28. "Where do I sleep?"

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Pacing nervously, Jason had been waiting for about ten minutes at Conner's car in the parking lot specifically reserved for staff members. He really hoped no one recognized him and pulled the baseball cap deeper over his eyes. 'Had he ever sunk so low?' This was the place where desperate men made a last attempt to seduce Aegir's always hot staff.

The door of the back exit opened and three men in Aegir uniform stepped out. Jason picked out Conner without any problems. Involuntarily, he straightened his back under the staring glances.

"Hey, Conner? Isn't that your car?", one of the men chuckled at him. "Will you make this one cry too, like you did with all the others?"

Without taking his eyes from Jason, he grumbled: "Sorry to disappoint you, Neill, but that's my roommate, Jason. His parents had a car accident yesterday. I'm sure he's here to give me an update." The concern was audible in his voice. "See you tomorrow." To avoid further comment, he ran to Jason on a light trot.

"Is everything all right?", he asked studying Jason's expression.

"Yes, but Karen wants us to both sleep at home."

Not understanding, Conner shrugged. "You could have put that in a message."

"Mom sleeps in your bedroom. Which means you have to sleep with me," Jason stressed.

Conner's expression didn't change. "I'm sorry, but why did you come all the way here to tell me this?"

Jason stared at him. "I thought after our fight this afternoon that you would object to this."

Conner snorted. "You always forget that I grew up with three older brothers."

He chuckled as Jason took him suspiciously.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You'll find out," he said opening his car door and getting in. "Are you coming?"

A little shaken up, Jason nodded. He ran to his car to follow Conner into traffic.

Everyone, except CJ who was already asleep, was waiting downstairs in the living room. He saw them all looking up at the same time as he walked in with Conner.

"Are you already fully settled, Mom?", he asked worriedly looking at her bandaged arm and wrist.

"Yes, thank you, darling. Karen has everything under control," she said fondly caressing her daughter's cheek. "Just a little tired."

"I'm going to help you get to bed in a minute" Karen said, understanding the hint.

She got up and pulled Jason to the hall.

"How did it go?", she asked curiously.

"Too easily," he confessed.

"Do you expect problems?", she asked with an audible cautionary tone.

"I don't know," he said honestly. "If something happens, one of us can always sleep on the couch."

Together they walked back.

"Conner, do you need anything else from your bedroom before I go to bed?" Laura asked.

"No, thank you, Laura," he shook and threw Jason a defiant look. "I have everything I need."

"Gentlemen, can I get you a drink?", Conner asked as Karen helped her mother to bed.

"Give me a tequila," Duncan said of his shoulder.

"Make that two," Jason added.

From his place on the couch, he stared at Conner in the kitchen. Aegir's uniform looked outrageously well on him. In the shadows of the night he didn't get a good look at him, but in this light every muscle was emphasized.

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