Chapter 3

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You stood at the back of the church, eyes running over the gathering crowd. You'd agreed to come to this event because Sookie begged you to keep her company while Bill spoke. Overnight she'd gone from being Bill's girlfriend to being on a date with Sam. You sighed as you looked at the two of them sitting next to Tara. What Sookie did with her love life was her business and you would be thrilled if you thought she was actually done with Bill Compton. But you didn't trust it. Sookie was too fickle, too quick to change her mind. You just hoped Sam didn't get hurt in the process of her deciding what she wanted. It was fairly obvious her boss was harboring a pretty serious crush.

You'd thought about skipping out and heading to Fangtasia, but Adele would be disappointed if you didn't stick around. As soon as you had the thought, she came out to introduce Bill. He of course immediately began laying on that thick layer of charm that he expected everyone to buy into and your attention quickly wandered. Your ears picked up the conversation between the sheriff and Andy. Bud was just bound and determined to pin these murders on Bill. As much as you disliked the man, he wasn't guilty just because he was a vampire.

As his talk continued and drifted to discussion of his family, there was a subtle shift in the demeanor of the room. Not with everyone, but there were some who were clearly distrustful before who were now sympathetic of the life he'd lived. And you were certain, had you been closer to her, you would have seen Sookie fall for the vamp all over again. Poor Sam.

You lingered with the crowd at the end of the night and were surprised when Bill found his way to your side. "Y/N."


"I didn't think to see you here this evening. I thought Eric would have summoned you."

"He can try." Your tone was carefree. You had no bond with Eric, owed him no allegiance, but if he called, you'd be at his side in a minute. But that was a choice, not a requirement.

Bill kept a smile plastered on his face as he nodded at the people that passed by. "What exactly is your history with Eric and the Authority?"

Your spine straightened. "I don't recall that being any of your business, Compton."

"I will find out."

"You keep digging where you don't belong, you won't like what you uncover." With that you left. You had intended to stay and help Adele clean up the church but you needed to put some space between you and the vampire. You didn't need to give the town any more of a show than they'd already had. If Bill insisted on gathering information on you, he'd find answers. He was also likely to find himself at the end of a stake. Your father tended to be slightly overprotective when it came to people in your business.

Not having anywhere particular to go, but not wanting to head home you drove through town and let your mind wander. Pretty much from the moment you got your license, you drove whenever you had thinking to do. Sometimes for hours. That had been your intention until Sookie called asking for a ride. Apparently, her date with Sam hadn't gone as planned. You rolled your eyes and turned the truck around.

Sookie was waiting right where she said she would be and you pulled up to the curb. She climbed inside with a small smile. "Thanks for picking me up."

"No problem." You waited for her to put her seatbelt on then headed for Adele's house.

Silence filled the cab of the truck and you guessed Sookie was probably grateful for it. She didn't offer any details of her evening and you didn't ask. If she wanted you to know, she'd tell you. It wasn't until you pulled up in front of the house that she spoke. "Gram's got some pecan pie in the fridge. Want some?"

It wasn't about the pie, it was about the company. She wasn't ready to be alone just yet. And you weren't about to pass up a slice of Adele Stackhouse's pie. "Yeah. Sounds good."

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