'See you at school,' Zach responded during the hug and went to the living room afterwards.

We arrived at my house.

'I had actually a lot of fun,' I said.

'It didn't even feel like a tutoring lesson,' I added.

Corbyn smiled at me.

'I didn't think that you'd be so cool, I barely talked to you before the tutoring stuff and I don't even know why,' he said.

'I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or..' I looked at him while frowning my eyebrows a little.

'Yes you should,' he said to me, with a forced serious look on his face.

It caused us both to laugh.

I gave him a quick hug, thanked him for the ride and left the car.

I texted Simon that I would be at his place in a couple of minutes. I also texted my parents who were still working, so they wouldn't get worried.

I quickly packed my bag with the things I needed and left the house.

Simon's house was just a couple blocks away so I could just walk.

I rang the bell and Simon opened.

'Hey, I'm so glad you could come over,' he said as he hugged me.

'Of course,' I answered as we walked into the living room.

I greeted Simon's dad, who is always really nice to me. We grabbed some snacks before going upstairs.

Simon told his story again, now with some more details and after that we decided to go to sleep.

'Goodnight Jas,' Simon said.

'Goodnight Si,' I responded and almost immediately fell asleep.

The next day I woke up by Simon's alarm. Today was just another school day. I got ready with Simon while singing along to some pop songs. That's what we usually did.

After that, we ate some breakfast and got into Simons's car and we drove to school.

We arrived and after we walked through the big doors of the school building, we first made our way to our lockers.

'Morning Jasmine,' Corbyn said as he walked over to me and Simon.

Since when do they come to me in the hallway?

Maybe we are friends now?

'Good morning Corbyn,' I said and smiled.

'Heyy Zach,' I added when I saw that he made his way towards us too.

'Hi Jasmine,' Zach responded.

'We have our first period together,' he added while making a weird move, almost a dance move.

'That's fun,' I responded while redoing the same move Zach did and making a total fool of myself.

They all laughed at me, even Simon.

We stood there with the four of us and started talking. Simon managed to kinda get himself into the conversation, what I really liked. He didn't question why they were standing with us and for the first time he didn't say something about Zach liking me.

The bell rang.

'Time for physics, yay,' I said sarcastically and looked at Zach and Simon.

'Are you guys coming?' I added.

We all walked through the large hallway. Corbyn had to go a different way because the seniors had lessons in different classrooms.

'See ya at lunch!' Zach said, when Corbyn was about to walk into his classroom.

'See you guys at lunch,' he responded.

You guys. See you guys at lunch. That means that he wasn't only talking about Zach. Okay okay, I think we are now really reaching the 'we're friends' level.

The lesson went by sooooo slowly. It was boring af, as usual.

We had to work in little groups, so we didn't have to pay attention constantly, but it was still boring. I wasn't in a group with Zach or Simon, so that's what made it even less exciting.

This girl that I probably had never talked to before, suddenly made her way towards me.

'Hey, you're Jasmine, right?' she asked.

'Hi, yeah I'm Jasmine and you are?' I responded, not knowing what her name was.

'Lynn, but anyways, since when are you hanging out with Corbyn Besson?' she asked, what made me confused.

'I've not been hanging out with Corbyn Besson, why do you think that?' I asked curiously.

'Well, I saw..'

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