A Visit To Manchester

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"Why didn't you tell me, Beck?" Cass asked calmly, yet with an icy tone.

"I was worried, I mean I don't want you or any of my friends to get hurt," Becky said. She sat on the ratty couch in Cass's house, while her friend lay sprawled out on a bean bag chair. She'd received a call from Cass about a half hour ago, asking her to come over. It had been two weeks since Marta had abducted Becky from the coffee shop, two weeks of angry, vengeful thoughts swirling through her mind as she exhaustively tried to get some kind of charge on Marta. She had been uncharacteristically silent and grouchy, and even though everyone had tried to reach out to her, Becky pushed them away.

Then there had been the fight with Cass. Her blue haired friend was extremely upset with her because Becky hadn't even told her what she had been up to, the warehouse investigation, and the ill fated coffee shop meet. And Cass had yelled that day, which was abnormal of her since Cass was the most chill out of her four friends. Becky had lost her temper, which wasn't that uncommon, but she had said some hurtful things to Cass. Becky was really upset over all that had transpired, but she absolutely would not let Cass get hurt.

Even if it means pushing her away, Becky tucked a long strand of her blonde hair behind her ear, as she looked at Cass. Her friend was wearing a black Jurassic Park tee, with blue jeans. Becky herself was in a dark blue cardigan, white tank top, black jeans, and soft yellow socks. Her long blonde hair, normally kept in a bun, was loose flowing around her shoulders. She had an attractive enough face, grey eyes, small nose with an imperceptible upturn, freckles, small lips and high cheekbones. Her pretty features, however, were in a slight frown. She glanced at her friend, concern on her face yet resolve.

Cass pursed her lips, "So you're trying to tell me, you're not going to let me come with you on any of your snooping investigations?"

Becky bit her lip, holding back her quick tongue for a moment. Contrary to what people, especially criminals, liked to tell her, she is capable of keeping herself in check from a quick word. Part of the time anyway. She debated Cass's question as her bf bit her nails, Cass's most annoying habit.

What to do.

Becky loved Cass, they had been best friends since they were in preschool. Becky would have done anything for Cass, literally anything. They had both experienced tragedy in their lives. The drugs, stressful overdoses, and constant rehabilitation of Cass's mom, and the death of her own father.
Becky couldn't think of anyone closer, whenever either of them needed a shoulder to cry on, to talk or hang out, they were always there for each other. But now, now it felt different.

She took a deep breath, "Yes, that's what I'm saying. It's too dangerous, Marta is obsessed with me, and I won't risk you or anyone for that matter. What if you or Dakota had gotten hurt the other day? I keep replaying that scene in my mind. I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you." Her insides quaked at the thought.

"Then give it up." Cass said emphatically, "Stop looking for Marta, leave it alone Beck. You know it's too dangerous now, you will be the one to get hurt, not me."

"You know I won't do that," Becky crossed her arms, "I will not rest until Marta Alfonsi is rotting in a jail cell." She meant every word she said, and knew Cass was aware of how she was. Becky had never been this angry in her life, a slow, bitter anger. Marta thinks she can possess me, does she? Over my dead body. I'll never slack off my investigation.

"Well I'm coming with you" Cass said. She bit her nail.

"No," Becky said, feeling sad, "You're not. I investigate on my own from here on out. Nobody is getting hurt on my watch. Least of all you or Dakota," she shifted in her seat, her longs cramping a bit on the tiny sofa.

Cass looked desperate, "Then I'll follow you around, I'll have Dakota and your mom keep tabs on you, and let me know where you go."

Becky steeled herself, then replied, "No, Cass. I said you're not coming with me anymore. I'll sneak out, lie, do what I have to, but you're not coming with me."

Cass's blue eyes watered a bit, "Don't isolate yourself, Beck. I care about you. Don't make me use the L word."

Becky's own eyes were getting a bit moist, Cass almost never cried, and it meant a lot that she was crying. I feel horrible doing this, but I see no other way. "I said. No." Becky put as much authority into her words as she could.

Cass's voice trembled a bit, "Please don't do this. Don't you care about your friends? I do," She sniffled, and Becky almost caved, but she couldn't.

"Cass you know I do, that's not what this is about. I'm not avoiding you, you're just not going with me on any investigations," Becky fiddled with her leather wristwatch on her left wrist. She could not meet her friend's eyes.

"Just go," Cass mumbled, Becky could barely hear her.

"What was that?" Becky asked.

"I said go!" Cass half yelled.


"Go Beck! I'm done talking," Cass's lips formed a straight line.

Becky shook her head, "Fine," She said shortly, she stood up and went to the door, slipping into her high heeled grey boots. I want to say more, like, don't you get it, Cass? I'm just trying to keep you from getting hurt. Cass wouldn't talk anymore though, Becky knew from personal experience. She gave a slight huff of irritation as she slid into her light grey pea coat, "You want to hang out at the mall this Saturday? Erin O'Malley is coming Friday night."

Cass stared off into space.

"Whatever," Becky said, finally losing her temper, "Don't come." She slammed the door behind her and stalked off to her car.


"Oh I love your hair."

Erin O'Malley smiled at the grey haired woman sitting next to her. A petite girl with a slightly curvy figure, Erin was five feet three inches tall, a tad short but she made up for it in her vivacious personality. She has long auburn hair, currently fastened in a long ponytail. Quick brown eyes bespoke of a high intellect, as she surveyed the kind grey haired woman next to her.

