V | Late

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"And I know I was wrong
When I said it was true
That it couldn't be me and be her
In between without you, without you"
- Inbetween days by The Cure


"You're late idiot" the small, brown haired boy said as he slid into the passenger seat next to me, his mother stood in front of his house door, her gaze was anxious and menacing, she blew a kiss to him and he simply waved with a fake smile, I pulled away and drove down the road.

"Sorry, didn't hear my alarm" I replied.

"Probably too busy dreaming about Cherry Stevens" he laughed.

"Shut up" I pulled up in front at another house.

A familiar brown haired boy came up to my side, I rolled down the window reluctantly.

"You're late" he patted my arm that was leaning on the window edge, he then swooped into the back seat.

"So I've been told" I carried on to another house.

A curly haired boy sat on his front steps, a pair of binoculars sat in his hands, held up to his eyes.

I beeped the horn, he jumped and dropped them, angrily he gave me a middle finger before picking them up and getting in the back seat.

"Bird watching stan?" I chuckled, Eddie rolled his eyes and Bill gave a slight laugh.

"I was trying to, and then you made me drop them"

I pulled away once he buckled his seatbelt.

"Oh and you're late asshole"

"God does everyone need to tell me that" I rolled my eyes and carried on.

As we drove past shops and through town, we caught sight of a familiar red haired girl sat on a bench, a vanilla whipped ice cream sat in her dainty finger, it began to dribble down as the hot sun melted it, I pulled up on the pavement 20 steps before her.

She licked her hand and looked up, after spotting us she smiled and waved.

She quickly jumped off the bench and got in the car, climbing over a very annoyed Stanley and right next to a very awkward Bill.

"Hey guys, fancy seeing you here" she giggled as she licked her ice cream.

"What brings you to town?" I asked, usually she was at her house where I picked her up.

"Well it's a nice day out... and you're l-"

"Late, I know" I sighed and carried on to school.

This was our usual morning set up, Ben got a ride from his mom and Mike had his own Truck.

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