone in Bonnie's voice.

"Yah whatever." Foxy huffs as he puts his plate in the sink, walking out.

Freddy and Bonnie both turn to each other, two big grins on each others faces.

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