"Why thank you ma'am." Erin glanced back down at her laptop, then closed it. "I like your skirt." The older woman had on a long navy skirt, her favorite color.

"Oh thank you dear," the woman smiled thinly, "Are you getting off the train in Manchester?"

Erin's smile widened, as she thought of her friend Becky Carter, who she was coming to visit. Once again by train to boot. "That's the plan, I have a good friend up there, and I am so excited to see her." Erin clapped her hands together in a manner her boyfriend Brian referred to as 'adorable'.

"I'm sure. What is your name, young lady?"

"Oh I'm sorry, Erin O'Malley. I'm a college student down by Lakeside." Erin adjusted her own navy blue skirt with a white pattern she wore with white leggings, and a purple turtleneck. Her navy blue pea coat rested beside her, and her adorable purple flats completed what she considered a fashionable yet serious look.

"Lakeside? I've been there a few times, quite a bit when I was younger." The woman's smile turned a little haughty, and Erin almost frowned but stopped. She was a reporter, and knew how to keep a poker face.

"Really?" Erin queried, "What was your name? I didn't catch it."

The woman gave a light chuckle, "You can call me Mrs. Calder, I teach school at St. Paul's."

Erin didn't know her, but she attempted some small talk. After awhile they both grew bored and Erin opened up her laptop, checking to see what the latest news was in Manchester. Becky had insisted that they weren't going to be doing any snooping, but after Erin heard about Becky's coffee shop ordeal, she knew her friend needed some cheering up.

And possibly something new to take Becky's mind off Marta Alfonsi, she thought with concern.

It was announced over the intercom that the next stop was Manchester, and Erin excitedly got her things together.

Becky was going to be picking her up.


Unbeknownst to Erin O'Malley, she was being followed. A tall skinny boy with dark curly hair, a hooked nose, and hazel eyes kept a watchful eye on the young lady from Lakeside. He glanced down at his tablet, reading the latest article written by the vivacious redhead. His heart beat faster as he watched her chat with an older grey haired woman. She was so full of life! Lovely and poised, and absolutely cute. He watched her smile kindly at the old lady. She had even put away her laptop to talk to her! What kind of girl does that these days? Not many, he was sure of. He had been following her activities for quite some time, growing more obsessed every day. He felt a need to go up to her, maybe she would smile at him? He swooned a little at the thought of talking to her.

Or kidnapping her. His breathing quickened as he contemplated that particular action.

Erin O'Malley had a record for getting captured as long as his own rap sheet of petty crimes. Sure he was on parole, and sure if he tried something and got caught, well, he might not be out of jail for awhile. His uncle, The Urban Professional, might not bail him out this time. Maybe he could work for the Alfonsis. Like the UP would ever let that happen.

He smiled stupidly, what the hell, life was full of risks.

He texted his brother, who was following the blonde reporter Becky Carter. They had their eyes on two reporters, everything was in place.

Just about anyway, if she and she had done their part.


Rebecca Lillian Carter was late.

I'm never late.

This was completely unacceptable, she thought as she flew through a red light. A quick glance at the dashboard clock told her she was ten minutes late to pick her friend up. Dressed in her same winter attire but today she wore her more professional attire underneath, a black pencil skirt, charcoal grey leggings, a dark green blouse, and her black leather wristwatch. Professionalism is important. And it was totally unprofessional to be this late, though she knew she was being a tad silly, it wasn't a life or death matter. I still hate making my friends wait.

She finally pulled up to the train station, parked and made her way inside. Her high heeled boots pounding out clacking noises as she half jogged. She checked her watch, Fifteen minutes late, ridiculous.

Becky saw a familiar figure sitting on a bench with her luggage. "Erin!" she squealed.

Erin whirled around, her long ponytail swishing behind her. "Becky!"

They both hugged each other warmly, it didn't feel odd to Becky, and she could tell Erin felt the same. The two of them had talked quite a bit online, and both intuitively felt like they knew each other quite well, in spite of only meeting in person once before.

"How have you been? Sorry I'm late, the traffic like kept me forever. How's Stef? How's your family?" Becky smiled warmly at her friend as her tongue moved with a mind of its own.

"Whoa whoa girl, one question at a time." Erin smiled back. "I've been doing great, Stef's fine, and my family has been doing very well. I've been up to my usual stuff, you know, college, going out with Brian, and-"

"So that's who your friend is?" Mrs. Calder appeared quite suddenly beside them, which was a little odd how easy she showed up undetected, and interrupted them with a wagging finger, "Becky Carter causes more trouble in Manchester then any criminals she puts off the streets. If they are even criminals. Why, she tried to get me fired from my job!" Mrs. Calder growled.

Becky planted herself between Erin and the older woman, "Stay away from my friend, Mrs. Calder, and you can call me Miss Carter. I'm surprised you didn't try to tie Erin up!" A wild accusation, but I need to be on the offensive with this type of insanity, Becky thought.

Erin looked a little confused at the exchange, and Becky leaned over to her, "I'll explain later."

"Humpf, I bet you will." Mrs. Calder looked at Erin, "Stay away from the Carter girl, she's bad news."

With that Mrs. Calder turned up her nose and walked stiffly away.

