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Soon during the next few weeks Blossom and Brick got closer and closer... and closer and closer.
And Bubbles and Boomer rooted for them even more.
Bubbles sat crossed legged opposite to Boomer, who was getting more and more agitated.
'You're only nervous because you know I'll win this bet.' Bubbles giggled shrilly, placing $5 in a tin can that once held cookies in its previous life.
'Of course not! See, I'll even bet double!' Boomer shouted as he threw $10 into the can as if he had already won the bet.
It was supposedly quiet Sunday and Blossom had gone out of Townsville to visit Buttercup at her school. Bubbles and Boomer were coping by betting who was going to ask who first to the upcoming dance.
Their school always had weird dates for dances, formals and even prom. The times were out of the ordinary and at unusual.
'No no no! You've got it all wrong Boomie! You don't need to put $10!' Bubbles yelled as she chucked the $10 out of the can and at Boomer.
Bubbles got up and put her hands on her hips, standing victoriously. She betted that Brick would have to be the one who asked Blossom, no matter as friends or... something else.
And Boomer could only choose the other option, which was highly unlikely.
For all that they knew, the two were definitely interested in each other.
They could see.
Secret terrace meet ups.
Sneaky glances during lectures.
Not being to have a straight conversation with each before getting embarrassed (for some reason?), each to their own of course.
And the obvious, the obnoxious and annoying, and loud and UGHHHH! Just down right uncalled for.
Bubbles honestly had enough of it, so did Boomer.
'Brick this... Brick that.'
'Bloss this... Blossom that.'
Boomer stood up as he pulled Bubbles into a tight hug.
'Actually I do have some faith in your sister for her to ask my brother.'
'Sure. Keep dreaming honey.'
Bubbles leaned in as if to kiss Boomer and pushed him away at the last moment. 'We'll see.' She walked away as she tutted her finger at him.
Buttercup was doing great, both her and Butch.
Blossom was amazed at how her sister had changed. Her hair, longer. And the way she spoke... she just seemed so much more different than before she left Townsville.
Buttercup twirled her straw in her smoothie as she smiled cheerily, the smoothie mixed and turned as she did so.
'It's honestly so nice of you to visit me today. And now you have to get the train back. I wish we could see each other more often and easier huh.' Buttercup said, lifting her gaze on Blossom.
Blossom gulped a mouthful of strawberry milkshake down her throat, and nodded in agreement.
'Spill.' Buttercup made eye contact with Blossom, who was trying her ever so hardest to avoid it.
'-what?' Blossom choked on her milkshake.
'Well something is obviously bothering you. So could you please stop bugging me like this and tell me? And I'm assuming Bubbles doesn't know either?'
'Actually Bubs knows.'
'Ah, a real plot-twister.' Buttercup mocked sarcastically, before taking a small sip of her smoothie.
'Basically, Brick was dating Beserk before. As you remember before you left anyway. And then one day they kinda got a fight since Beserk fucked a bunch of other guys but after that Brick seemed to talk to me more-'
Buttercup leaned in, confused. 'Wait I don't get this story... This isn't a dilemma? Or a crisis?'
'Hear me out. You might recall but I had this crazy big crush on him before and I was so getting over it until he started talking to me again. Now it's this dance thing soon and he doesn't seem to have someone to go with but I want to go with him so bad but what if he doesn't get the message and thinks we're going as friends or even worse? He only thinks of me as a friend?' Blossom covered her mouth in fear and sat back.
'Bloss. Blossom!' Buttercup snapped her fingers quickly at Blossom, before speaking.
'I think you're overthinking it Bloss. This is really bad for you but I guess it shows how much you care. You really like him don't you.'
'Y-yeah. I guess.'
'Number one, be confident.' Buttercup leaned in and laughed in Blossom's face. 'Don't 'guess' be sure of yourself Blossy.'
'But I-'
'No 'but's! Number two, take initiative! If he doesn't say anything, don't assume he doesn't want to, doesn't matter if it's this scenario or some other random one. Take. Initiative! You never know what might happen!'
'Like ask him first?'
'Yes!' Buttercup's smile glinted, it's was unfair how Buttercup was having a better time than Blossom talking about it.
'Last but not least, number three! Just before Butch comes to get me. Be yourself. Don't let that bitch, Beserk of course, tell you what to do or not. And if she isn't interested in you now? She'll be on your tail at once when Brick makes a move... or you do.'
Buttercup stuffed her things into her handbag and took one last sip of her smoothie before the girls left the small cafe they were in.
A black car was parked in front of it, Butch walked out.
Buttercup and Butch intertwined their fingers and he pulled her into a kiss.
Blossoms envied them. Their type of love.
'Hey Butch, I haven't seen you in so long.' Blossom said.
'Yeah! How are older bro and little bro holding up? And you? Got with him yet?'
Blossom was super embarrassed. How did he know too?
'Don't get flustered Blossom. We all knew.' He laughed, and so did Buttercup.
Buttercup went over to Blossom and hugged her.
'See you next time Blossy. I'll miss you.' Buttercup mumbled quietly.
'It's alright.' Blossom coaxed.
Blossom lifted up Buttercup's left hand, which showed a shining ring on it.
'And, congratulations sis.' Blossom said, still bewildered from when Buttercup told her earlier. She hugged her again, even harder and tighter this time.
Before Butch and Buttercup left, Blossom pulled Butch aside and said, 'You better treat her good. I trust you enough to not do anything weird or reckless.'
'And back at you with my older brother.'
'Oh shut up, get in your car you idiot.' Blossom teased as she shoved him into the car and slammed the car door.
Blossom smiled as they drive away.
Be confident.
Take initiative.
Be me.
Easy right?

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