Chapter 5

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Alexis Nunez
"Alexis! Wake up, you have practice in twenty!" I heard Daniela yell from the other side of the door. Last night I was texting Olivia about ways to help Leila. They are playing a intervention today but because of practice I wasn't going to make it. I got off my bed pulling out our practice uniform sliding on sneakers packing my cheer bag. I went downstairs to see an ice coffee and protein bar sitting on the counter. "So who's was the boy?" "His name is Darnell and he's cool I guess." "Cool?" "I mean I don't know him well yet. And I don't know how to flirt, Jordan was easy." "Just be yourself, but now you're running late." I nodded grabbing the stuff off the counter and grabbing car keys.

I drove to the school and was late to practice. "Sorry, family emergency sorry." I told my coach changing my shoes to run around the gym. "Just set up, Lex." Without hesitation I went with my stunt group, we ran through sequence like every practice. Then we did the full routine marking tumbling focusing on our new stunts. After practice was over Coach made me run around the gym for being late, which was understandable.

My Sunday ended with me doing homework, I wanted to text my friends and see if they could hang out but with the things they're going through. Jordan and Olivia both grounded, Spencer and his dad leaving again. I would text Darnell but I assume he was going back to Nevada and our friendship would be a lost cause. So instead of calling any of them I binged watched a Netflix show.

The next morning, I had school and surprisingly I woke up on time. I got dressed in ripped jeans and a plain white shirt and white sneakers. "Oh you are up, and you did your makeup." Dani said walking in my room. "Aren't you so proud." I joked putting my varsity jacket on grabbing both my bags. "Practice is only an hour so I'll be hour around four." "Okay text me if anything." "Mmhm." I drove to school getting my books putting stuff away.

In first period Spencer didn't show up and I was concerned so I asked Olivia and that lead us to Jordan. "I'm still not talking to you for crashing my car, getting out phones taken and birthday canceled." "And yet here you are talking to me." "Don't be an ass." "Yeah this is serious. Have enough seen Spencer he missed first period." "No and I still can't believe Corey ghosted again." "Well yeah and with his dad gone and the whole breakup with Leila he's gunna need us to talk to." "Look guys, if he wants to talk to us, he'll talk. If he wants to come to class, he'll come. You don't always have to butt your nose in." "Yeah, I kinda learned that lesson yesterday with Leila's failed intervention." "Well there she is." "Oh my god, oh my god. She's right there, what do I do?" "You're asking me now." The two got in each other's faces as I watched Leila walk up to us. "Happy birthday Bakers! I still can't believe your mom canceled your party." She said hugging the two. "Yeah me either it's a bummer." Jordan spoke. "It's okay we'll make up for it next year." "For sure." Olivia and I looked at each other then back to Leila and Jordan. "Okay." Leila said with a giggle walking away. "What the hell, was that?" I asked watching the girl walk away. "She seems fine." "Fine? Jordan I tried to get her committed. Like yesterday and she just gave me a hug, that's not fine." "You should really try to have a mom positive outlook on life, sis." "Oh like you?" I asked he shrugged tapping his sister as the bell rang. I looked at Liv as she looked at Leila her eyes soft. "It'll be okay." I said walking to class.

When the final bell rang I was walking to the gym from my locker. I saw Spencer talking to Rochelle, a former student that came back for an internship. "Hey Spencer?" I smiled walking past them looking up to see Darnell. "What?" I mumble seeing him walk up to Spencer. "Yo Spencer." "What are you doing here?" "You and I gotta talk." "Coach Baker said you were on a bus back to Nevada" "Nah I ain't going no where till I figure out why Corey left." "I ain't got nothing for you." Spencer tried walking away but Darnell grabbed his upper arm to pull him back. "Nah I think you do, in fact I think you got something to do with it." "Hey chill." I said not wanting the situation to escalate for Spencer's sake. "You got two seconds to get your hand off me, homie. I told you I ain't got no answers for you, Aight?" "You expect me to just believe he just left? No reason no explanation?" "I don't give a damn what you believe. Both y'all can go to hell for all I care." I looked around while they talked making sure no staff was in the halls. I looked a Rochelle who took a couple steps back. "Just accept the fact that I'm more of a son to him then you will ever be." Spencer pushed him and Darnell threw the first punch. I saw JJ and Asher Tun down the hall and Rochelle pulled out her phone. Staff and security came too pulling and holding the boys apart, trying to get Spencer away. He still could get expelled from school for fighting, even if it's after hours it's on campus.

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