"Oh my gosh Erin, I can't believe you sat next to her. I mean, that woman is a regular demoness. Don't worry though, not everyone in Manchester is crazy." Becky laughed a little, "At least I don't think so."

Erin grinned back, her clear face lighting up again, "Well, tell me all about it."

"I will!" Becky picked up one of Erin's suitcases, "Let's get out of here though, before anyone else decides to interrupt us."


Erin O'Malley studied her friend as they zipped from lane to lane in downtown Manchester. Becky was a fast driver, and seemed a little on edge.
While they drove, Becky had told Erin all about Mrs. Calder's nasty treatment of Isabella, one of Becky's friends who Erin hadn't met yet. Erin couldn't believe that went down in a school like that. She tried pulling up the video on YouTube, but discovered it had been taken down. Erin found herself wondering how her friend Bridget, who was also a teacher, would've handled the aftermath. It must have been embarrassing for Isabella.

They turned down Gibraltar Avenue, and Erin noticed a coffee shop on the corner, cordoned off with police tape.

"Is that the pla-"

"Yup that's it," Becky interrupted her quickly, "Marta drugged me and whisked me off to destinations unknown. A very helpless feeling. If it hadn't been for Owen and Amaya, I wouldn't be here," She finished somberly.

Erin shook her head, "Wow, Marta sounds as crazy as Dr. Lunas. I am so glad you got out ok, Becky." Erin reached over and gently squeezed her blonde friend's arm. "Marta may have gotten away with it for now, but I'm happy Becky Carter is still breathing." She smiled, and Becky glanced sideways at her, smiling back.

"Thanks Erin. And I'm really grateful you could come. I have a bunch of stuff planned, and none of it includes sleuthing." Becky's attention went back to the road.

Erin felt a little disappointed. Sure she enjoyed shopping and whatnot, but Erin O'Malley loved a good mystery, and the redhead knew her friend did as much as her. However she smiled as she said, "I look forward to it, Becky. I've been super excited about coming up here for a long time."

As they drove, Becky brought Erin up to speed on the latest happenings in Manchester, and Erin informed Becky of some of her latest cases, including a recent evil Santa Claus, and the infamous Maddie Midnight. Turned out Becky had read about Maddie Midnight, and she looked a little concerned when Erin told her about the kiss she'd unwillingly received from the catburglar.

"Be careful Erin, I definitely know what it's like to have a woman criminal obsessing over you. It's a tad unnerving." Becky cautioned.

"It is, but Maddie wasn't going to hurt us at least, not like that horrible Englewood. I still need to find her though, but it's difficult."

Becky nodded sympathetically as she said, "Very hard when there's not much to go on."

They arrived at Becky's house then. It was a white two story Victorian, with an attached garage. It looked a little old, but it was very classy and stylish. Dark grey siding with a white roof, trim, and shutters made it look classy indeed.

Becky pulled into the driveway and parked. "Here we are! I've been looking forward to you meeting Mom and Dakota!"

"Oh it's very nice, I can't wait to meet your family." Erin clapped her hands together excitedly. She had really been looking forward to this, and now she was here! Last time up here Becky's mom and Dakota hadn't been home, so Erin had only met Cass.


Gordon Trombone was filled with nervous, excited energy, like a man possessed.

Or obsessed.

The plans that had been made were in motion, and it would work, wouldn't it? He smiled at himself in the mirror, his slightly chubby yet classically handsome features looked good. He was really sorry it had come to this, but he needed to get her attention, and win her over. She had to see him for who he truly was, all these years of trying, and now this.

Good thing he and his accomplice were well versed in this next part of his plan.

She would see, because she had to.


After exchanging pleasantries with Mom and Dakota, Becky showed Erin around the old house while they waited for the pizza delivery for dinner.
While they ate, all three of the Carters regaled Erin with tales of the family, who had a bit of a history of snooping similar to Erin's own. After eating, all of them mossied into the living room.

"So, do you, like totally get tied up all the time like my sis?" Dakota Carter blurted out. She was in an oversized button up flannel shirt that had been Dad's, pink shorts and long white socks. Dakota's fashion style never made sense to Becky. Her long strawberry blonde hair was wildly not combed.
The three of them sat in the living room, Becky and Erin on the couch, with Dakota on the easy chair.

Becky glared at her sister, and Dakota smiled at her sweetly.

Erin merely grinned, "Well Dakota, it does happen from time to time, though not nearly as often as Becky." Her brown eyes settled on Becky.

Becky mock punched Erin, who laughingly elbowed her back.

Becky could tell Erin was enjoying her little sis. The Lakeside reporter had seemingly enjoyed meeting her family and interacting. Empty desert plates and two liters of pop were scattered about the living room while the girls chilled. It had been very relaxing, Becky thought her vivacious friend was enjoying herself. As far as her, well, her anger against Marta that was growing in the pit of her stomach, halted momentarily. She was truly enjoying herself for the first time in weeks. A B-grade action movie played on the tv while the girls chatted. Mom sat on the loveseat, her reading glasses on while she read a novel. It was a legal thriller. She wore blue jeans and an off the shoulder cream sweater. Her curly red hair was almost to her shoulders, but not quite.

Erin looked at Dakota, "So, what do you want to do when you get older?"

"Lawyer, definitely," Dakota said without any hesitation.

"Good choice!" Erin enthused.

Becky smirked at her sis, "Yeah Dakota would totally never make it being a reporter, too many professional clothes."

"Yeah right! Lawyers wear pro clothes too!" Dakota threw the closest throw pillow, missed Becky, and accidentally hit Erin.

"It's on!" Erin shouted, and all three of them began throwing pillows.

Everything went fine until Becky missed and hit a lamp, which resulted in a massive amount of giggling, but they decided to quit after that. Becky suggested they watch a scary movie, but they ended up chatting while watching some reruns of MacGyver. Dakota fell asleep halfway through, and Mom got up to head to bed at that point.

Mom glanced over at Erin, smiling, "It was very nice meeting you, Erin, I'm happy Becky has a friend with similar interests. I always felt my daughters should pursue whatever interests them. So seeing you help her out with that interest makes you immediately likeable."

"Wow Mom, pretty blunt, even for a Carter," Becky said.

Erin smiled back at Mom, "It was very nice meeting you too, and your daughter and I get along very well, I just need to teach her a few escape techniques."

"Yeah right, girl, you're the one who needs the training."

Mom grinned at that, then with a "Goodnight" headed off to bed.

Afterwards the two of them decided it'd be best to head up to bed, even though it was still early, and have some heart to heart girl talk. Becky led her friend upstairs, and showed her the bathroom. While Erin changed, Becky put on her Hello Kitty pajamas, and flopped down on the air mattress she had set up earlier. Erin entered the room a few minutes later. Becky saw her frown slightly, "You didn't have to give me your bed." She protested.

"Nope." Becky shook her head stubbornly, "Carter house rule, always give your guest the best. Something Dad taught me. And besides you can't make me move." She finished sassily.

Erin laughed lightly, "You might be surprised there, girl. I'm quite the fighter. Irish roots and all that," she winked.

Becky smirked, "Yeah but you'd be going up against Carter blood, which runs hot and we can be ever so tenacious." She felt lighter then she had since her abduction. Becky was so happy to have Erin here. It was nice not to think about investigating criminals for once.

"Uh-huh. Guess we'll never know. Love the jammies by the way, never figure to see professional reporter Becky Carter in Hello Kitty," Erin teased. She threw herself down on Becky's bed, her ponytail swishing.

Becky felt herself blushing, "Heeeyyy, I love Hello Kitty, and I don't have to dress professionally all the time. Besides, you probably wouldn't get tied up as much if you dressed like I did. Because you clearly get tied up more than me."

"I have a feeling this will be an ongoing argument, because you, Becky, clearly are the one getting nabbed by crooks. It's the heels." Erin toyed with the quilt stretched out on the queen mattress.

"Is not!" Becky disagreed, but she couldn't help but smile. "I still say you are caught far more often. Have some wine," Becky said the last quite suddenly, wanting to get the last word in about who got tied up more. She jumped up and grabbed the bottle off her dresser, then poured Erin a glass. She poured herself a glass, then sat down on the air mattress.

"Maybe Cass and Stef will have to decide. So, tell me all about Ethan. I know he's handsome, going by the pic you posted on Facebook. What's he like?" Erin asked.

"Well aside from good looking, he has money, he's very ambitious about his medical career, extremely polite, but he's just so...." Her voice trailed off.

"Yeah?" Erin queried.

"Boring," Becky finished.

"Boring? Like, really, girl? How picky are you on guys? If he's nice, handsome, wealthy?"

"Too picky I know, but I'm like, totally not sure how he feels about my investigative reporting either. He thought the Macy's incident was cute, but was very quiet about my run in with Marta. I like him, but I'm not totally sure yet," Becky said. She normally knew exactly what she wanted in a guy, and was very no nonsense about it. "How has Brian been about your 'occasional' imperiled situations?" Becky's hands moved with a mind of their own as she talked, it was a longtime habit.

"He's been very supportive, I'm very grateful to have him." Erin said as she took another swig of her wine. She drained it pretty quick.

"That's awesome, I promise I'll head down that way sometime soon so I can meet him and your family. Cass wants to go down there and meet Stef for an art convention of some kind. Maggie's old friend is one of the curators, I hear."

Erin looked at her, "Speaking of Cass, surprised she isn't here tonight."

"Yeah, Cass and I had a pretty big disagreement earlier this week. We haven't spoken in two days." Becky sniffled a bit, surprised at how fast her emotions changed, but she was under a lot of stress, and she felt like sharing with Erin. "I've been such a grouchy bitch, Erin. I am sooooo stressed out. Marta Alfonsi counters every move I freakin' make, seemingly anticipating everything. I haven't been able to get a shred of evidence on her, and I am so worried about everyone I care about. What if Marta comes after Dakota? Or Mom? Or Cass? I'm used to being the strong one for people I care about, being the dependable shoulder for them to lean on. Now I feel so vulnerable." Becky played with her wine glass, "I've been so angry, at myself, at Marta, Chief Cooper, the world in general."

Erin did something unexpected then, at least to Becky. She set her wine glass down, then went over and sat down on the air mattress next to Becky. She gently took her hand. "Listen, Becky." She said softly, "I understand what you're going through. You are a wonderful friend and person, and I have really enjoyed getting to know you. You're too hard on yourself, you can't solve everything on your own. Sure you're strong, but you need friends. I don't know what I would do without Stef and Brian, I imagine I would be grouchy like you mentioned earlier. An extreme grouch with red hair." Erin emitted a soft chuckle. She turned serious again, "You are strong, like you said, and you will pull through, with my help and your friends and family."

