Staying or leaving?

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Lelas POV

Me and Tanner  were walking along the beach, holding hands. Because we were talking and I nearly fell but he caught me and we fell in love. Anyways we were walking when Tanner saw a flower crown and a bracelet, he gave the crown to Mack and Y/n had dropped her bracelet , we were so confused why they was just laying in the sand. Tanner and I thought for a second and then I guess we both got the same idea because we both started running to big Momma's to get help from the others.


I woke up with a huge pain in my head and  I looked around trying to see where I was, then I saw Brady and Mack tied to this weird machine, finally it hit me where we were. We were in the lighthouse I was tied to a pipe a bit away from Mack and Brady. I tried to get out of the rope but it was no use I was stuck. Into the room came Les camenbert and Dr fusion, fusion went over to the Control panel while Camenbert pointed a weird looking gun at Mack and Brady. 

"in just a minute, less than it takes me to steal the whole ocean, will the machine change the weathers pattern and I will take over Big Momma's and all your friends will leave forever or longer" he said sounding so angry, but i couldn't see his face.

"But your missing something in your plan" mack said looking arrogant. "Yeah? and what could that be?" Les said coming closer to Macks face. Mack looked at Brady who just shrugged and then back at the man in front of her." i don't know, don't plans usually lack something?" she asked confused. Les and Fusion just laughed and backed away and then left. 

I noticed Brady and Mack looking at each other with love in their eyes, they were whispering to each other, they seemed really happy even after being kidnapped and tied up. I stared at them thinking of Seacat but also Mack and Brady and suddenly i got the urge to sing, so i did.

Y/N: When it's meant to be, The stars seem to glisten

Mack: Meant to be, All the clouds depart

Brady: When it's meant to be, It's destiny callin'

All: And if you listen, you'll find your heart.

We sang with sadness filling our eyes, but you could still see love in them, we all love each other, like a family, No one could take that from you. But i also think i'm in love with Seacat, i know its weird i have only met him twice but sometimes its just meant to be and there is something special about him, that makes me smile and makes me feel butterflies in my stomach.

*Meanwhile in big momma's*

Third POV

Butchy were hanging out with his gang, drinking soda and having fun, but He were still worried about Y/n she's his baby sister and something was telling him that something was wrong. But He just pushed it away and grabbed another soda. No one noticed that Lela and Tanner came in and ran up on the stage, as the gangs were busy doing their own thing.

The rodent sat on one side of the room and the surfers sat on the other side. They were all laughing and having fun with their friends, not a single one of them noticed that Tanner and Lela were so worried, Tanner got enough of them talking so he decided to quiet them down. "Everyone listen up" Tanner said making all of them look at him and Lela.

" Les Camenbert wants to destroy us" Lela said with panic lacing her voice. " He has built a weather.." Tanner started pointing with the flower crown at everyone, he had forgot he had picked it up, he threw it away and continued. " A weather machine that will stop the tides" he began " And  rust our bikes" Lela continued " just to get rid of us" Tanner stated.

" And he has taken Mack and Brady.... and...Y..Y/...N.. hostage in a secret location" Lela said the panic in her voice raising, you could easy hear her stutter at the mention of her sister." and we dont know where it is because its... SECRET" the both finished together, and you could hear Big Momma in the background saying "oh no"." we need help" Lela said sounding calmer now. " them or us" Butchy said standing up pointing at  the surfers."us" rascal said standing up." she means us" Lugnut said standing up too.

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