The Disaster

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As Axel got out of his dad's car in front of the school building he turned around and waved goodbye to his dad as he lept up the stairs into the school building, a lot of people liked his dad because of his looks and his personality, apparently, after he turned 18 he had started to work out since he was fat when he was 18 and he had ended up with a pretty good build and had gotten a good job after graduation as a gym teacher up at a private highschool around the area. As his son, I followed in his footsteps and started making sure I was getting my nutrients and was still getting my daily exercise. I breezed through my morning classes like usual and as we were getting ready to head to the gym for physical education, I ran into the gym first and ran to greet my teacher and to ask him what we were going to do today. 

"Mr. Vesk what are we doing for gym today?" I ask eager to know 

"We're playing basketball today Axel, wanna be a captain?" Mr. Vesk said with amusement in his voice.

"Yes please!" I respond with excitement. 

As everybody crowded into the gym I had already gotten warmed up after shooting about 7 to 10 hoops in a row. Later on, Jake the big guy who usually bullied me with his goons was announced as the second captain and after we chose our teams we were going to jump for the ball. I grabbed the ball as soon as it went into the air and I dribbled down the court and passed to my teammate, I had chosen the people who were on the school team with me and we had already known multiple plays for us to do and as we passed back in forth I got the ball and jumped up for a slam dunk when I suddenly went higher than that and started flying up into the air. I yelled for help when I noticed it and I could tell that the others could also see me and was scared as well.

"Help! If this is some kind of joke this isn't funny!" I yelled as I floated through the air. As I said this I could suddenly feel myself dropping which wasn't good because I was like 15 to 17 feet up in the air, and I did all I could do which was scream, and that as when everything went black.

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