Becky wiped her eyes, "Thanks girl, you really are too kind, here I'm supposed to be the accommodating hostess." She laughed a little.

Typical Carter, Becky thought, cry one minute laugh the next.

Erin smiled, "Just don't cut off your friends, Marta may have held you against your will, but don't let her hold your relationships hostage too." She got up and grabbed her wine glass. "And remember this moment if I ever need cheering up. Because we all need it from time to time. Speaking of which, isn't it about your turn to come to Lakeside? I want to be the hostess," Erin slammed the rest of her wine, then poured some more.

Becky grinned, Erin wasn't the best at holding her liquor. She felt better, and had a strong urge to talk to Cass. However, she opened her mouth to give an excuse about not going to Lakeside, then stopped.

Her phone began ringing, and Becky leaned over, checking the caller ID.

Speaking of Cass.


Cassandra Fair felt the cool anger build ever since Becky slammed the door on her way out two days ago.

This was ridiculous.

Cass is normally as chill as they come, provided no one dangles a spider in front of her, but the way Beck was acting was beyond stupid. They were best friends, for hell's sake, would always be, and here Beck was trying to shut her off from Beck's most passionate thing. That thing being, why snooping of course! Cass smirked at the thought of her blonde friend protesting at calling it snooping. It is what is, as far as Cass was concerned.

Which was why she was currently kneeling by the dumpster at the mall. Not the crappy mall in her neighborhood, the one over on Fourth St, in the richer section of Manchester. Recent rumor was, there was a new store at the mall, and it wasn't even a yoga or a foot massage place. Nope, rumor had it a new perfume place had set up shop, with a mysterious woman who dressed in long flowing green robes while wearing a ghoonghat, which was like a scarf, over her head. Supposedly she didn't say much, and sold some weird, mysterious perfume that was supposed to fix broken hearts and all the bullshit mall people try to sell you. Cass doesn't take crap from no one, and she can normally see right through them. Becky on the other hand, while she could read people even better than Cass, well, she was too nice. That's why Beck needed her. Although truth be told Beck could read anybody pretty much, and could almost always tell when someone was lying. Her lower lip trembled a bit at the thought. Cass was an only child, and Beck was the closest thing she had to a sister. Their big argument the other day had shaken her. She couldn't stand the thought of her best friend not including her on her investigating runs. Who would look after her peril prone friend? One of the many things Cass loved about Beck, was she did not discriminate. Cassandra couldn't even name all the times people had snubbed her, either because of her clothes or social class status. She was considered white trash by some, her dad had a dead end job pouring concrete, her mom a prescription drug addict. Cass herself had tried two years of community college, then dropped out. But dear Beck. Beck never judged her, never looked down on her. She was simply Cass to Beck, and Cass loved her most of all for that.

Cass tucked a strand of her blue hair behind her ear, breaking out of her reverie. Now she was at the mall, and chill time was over. She's a bit lazy, she knows, but what the hell, no use getting worked up when it wouldn't do any good anyway. Something she constantly reminded Beck about.

Tonight though, instead of going over to Beck's house and chilling with her and Erin, Cass wanted to do her own snooping. Besides they hadn't spoken since the other day. Cass was damn sure of one thing though, if she could get a little bit of dirt on this mysterious vendor she knew Beck would be on board to check it. She knows Becky Carter very, very well. A mystery is one thing her bff would never be able to resist. No matter what happened, Beck would always be interested. So Cass would deliver, and hopefully cheer her friend up.

She entered the mall via the double sliding doors, and headed for the mall map. Cass could use her phone, but she was an old fashioned girl, and preferred the comforting reminder from her childhood. Five minutes later she was approaching the so called Perfume Palace, where the local yahoos said some weird shit was happening. Cass's tall black leather boots squeaked in protest as she walked, her leather skirt and tights of the same color, didn't exactly make her a fashion plate. A blue shirt with The Clash plastered all over it and a black vest was her wardrobe choice for tonight. Her shoulder length blue hair hung loose around her face, with black lipstick and eyeliner completed what she thought of as one of her best outfits. Her favorite black choker collar decorated her throat.

This new store felt weird to Cass, and she's seen some crazy shit in her day. Long strings with beads obscured the entrance, the glass windows completely covered by walls of them.

She shrugged, what the hell, might as well go inside. Cass parted the beads to discover quite an eye full.

She stopped, staring.

Objects that had to be from all over the globe met her eyes. Various spices, herbs, boxes of tea, candles. All of it bathed in a dusky, slightly smoky atmosphere. All of the goods were on shelves that went up to the ceiling, and shit hung from the ceiling itself, most of it Cass didn't even recognize. She is not naturally nosy, so she barely gave it a glance. Cass did notice the perfume. Literally thousands and thousands of bottles of perfume. They looked out of place with the tone of the store, Beck would have a field day with how off it was.

"Can I help you?"

Cass whirled around to see a woman, or it sounded and looked like a woman, behind the cash register. She was in a long, green hooded robe with yellow trimmings. A dark green veil hid her face, and the accent emanating from it was off, somehow. It was sultry in nature but the exact accent indecipherable to her ears. Cass was never good with placing accents.

