Chapter Two

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I woke up and felt something warm against my face. I opened my eyes and saw a black egg with red spirals on it. I screamed. Good thing my parents left early or the would've yelled at me for screaming so early in the morning. What is this? I poked it. Nothing happened. I sighed. It's not dangerous. I smiled and placed it carefully in my backpack. I walked to school, frequently looking into my backpack to see if the egg is okay. It took me like fifteen minutes longer walking than yesterday. I ran up the steps and bumped into Kukai.

"Yo Yuki," he said. I wasn't listening because I saw the cutest little thing ever. I got so excited. My eyes lit up.

"Kukai? What's that?" I asked. He looked at me and then the figure. He kept doing this for like five minutes. Then he grabbed my arm and headed towards the Royal Garden.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

"No!" he said sternly. He opened the door and led me inside. The rest of the Guardians were there.

"We have a problem," Kukai said pointing at me. I didn't listen but was looking at the other figures floating around.

"Kukai, you didn't answer me earlier," I said pouting. He laughed.

"Guys she can see them," he reported to the Guardians. They all got up and crowded me. I ran out of the huddle and stood right in front of the door. I was scared. Give me the strength to help me tell them to leave me alone! I heard a cracking sound and opened my bag. The egg hatched and inside was one of the figures. She flew up. The Guardians gasped in awe.

"Hi Yuki. My name is Sophie," she said. She had blonde hair and a white dress on.

"It's.... A Shugo Chara.....," Tadase said. I was confused.

"Shugo...... Chara.......?" I asked. Amu nodded. I frowned at her. Ever since I met her, I never really liked Amu. I turned and whispered to Sophie. She nodded and said, "Character Change!"

"I would like you to know Amu, I have never really taken a liking to you!" I said. They were all shocked. I changed back to my old self and covered my mouth. I cried and ran out of the room. Sophie followed.

"Sophie..... Look at what you did!!" I yelled. The feelings I never wanted anyone to know about were in the air. Sophie went back into her egg.

"Nobody will ever like me! Not the Guardians, not the teachers, not the students, not Kukai.....," I whimpered. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Tadase.

"What do you want?" I asked. He smiled and sat next to me.

"Seems like you already got of on a bad note with Sophie," he said. "By the way, this is Kiseki." A small king figure floated towards me.

"You are now a slave to the king, now do what I ask of you!" Kiseki demanded. Sophie must've 'Character Changed' again because this was not my character.

"Why must I?" I asked sweetly. Kiseki fumed and I smiled.

"I was wondering," Tadase said, "if you would want to be a Guardian?" Another Character Change.

"It's too much work for a dainty little thing such as myself," I said as I quickly covered my mouth and cried again. I looked at Sophie and she looked pretty guilty. Tadase looked at me and smiled.

"Sophie, what are you trying to help Yuki express?" Tadase asked. Sophie froze for a minute and then answered.

"I am her would-be perfect self. I'm trying to help her be more of a princess. That's what she wished for," Sophie explained. Kiseki and Tadase were startled. They both said at the same time, "You wanted a perfect self?" Sophie looked at me and Character Changed.

"Yes, is there anything wrong with that?" I asked. I looked at Sophie once more. Tadase and Kiseki shook their heads.

"Tadase, what is a Character Change?" I asked. Before he could answer, the rest of the Guardians came running.

"We have a problem," Amu said.

"Another X egg!" Nadeshiko explained.

"Come on. Yuki, I think you should join us," Kukai said. I blushed. Ever since I met him I've had a crush on him. I got up and followed the Guardians. I had no idea what they were going. They stopped running when they reached an empty construction site.

"Why are we here?" I asked. Yaya pointed at a black egg with a white X on it. Tadase nodded at Amu. She stepped forwards and said, "My own heart, unlock!" I didn't really understand what was going on but, she transformed into a person wearing a whole lot of pink.

"Character Transformation: Amulet Heart!" she said. I looked at Amu. She jumped and landed on the top of the construction site. On top I could see a figure, a boy to be exact. He looked like a cat.

"Ikuto," Tadase said.

"Ikuto?" I asked.

"Come on Yuki Character Transform with me!" Sophie said.

"How?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes.

"Believe and have courage!" she said. Believe........ Courage........ Those words rang in my head until I had a weird feeling.

"My own heart, unlock," I said and I saw a white light surrounded me. My school uniform changed into a white cloak with shimmering gold pixie wings and my ponytailed hair was now straight.

"Character Transform: Precious Flower!" I said. The Guardians looked at me. I looked at myself and smiled. Amazing.

"Come on Yuki!" I heard Sophie say. I nodded. I flew up and landed on the top of the construction site. I almost fell over while landing though.

"What are you doing here?" Amu a.k.a. Amulet Heart hissed. I rolled my eyes. The boy (Ikuto) looked at me and smirked.

"Looks like you needed some help today Amu," he said. He sounded surprisingly calm.

"It's not like I came up here on purpose!" I yelled. "I could care less about these stupid 'X eggs' whatever those are." Amu and Ikuto looked at me. He turned towards me.

"If you don't care why don't you join me?" Ikuto asked. Amu was shocked.

"Back away from her," she said. "Heart Rod!" A rod with two pink jewel hearts were at the ends. Ikuto smacked it out of her hands and Amu dove down to grab it. Ikuto looked back at me.

"Do you accept or not?" he asked. I stared at him for a while. I knew the answer I just didn't want the Guardians to know I was even talking to him so I left.

Heart Unlock (Shugo Chara Fanfic) [Under Editing]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora