II | Cherry Stevens

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"Oh, honey
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do"
- adore you by Harry Styles


I looked down on the back of my hand where I had written the classroom that my new Home Class was situated in, the bell had rung a while ago so I was coming in late with the other stragglers.

I shuffled in through the door and took in the surrounding area.

The windows faced the front of the school so the sun spilled in, but not to harsh as the reminder of summer swindled, kids chatted and sat with their friends and lost people simply stared at their phones.

I didn't have any losers in this class, meaning I had no one.

I scanned the room for someone, anyone.

There was Mindy Moore from Biology in Freshman Year and Jacob Butler from last years History but apart from that I didn't find anyone, but then my eyes landed on her.

Cherry Stevens.

She was sat on top of a desk alone, her long tanned legs swung back and forth over the edge, her hands holding on to the edge of the desk, her torso leaning forward, she seemed to be lost.

She had many friends, but she didn't seem to have a particular friend.

Everyone had their friend, but she didn't.

And neither did I.


I can't go talk to Cherry Stevens.

I watched as a few surrounding boys and girls chatted vaguely to her before the conversation went cold and she was alone again, she sat on that desk in the middle of the classroom alone, the sun just hitting her, it caused her tanned skin to glow and sparkle, her green eyes turned to hazel and her blonde hair flowed like gold.

My heart raced when her eyes fell on me.

She looked me up and down quickly, yet it made everything turn into slow motion, the room faded away and the other kids disappeared, it was just me and her.

She met my eyes again and a smile took form on her perfect face.

It caused me to blush, my heart jumping out of my chest.

That's it.

I felt my legs set off, carrying me towards her, my head was to fizzy with adrenaline that I didn't even process my actions.

Then I was stood in front of her.

Due to my curse of tallness, and the fact that she was sat down, she peered up at me, she looked even more perfect.

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