
"Sookie has been with that vampire," Arlene told her boyfriend instead of delivering the two beers you'd pulled for her.

"Ah, that's just bar talk."

"She told me so herself."

Well, that certainly got Sam's attention. Your jaw tightened but you stayed quiet. For the moment. You had to resist the urge to roll your eyes when Arlene mentioned Sookie getting pregnant and babies with fangs. Seriously?

Sam ripping the scarf from Sookie's neck was your cue to get involved. You grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him away from her even as she shoved him. You watched silently as she said her piece. She was right it wasn't anyone's business what she got up to with Bill. And as much as you liked Sam, he hadn't bothered to make a move until someone else was interested so he could go to hell too.

When she stormed off, Sam turned to you. "You can't honestly tell me you're okay with this?"

You smirked and flipped the collar of Eric's shirt to the side so the bite on your neck was visible. "Course, I haven't fucked mine. Not lately anyway. But she's right. It's none of your business. She was in a good mood. Why'd you have to bring her down? You really suck sometimes, Sam."

You went back to your spot behind the bar, ignoring the eyes now fixated on you. If it took some of the attention off Sookie, so much the better.


Eric tapped his fingers against his thigh. He wanted to call you. Or at least send a text just to make certain you were all right. Which was stupid. He could feel you. He knew you were fine if slightly irritated. He also knew you were in Bon Temps right where you'd told him you'd be. No, the truth was, he missed you. Now that you were back in his life, he wanted you by his side where you belonged.

Pam appeared beside him and leaned one arm on the back of his chair. "Having fun yet?"

The corner of his mouth kicked up. "Always."

"I may be able to brighten your evening. See the blonde male by the bar? The sweaty, nervous one?"

Eric ran his gaze over the crowd. "The one that is obviously detoxing?"

She made a sound of agreement. "Name's Jason Stackhouse. He's Sookie's brother."

"And why do I care?" Pam wasn't one for idle conversation so there was obviously a point to this.

"Because, if I recall correctly Y/N said she was hit because emotions were running high. And as he's here looking for V, he would have been strong enough to leave that bruise."

Eric leaned forward in his seat, all of his focus now on his target. "I'll be in my office. Bring him to me."


You handed Sookie a pitcher of beer for the three assholes and watched her as she went to deliver it. As you predicted, they immediately started to give her shit about Bill. Before you could intervene, the front door slammed open and the three figures that entered drew everyone's attention.

These three were trouble. You'd looked into them after Sookie had an encounter with them at Bill's house. Malcolm, Liam and Diane. Their only purpose here would be to cause trouble. You undid a button on your shirt and pulled the collar wide so Eric's bite was on display. If they knew what was good for them, they wouldn't fuck with you. Somehow you doubted things would go that smoothly.

The three of them slunk around the bar like the slime they were. Diane got in one of the customers faces and Sam stepped out to confront them.

"Get us three True Blood's," Malcom ordered no one in particular.

Impossible - Eric Northman {complete}Where stories live. Discover now