"Ummm yeah?" Now that she was here, Cass had no idea what to say. Why are there weird rumors circulating about your store? She needed Beck, her friend would know what to do, what to say. Cass had never had to say much with motormouth Becky around.

The woman's hand moved, hitting something, and a recorded voice began playing in a distinct Indian accent rolling the 'r's' in exaggerated fashion, "Perrrrrfumes, potions, even morrre. Come and see, come buy a solution to fix the prrroblem with a lover, to win that job interrrview, imprrress your boss, and so much more...."

The voice droned on, but Cass was no longer listening, instead staring at the motionless woman, who Cass couldn't tell what she was looking at.

She shivered just a little, finally thinking of a question, "So, would you have a perfume, say, something that could impress a huge, hunk of a guy." she was referring to Johnny Boy, her boyfriend she had recently broken up with then got back together again.

It was then that Cass saw it.

Over where the large display window, a small fish tank, with the biggest goddamn tarantula she'd ever seen! Cass's words died in her throat, and her limbs seized up as fear threatened to engulf her, overwhelm her.

She got a grip on herself and started to run for the entrance.

Two steps away from parting the beads and getting back into the busy, cheerfully busy setting of the mall, and a steel roll up door with a grid pattern crashed down in front of her.

"No!" Cass shouted, yanking at the gate. She opened her mouth to scream again when a hand clamped over it, muffling her cries to any would be rescuers.

"Sleep," An open bottle was held up to her nose, and Cassandra Fair instantly lost consciousness.


How long she was passed out, Cass had no idea. As she gradually came to she realized, not surprisingly, she'd been tied up.


She moaned, her voice blocked by something.

Great. A gag too.

Calmly, she glanced around the room, looking over her situation. Her wrists had been tied in front of her with thin cord, then yanked up over her head and pulled down to just behind her neck. A rope from her waist kept Cass from pulling them anywhere. So it probably looked like she had her hands behind her head in a casual pose, 'cept it wasn't. Her ankles had been tied and folded under her then connected to the same waist rope that held her wrists tightly against her neck.


Cass tried to explore the inside of her tongue, but found it was impossible with the dirty cloth stuffed in there, and a string of beads had been tied around her head to keep it in place. It effectually cleaved her lips shut over the rag, the beads digging into her skin.
She shifted experimentally, wanting to test her limits, no sense getting pissed off. This was a simple but effective tie, she realized, and no way in hell would she get out of this without help. Her phone was gone, the knife in her boot, a trick she got from Stef, was completely unreachable.

Damn it.

"Sssmmmmm hllllmmmmppp!" Cass shouted, then listened intently. No noise. From what she could tell, she was in some sort of utility closet, a lone bulb lighting the room. Metal shelving with cleaning supplies was in front of her, while she was propped up against the wall. An idea occurred to her, what if she waddled over to the shelves, and tried to spill some cleaning liquid on her wrist bonds. Maybe that would loosen them enough to wiggle free? It was worth a shot.

Cass grunted as she spread her knees out, the better to balance herself, then began frog walking.


Becky picked up the phone, then hit talk, frowning as she did, because Cass usually texted her.


"Hello," The voice was flat.

Definitely not Cass.

"Where's Cass?" Becky demanded.

"Two girlies who think they're real crimefighters? Becky Carter and Erin O'Malley, I've been following you two for some time, and tell me, do you have what it takes?"

"What have you done with Cass?" Becky gripped the phone, feeling the familiar rush of adrenaline.

"Nope. Start at Fourth Wall Mall. Your Cassie got into some trouble, better come rescue her!" the caller hung up.

"That voice was definitely feminine," Erin stated.

"I agree, and the accent was American, but she was speaking through a cloth or something." Becky checked the time on her phone, the mall was about to close. "We've gotta hurry!" Becky said urgently.

Erin nodded and went to change. Exactly nine minutes later, at least by Becky's watch, they were strolling out to the car. Erin was in a navy blue turtleneck, black miniskirt, blue tights, and purple flats with navy bows. She looked adorable with her long red hair, tied back in a ponytail. She wore a Mets beanie with her navy blue peacoat. Becky crawled in the driver's seat, smoothing out her skirt as she did, and fired up her car, realizing she should have started it first thing after the call. She was in a maroon turtleneck, black leather lady's watch, dark miniskirt, light grey tights, and her grey pumps with the red bows. Her grey peacoat and matching beret completed her ensemble, and Becky backed out the lane, then floored it in drive. It was a crisp night, clear and cold. Stars twinkled but where lost in the light of Manchester.

Tires squealed and out of the corner of her eye she saw Erin grinning.

"You are a fast driver, girl," her redheaded friend said.

Becky smirked as she replied, "True, but this time it's valid."

"So I'm guessing we shouldn't do the sensible thing and call the cops?" Erin asked, she straightened out her tights.

"Nope. I'm more than a little pissed at Lieutenant Cooper, and is on leave anyway, and I don't have anyone else as a contact. I don't trust the rest after Marta's phone call. Besides, aren't I talking to the Lakeside sleuth that has a Chief of police dad and yet never contacts him?" Becky asked teasingly.

