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Blossom sat in the stupid lecture, her precious time wasting away, one second at a time. All she could hear was Beserk's crazy giggling, no, more like cackling, in the row below her. The couple was whispering away, chit chatting about things even Blossom would never dream of speaking to another person of. Luckily, Blossom already covered this topic in her notebook and in her text book the week before this lecture, so if the teacher had any questions, fire away!
Blossom tapped her finger, as a way to pass time, no one would hear her anyway. She sat at the back of the room, with no people next to her at all. With every stroke of the Lecturer's chalk on the huge blackboard, Blossom could hear 10 more words being exchanged between the couple. Blossom tossed her head and stared blankly into the wall into her mind.
Beserk was actually quite pretty, and all the makeup she wore was significantly unnecessary.
Was Blossom pretty like her? Not really, she was nothing compared to Beserk in her thoughts.
Beserk was smart, although she sometimes paid people to do work for her, or forced them to, but either way she got the job done, right?
Blossom? Other than straight 'A's and occasional 'A+'s, she was nothing to Beserk, like a drop of water in the sea. Beserk was popular, that she could admit, but her fellow 'minions' didn't really seem to like her.
Did Blossom mention she caught sight of her paying them for their 'services' the other day? Scandalous. Bubbles also told her how she heard them talking about her behind her back.
Bubbles always said Blossom was too humble and kind-worded, that was very much NOT true. Blossom felt not nice at times too! Like when Blossom asked for that 1 extra mark from the teacher to get past a grade boundary! That was completely necessary! Or when Buttercup got fed up with having broccoli for a month! Blossom still yelled at her! It was for her own good!
Other than the times when Beserk got 'physical', she was fine. Blossom could deal with it, the words meant nothing to her. Coming in one ear and out the other.
'Miss Utonium?Are you listening?' The lecturer waved at Blossom, snapping her right back to reality. Blossom blinked and saw all heads turn to her. Beserk had a smirk on her face.
'Y-yes.' Blossom said rapidly.
'I don't want to see you staring no more! Please focus or engage in discussion with someone nearby about the topic if you're so bored. Take Miss Plutonium as an example.' The teacher turned to Beserk.
Beserk turned pink, Blossom tried to hide her smile upon seeing this. The teacher just insulted Beserk. Damn.
'Unfortunately, Miss Plutonium over here has apparently gotten "too many detentions", the exact words of her parents, so I'm afraid Mr. Jojo, you will have to take the blame, and Miss Utonium will be staying after school in detention.'
Blossom grimaced at her words, as much as she liked this particular lecturer for her sneaky insults at Beserk, she was a super harsh detention-giver.
One peep? Detention.
Brick looked over his shoulder to give Blossom a wave, and turned back after seeing Blossom smile in response. Beserk saw this and made a face at Blossom.
The class was dismissed and everyone filed out of the room. A pair of hands covered Blossom's eyes as soon as she left the room. Soft hands, Bubbles. Who else? Not like anyone else would do something like this??
'Guess who?' Bubbles chimed, trying to do an impression to stop Blossom from guessing it was her.
'Hmmm... Bubbles?'
'Aww man! How did you guess?'
'I don't have many friends who'd do that you know.'
Blossom, unlike Bubbles, was not popular at all. A lot of the girls adored Bubbles over her cheery, and well, bubbly, personality. Blossom was more quiet and only spoke when she felt most necessary.
Blossom could easily see why the girls preferred her sister over her. She was just more talkative and outgoing, for Blossom? Not so much.
Blossom was kind-hearted and pretty like her sister but she never spoke more than she should.
Bubbles continued to walk with Blossom and talk about her relationship with Boomer. How sweet he was or what he did to make her feel so happy. It didn't bother Blossom one bit. It was so good to hear her sister talk about herself for once in her life. Bubbles was always the carer, the nice one; Buttercup the fighter, the tough one; but Blossom? She was just the leader, in the public view she had practically had no personality at all.
It saddened her but she didn't care, her sisters and her did what was right and that was what mattered.
Blossom got led into the cafeteria by Bubbles, who wanted a sandwich since she forgot to pack one for herself. They never came here normally because this was Beserk's territory, but Bubbles was famished and they just had to.
The pair slipped into the queue, avoid Beserk, but she made the first move.
'Well well well. Look what we have here?' The crowd parted for Beserk, who walked right through.
Bubbles almost yelped at hearing her voice and Blossom gulped.
'Fuck.' Blossom murmured to herself lowly.
Blossom tried to remove themselves from the situation but the crowd remained standing, not letting them get through.
Some haven't gotten the honour of getting to see a Blossom Beserk fight, and many weee trying to see what was happening.
'Trying to run?' Beserk was walking over even closer to them.
Blossom felt suffocated, she stood still, she felt like she'd faint any second. The tension was horrific, she just couldn't stand it anymore.
'No,' Blossom said to Beserk.
'So she talks.' Beserk groaned, she rolled her eyes. 'I'm just here to finish what I started this morning', Beserk had a sly smile on her face, she was planning to do some damage, not only physically, but emotionally too.
(A/N hey guys! please please please tell me you guys like this story since idk if i'm doing that well haha!
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