Strange Bedfellows

Start from the beginning

"Come here." Mike tossed the controller aside and let his fingers curl around the red belt. He tugged on it gently, being mindful to not pull too hard but trying to coax Chester down next to him. "We're alone, you know. It's been a long, long time since that happened."

Chester let himself be pulled, and a second later he was on the couch, pressed close to Mike's side. It would only take him tossing a leg over Mike's, and he'd be on his lap, but he refrained for the moment. "It has been awhile since we've been here alone. It's crazy how quiet it is right now." He shut his eyes as he brought their lips together for a short, succulent kiss. The light of the silent game screen flickering out in front of them.

They were so close, and Mike wanted more. His fingers were still hooked around the belt, and he pulled on it again while they kissed. He wanted the feeling of Chester's weight on his lap, pressing him down. There was no way to know how much longer they would be alone, if it would be an hour, or only minutes. He was ready to forget the coffee and haul Chester on top of him, but he remembered. He wasn't supposed to be the one in control. He needed to let his boyfriend decide what he wanted.

Mike kissed the corner of Chester's mouth before he leaned back a little, trying to read where things were headed. "Ches," he murmured, his voice almost a whisper, "maybe we should forget the coffee. You know? What do you think?"

Chester really wanted to say yes. He was in a good mood, and the day had been light and romantic. But he also really wanted coffee. "Tell you what," he said, straightening himself up a little, one hand on Mike's shoulder, "let's have coffee and then we can head upstairs...or stay down here, if no one's home yet."

It took every ounce of Mike's willpower to nod his head and let Chester go. "Sounds like a plan," he agreed, fighting to keep the tone of disappointment from his voice. He's gotten better at telling me what he wants. That's what I wanted, what we needed. I need to be better at accepting it and not getting frustrated. Mike stood up from the couch and followed Chester into the kitchen, and his eyes kept coming back to the red belt.

The coffee pot light went off and Chester poured their cups. "Grab the milk, would you."

"Already on it, babe," Mike replied, setting the carton on the counter. "If there's one thing I know, it's that you'll never drink your coffee black." His hand drifted over Chester's belt again before he reached for his own cup and leaned against the counter to watch as milk and sugar ended up in the other cup. I don't know how he drinks it like that. It ruins the taste.

"I can't take it with nothing in it. It's too bitter." Chester blew over the top of his cup before he took a sip. "Soooo good," he whispered in a silly voice, just to get Mike to smile at him. He was about to say something else, when he heard the front door, and the familiar sound of keys. "I think they're back," he absently pointed out as he turned, leaning against the counter so he could see whoever was going to come in first.

Mike looked toward the door, trying to hide his frustration as Ryan stepped in, followed by Jason. They were both in dark suits, which was unusual for Ryan, and Mike cocked his head to the side. His eyes slid down the front of Jason's suit, noting how well it fit and how expensive it probably was. Where have they been keeping suits in this place? I have no idea how they find anything. "Hey," he called, "where have you two been? You're all dressed up."

Jason walked straight in and dropped his wallet, keys, and phone on the bar, and looked at Mike while he loosened his tie. "We went to the symphony. It was excellent." He pulled on the knot until it came undone, then slid the tie off his neck and placed it on the counter. He was unbuttoning his collar as he glanced toward the bed and his eyes caught the frozen television screen. Huh. They really are playing a game. That's so weird.

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