Erin's face flushed a bit as she said, "First, Becky my girl, he lives in Eastport, so even though he's close, I can't call him for every little thing. Besides, I'm an adult, I can take care of myself. Most of the time," it looked to Becky she was blushing a little more.

Becky held out her hand for a fist bump, "To professional lady reporters. We may get in trouble from time to time, but we always get out."

Erin bumped her fist in return and the two smiled at each other.

"We're quite a bit alike, Becky," Erin said as she adjusted her skirt, "At least in our basic desire to pursue the truth," here she paused to grin a little, "I mean somebody's gotta stop the bad guys, right?"

"Absolutely!" Becky enthused as she spun the steering wheel.

Erin gripped her seat, "Geez, it's not a racing session, we need to get there in one piece."

"You mean you don't drive like me?" Becky smirked as she said this.

"Hate to break it to you, Becky, but if you want a long, fruitful life as a girl reporter it'd do you good to slow down a tad."

"Hmmm, I'm a good driver though! I mean, like totally good."

Erin snorted at this, and Becky laughed a little.

They continued chatting as they drove, a helpful distraction from the guilty feelings Becky had about trying to distance herself from Cass earlier this week. It wasn't fair, really. And now her friend was in trouble on top of it all. No sense getting depressed though, her and Erin were quite resilient. They arrived at the mall, parked and made their way to the entrance. It was close to the mall's closing, so they would have to hurry if they were going to find any leads.

"What's this?" Erin asked as they went through the double sliding doors. She knelt down and examined a slight lump under the rug.

Becky was distracted about Cass, so she hadn't seen it, but Erin's sharp eyes certainly had. Her friend pulled up the rug to reveal a black choker collar, with a sticky note stuck to it.

That's Cass's choker! Becky thought worriedly.

Erin stood up and the two reporters leaned in close, heads almost touching as they glanced over the note, which said: So the two famous reporters found the first clue? How well do you know Cass? Can you find the next one? Tick tock, Cass is waiting.

Becky stared at the elegant handwriting, "This handwriting is familiar, like someone is trying to disguise it."

"Really?" Erin O'Malley arched her eyebrow, "Who?"

"I'm not sure, I like to pride myself on my good memory, but it's been some time since I saw it." Becky checked her watch nervously, "C'mon we've got to keep moving."

"It says, 'how well do you know Cass?', any clues there, Carter?"

"Let me think O'Malley," Becky retorted as she held a finger up to her chin, "Let's check here."

She dashed over to the mall map, "Cass always looks at this."

Erin looked it over as well. Another sticky note stuck to the glass said,

See, you two aren't as smart as people give you credit for.

"The nerve!" Erin stamped her foot, her long ponytail swishing. She adjusted her skirt a bit.

In irritation Becky swiftly plucked the note off the smooth glass, "This person certainly is arrogant, but they must be familiar with Cass and me."

"That's a tad creepy, I can definitely relate with some of the weirdos I've come across. Where else does Cass usually go?"

"Like she likes to say, vidya games."


"Rrrmmff!" Cass grunted as she searched blindly for the cleaning liquid. She calmly and methodically searched along the shelf, reaching out with her blue colored nails as far as possible. The restraints were tight, whoever had tied her up certainly knew how, but then again most times they did.
Beck seemingly always knew how to pick a captor, and she did too apparently.

Her nail nicked plastic, and she tried to grab the gallon sized bottle.

Just at that moment the door opened, and Cass saw two people approach, both in ski masks and wearing black.

"I thought the Perfume Lady said she'd be out for a couple hours." A young male voice said.

"Who cares? Knock her out." This voice was female.

"Wmmmnn?" Cass mumbled, but one of them grabbed her bound wrists and held a rag over her mouth and nose. She couldn't turn, yet she tried to say, Let's talk this out, yeah?, but muffled gibberish was all that she could manage.

Sucks to be you, Cass thought.

The sickly sweet fumes invaded her nostrils, and her movements began to weaken. It was never as fast as in the movies, but she felt herself slip away albeit slowly, into unconsciousness.


They had checked the video game store, and in a copy of a Doom video game they had found the next note. Now they were headed to the game room, a place where people liked to play board games like Dungeons and Dragons. Becky was getting antsy, and she was walking very fast, her tights clad legs moving with a mind of their own. She checked her watch again, nervous they wouldn't have enough time. She was also talking non stop.

"So I like told Ethan about it, you know? And he was totally understanding, because he's soooo kind, boring, but super nice. And I'm going to buy this new dress to wear for our next date, he likes white, so I'm thinking a lily white dress, with black heels and nude pantyhose. What do you think? Do those colors match? Do you wear dresses with Brian? You would totally rock a dress, O'Malley. Red hair, in a green dress? You'd look great girl. I me-"

"Becky," Erin put a gentle hand on Becky's arm, stopping her from her fast pace while simultaneously holding a hand up to Becky's mouth, preventing her from speaking. She smiled softly at her, "Just calm down a bit, will ya? I know you're nervous about finding Cass, and nervous about the mall closing, but we'll find her, I'm sure of it."

Becky nodded as Erin removed her hand. She gave her friend's arm a soft squeeze, "Thanks girl, you're awesome. The calm to my hyper nervousness."

Erin smiled as she said, "Exactly, we balance each other. Now let's pick up the pace."

They did just that, breaking out into a jog.

"Here we are," Becky announced as the store came into view.

