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It was the day of the dance. Both sisters were fretting over their makeup, or, lack of makeup.
Blossom and Bubbles were just in a casual argument, just super casual. Blossom didn't want to wear makeup, Bubbles was keen on wearing it, but the argument broke out when Blossom didn't want to wear it and Bubbles wanted her to.
Pillows went flying across the room and soon both girls were tired. That meant that Blossom won, and Bubbles lost, as per usual.
The girls got into their dresses then sat down on their living room coach, they waited for the boys to come.
Once they too arrived, Brick looked up and down at Blossom, he was stunned, she was gorgeous.
Beyond gorgeous.
Even beautiful.
Maybe perfect.
Yes, perfect.
Blossom smiled, looking at him, and took his hand while he was still lost in his thoughts and dreams.
Not to specify what dreams, but you get the idea.
They two couples rode off in a car to school, both girls swooning for their couples guys.
Although it wasn't official between Brick and Blossom, everyone could guess so.
Once they got to the school gymnasium, Bubbles and Boomer waved goodbye to Brick and Blossom, leaving them to their own intents.
While dancing, a steaming, fuming, hot Beserk interrupted Brick and Blossom's funky dancing, it wasn't, let's just say that to protect their reputations. Beserk screamed, making all the students turn to her direction, absolutely horrified.
'SO YOU DUMPED ME, FOR THIS BITCH?' She shouted in Brick's face, Blossom ran to push Brick backwards, standing in a protective stance against Beserk.
'Don't talk to him like that you psychotic hobo.' Blossom pointed a finger at her.
'Oh, so miss goody-two-shoes poo is talking back. You can zip it honey, I'll get back to you tomorrow.'
'No, Beserk, you can zip it. Take it and suck it.'
Blossom hurled back at Beserk.
'I-I-I- FUCK YOU BLOSSOM UTONIUM!' Beserk ran off, crying like a baby.
'Damm, didn't think that would scare her off so quickly.' Blossom mumbled to herself. The whole gymnasium applauded, everyone was watching Blossom and Beserk's little argument.
She giggled nervously, and Brick looked back at her, the same way he did when she showed up in the beautiful red dress she wore.
They hugged each other for a long time, while everyone else shifted their gaze back to their previous actions.
'You know I like you a lot.' Blossom said, the words made her go red as they came out of her mouth.
'Yea I do.' Brick looked down at her.
'Do you wanna- like-like...'
'Be your boyfriend?' He continued her sentence.
'Oh, yeah.' She looked away from him for a moment, 'How'd you know?' She asked him, her eyes glossy.
'I guessed so. You know I've never actually realised how much I liked you.'
'Oh, I-'
'Have had a crush on me since like ages ago?'
'Yeah! What the hell? How do you know?'
'That motherfu-'
Brick broke her sentence with a kiss, 'Later.' He muttered to her.
And they lived happily ever after.
They ended up being together until school ended and they even went to university together.
Blossom ended up as a relationship therapist and Brick ended up a detective, helping other people solve crimes, and even got married after a while.

Yeeeeeeet! We finally finished it!
Thanks so much for this guys! I love you guys so much! And thank you for the reads! Remember to vote and comment! Tell me what you think and follow me!

LOVE YOU GUYS!!.!.!/!&: BYEEE 💕💕💕💕💕

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