Chapter 4

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Alexis Nunez
          "You want me to go to your dads high school reunion?" "Yes." I laughed stopping at my locker. "You're crazy to think that." "Please you're like family and Spencer will be there, Dillion too." "I'll think about it." "Please." "Fine, only because you're my best friend." "Great." She beamed. We separated going to our classes. The day went by fast, after school I had practice. We ran through our sequences over and over until they looked perfect. Then coach let us go home.

         The next day was the day of the barbecue. I got ready doing my makeup and hair, getting dressed in a denim skirt and a plain crop top. I slid on white sneakers putting essential items in a small purse. I drove to South Crenshaw high parking next to Olivia's car. I called her trying to find her. "Whatcha doing here?" I heard, I turned around to see Darnell. "I have a name." "That is?" "Alexis, Nunez. You?" "Darnell Hayes. You know I keep trying to figure out who you're linked to." "A lot of people, and somehow that leads me back here." "Feisty girl." I rolled my eyes and my phone buzzed.

We'll be there soon
Read 2:00 pm

         "I gotta go but it was nice meeting you." "Bye Alexis." "Bye Darnell." I walked in the quad seeing a large group of adults. I saw Coach Baker walking over to them. "What's up Alexis." "Hey coach." I beamed hugging him. "Glad you could make it." "Where's my kids?" "No clue, but I didn't want to wait in the car like a weirdo." "Have you met Corey?" "No hello I'm Alexis, you're Spencer's dad." "Yes ma'am." "I'm in with the Bakers they can't get rid of me." "What's up Lexi." Spencer said before greeting the two men. "Alexis I've missed you." "I know D." I hugged the boy, Spencer and his dad walked off leaving me with Coach and Dillion. The two talked for a second before I decided I was hungry. "You hungry?" "Yeah." "I'm getting him food." Coach Baker smiled watching us walk off.

           "Where's my competition at?" "You have none, but not happening." "Ah come on. No Jordan no problem. Let me shoot my shot." "Dillion, you're a baby." "You're baby." "Sheesh you go through puberty and think everyone wants you." We ate together until I saw Olivia and Jordan making plates. I saw her sit with Spencer and they talked. "I'm gunna go play with some friends." "Okay D." I got up throwing away my garbage sitting next to them. "Hey Lexi." "Hi, glad you made it." "Sorry we ran late, Jordan takes forever." "I know." I went with her to see coach's old teammates before I took Olivia back to Beverly. Asher has a meeting with his mom and she's letting Jordan have the car.

       I went home and my night was silent, doing homework as per usual. Daniela was cooking empanadas downstairs when we heard a bang like someone ran into the house. I bolted downstairs looking at Daniela who was looking out in the side yard. "You've got to be joking." "Is that?" "Yes." I went outside standing next to my broken fence and Olivia's car, that Jordan was driving. "You're moms gunna kill you, and I'm getting in on it." He sighed looking at his phone. "You should call her and let her know." "So I have to?" "I will." I dialed Mrs. Bakers number, "hello?" "Jordan just crashed into my front yard you might want to get him." "I'll be right there." When Laura came to the street she saw us standing at the back of the car. "Come on, you too Alexis." I groaned following her to their house. "Are you going to say something? Mom? Mom! Okay you're starting to scare me." "Jordan shut the fuck up." I mumbled. "Good Sit." I sat crossing my arms looking at him. "Can I actually stand." "You will sit i will stand." I watched the interaction between the two not knowing why I would somehow get roped into it. "Did I or did I not suspend driving privileges?" "Mom." "Answer the question." I've never seen her this upset. "Yes I wasn't suppose to drive." "And some how you manage to drive your sisters car into Alexis's front yard." "Is that a question?" "You are grounded until I can no longer legally ground you, your birthday party is cancelled everything is canceled." "Oo." Escaped my mouth and she looked at me and I squeezed my lips together. "Wait woah that's liv's party too." "Oh yeah she gave you the keys to her car." I wanted to get up and leave at this moment when she turned around. "I'm gunna head home." I said getting up. "No stay. Please." "No you're on your own." I left the house walking back to my own.

         "What was that about?" "She yelled at him and made me watch. I've never seen her so angry at him. Like ever." "I would be too. Especially with that damage, I'll call your dad." "Let me, I need to Anyways." "Okay." I went upstairs to my room setting up my computer to FaceTime. I hit my dads contact waiting for it to come up. "Hola amor." "Hey apá. Listen, Someone ran their car into the front yard. So I was wondering insurance policy so I could get it fixed. "Yeah of course I'll email it. Are you okay?" "Yeah everything's okay, cars are fine none got hit, but the fence is all messed up." "I'll have people to fix it in the morning." "Okay." "Anything else Mija?" "Nope that's it, hows mom?" "Almost fue couple more weeks before you see us and the new addition for Daniela and Samuel." "I'm excited." "Alright it's late go to bed." "Sí apá buenos noches." "Goodnight mi amor." He hung up the call. I put YouTube on my computer watching a couple videos before taking a shower and laying in bed. I scrolled through Instagram coming up on Darnells page.

I see you got Instagram slide me your number
You stalking me now?
Nope, but I am bored and in dire need for anything

I see you have an iPhone FaceTime me
Read 11:30 pm

     I hit the FaceTime button holding up the phone. "Hi." "Hey." "So Whats up? You stalk me and get my number with no conversation ready?" "You see, I figured you'd have something." "Oh you figured? Well then, what elementary thing could we do? Twenty one questions?" "Okay go." "Favorite color." "Pink, you?" "Blue." "Every boys favorite color I swear." "It's easy, like the ocean. You play any sports?" "Competitive cheer, for high school and sideline." "I've never met a competitive cheerleader before." "You probably have but when she said cheer you checked out. Most boys don't think its a sport." "I mean it's as hard as football or basketball." "Exactly, okay um. I don't know, how old are you?" "Sixteen." "Me too." "Okay, I've been wondering what you are?" "First gen Mexican." "See i knew by your attitude that you were Latina, no white girls act like you." "Should I be offended or complimented?" "Compliment." I smiled seeing Daniela at my door. "Yeah?" "Practice tomorrow sleep." "Yeah, ten more minutes promise." She nodded walking away. "Who's that?" "My hm sister." "Hmm." "Nanny sounds superficial and she's more of a sister, I've never grown up around people in the house." "Oh you're a Beverly brat." "Yessir, but I'm not that bad you should see the people out here. Rude." "Aye I'll let you get some sleep, have a great day tomorrow." "You too." I smiled hanging up the phone. I scrolled through my social apps once more before falling asleep.

Season 2, episode 4

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