There was no one inside except a pretty young black woman with glasses and a Doctor Who tee shirt and blue jeans. Her hair was shoulder length and curly.

"Store's closing," She announced when she saw Becky and Erin enter.

Becky folded her arms across her slim chest, "Listen, my friend's in trouble, and to find her I need to look around here for a clue to her whereabouts. It's a long story, but trust me on this. My name's Becky by the way, a reporter at Manchester Daily Times, and this is my friend Erin from Lakeside, she's also a reporter." She said all this in one breath. You've always been a fast talker, girl, but this might take the cake

The girl looked at them in confusion, then frowned, "Did you not understand me? The store is closing."

Erin put her hands on her hips, "Did you not hear my friend'? Our friend is missing and in trouble, we need to look around."

"I'm calling the manager." The girl moved to pull out her phone.

Becky and Erin looked at each other seriously. We have to convince her. I think a dual reporter effect might work, we're both talkers.


"Alright, have a look around," the woman said, after Becky and Erin had done quite a bit of convincing. She even offered to help, and the three of them began searching.

"So far no tie ups for us. It is nice to be rope free on a case, for once," Becky said.

Erin smiled, "Yeah it's awesome! Doesn't happen too often, especially with you," she flipped her ponytail as she teased Becky.

"Ahem, that'd be you, girl. Who was tied up in an adorable Santa style outfit? Erin O'Malley! Who spent part of Halloween dressed as Daphne and tied up like her? Erin O'Malley!" Becky laughed as she said this, because Erin was blushing.

Erin's blush faded a bit as she pointed an accusatory finger at Becky, "Who was the one that turned a shopping trip with her little sis into a 'let's be heroes and stop the burglars' route? Or why is it every time I come to Manchester I get tied up? Hmm?"

"Let's check the D&D games first." Becky said, sounding just a tad bossy.

Erin said nothing but went over to some other games, ignoring Becky's demands.

Becky shrugged, whatever. Why it struck her suddenly, Becky wasn't sure. She felt jealous of Erin. Her friend had no idea how nice she had it. Erin's dad was still living, who was a cop, as well as her brother, she had a very supportive boyfriend, and Erin was whip smart with a mother who had experience in journalism. Becky had lone wolfed it on her occupation, as a reporter, with her mom and grandma being a lawyer and private detective, respectively. Becky was by no means a slouch in the brains department, but Erin did seem to have it pretty nice. She shook herself from her reverie, back to the search. It was in a Risk game that Erin found the next note, which simply said, The Perfume Lady. Becky felt another pang of jealousy that she hadn't found it.

Stop it, I'm being really juvenile.

"The Perfume Lady?" Erin frowned, "Never heard of that one."

"I've heard a few rumors from some of my contacts, but it was quite vague."

"I know who that is!" the black girl said.

"You've heard of the Perfume Lady?" Erin asked.

The girl nodded.

"Who is she?" Becky queried.

The employee looked thoughtful, "I just know she's set up shop in the abandoned foot massage parlor. Not much more then that, sorry. She's a real creep though."

Becky tapped her chin, considering.


"I'm glad that girl believed us," Erin said.

"Me too. She seemed to think this perfume lady is weird as well, so we shouldn't get in trouble."

They were approaching the old foot massage place, which had rows and rows of beads decorating the entrance.

Erin paused, lightly gripping Becky's forearm, "Do you think we should just rush in there?"

"We can at least ask a few questions, I mean, I've got my taser." Becky patted her purse for reassurance.

Erin didn't look that convinced, "Uhhh, didn't you have one with Marta too?"

"That was different. She gave me drugged coffee." Becky marched right inside, shrugging past the beads, Erin right beside her, grinning slightly.

"We are quite a bit alike," Erin whispered.

"Oh we totally are similar," Becky agreed.

They were greeted by the same sight Cass had seen earlier. No one was in the room, but there was plenty of junk scattered about. Becky spotted a box on the floor that said, LlamTech, where innovation meets creation. She frowned slightly, remembering a story she had read somewhere about some shady allegations made against the company.

"Becky, look at this," Erin held up a phone, her brown eyes wide, it was Cass's phone to be exact.

"We found the right spot," Becky put her hands on her hips as she gave the room another once over.

Behind the cash register was a door that lead into a hallway. Becky knew this mall had a series of connecting hallways that ran throughout the whole mall. There were small rooms connected to the hallway that was used for storage. It was an experimental idea for a new mall design.

"Let's check it out," Erin suggested.

As they walked around the cash register, Erin, who was in front of Becky, stopped short, letting out a startled yelp.

Sitting on the floor, legs folded, hands clasped together, was what looked to be a woman. She wore long, resplendent green robes, and a dark green veil covered her face. She looked at them, and only her brown eyes were visible facial features in the dim light. A small box rested on her lap.


Becky grabbed the lost phone out of Erin's grasp, "What do you know about this?" she demanded.

The woman just looked at her, and Becky started to reach for her taser.

I'm not taking any chances.

Erin opened her mouth to say something, but the woman flipped the box lid open, scooped a handful of dust, then flung it at both girls.

Becky began coughing, and beside her Erin was choking, gasping for air. They both fell to the floor on top of each other. Becky's eyes slowly closed, she tried to keep them open, she really did, but before she knew it, blackness overtook her.

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