Chapter 2

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Alexis Nunez
           I walked into home room looking at Asher and JJ who gave me a weird look. "What?" "You hook up with Jordan one time and forget about us." "Oh its like that, JJ you miss me." "I do, Lexter makes the best tacos and is the best gym buddy." The two talked while I checked my phone.

No practice today but gym will be open
Read 8:00 am

      "Whats up Spence." "Hey guys." I looked up and behind me to see Spencer. "Y'all seen Leila?" "Maybe she slept in people do that occasionally." "Nah not Leila she's never late." "She's been tired lately." I told him. We sat through class, Leila didn't end up showing first period. And she didn't text Spencer back, when break came I walked with JJ and Spencer. "She still ain't hit me back. I hope she okay." "She looks perfectly fine to me." I furrowed my brows seeing the girl talking to another student council member. "I'll holla at y'all later." "For sure, come on lex." "Bye." I walked with JJ to our lockers. I went to my second period knowing I had to turn in yesterday's homework. After second period was third and I can't even pay attention In That class. At lunch I saw Olivia and Jordan talking to each other but she looked upset. I waited at my looker watching them, I couldn't hear anything though.

       "You know Lexi, watching is weird." "What are you talking about Asher?" "Trust me, it wont get you anywhere." "I don't get it." "You and Jordan are friends with benefits not in love." I rolled my eyes turning to face Asher. "I know. So what, Olivia looks upset I'm a concerned friend." "You're eyes say different." "Says the boy who cheated on his girlfriend and outed it to the whole school." "See I thought we were over that." "Its always a good come back." "It'll get old." "Okay football baby." He laughed. "You coming to practice?" "To stare, no. I have open gym." "Cheer shouldn't even have practice." "Have you ever seen the shit I do? Come to a comp and see." "Not for all that." I rolled my eyes walking next to him. The bell rang for the last period of the day a class I have with Asher and Olivia. Liv kept giving me small looks like she had to tell me something but didn't.

        After school I went to the gym in my regular clothes to tumble train. Then I decided to change and work out with equipment.

We need to talk
Sure you want me to go to your house?
I'll meet you at yours
Read 5:30 pm

I drove home taking a quick shower putting sweats and a tube top on. I waited on my bed for a knock on my door. "Hey." "Hey, what's up." "Ugh I don't know how to say this but to just say it. Because I know if it was flipped this is what I'd want you to do. Um since this whole split thing my parents have had Jordan's been hoeing around. And I." She paces back and forth in front of the bed. "What?" "He's been talking, texting and entertaining other girls." "Well fuck." "And I cant keep that secret from you." "How'd you find out?" "He stole money from our mom, I confronted him asking who it's for. But our dad came home and from how he was acting with these girls in Tahoe you deserve to know." "Thanks Liv, I'll figure it out." "That's not it, he slept with some blonde bitch, she looked like our mom. He's cheating on you." She hugged me laying on the bed. I didn't really know how I would handle the information she told me, whether I would break up with him or stay with him. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe he was broken from his dad and I wasn't there for him. "Don't cry." "I've never been the broken one." I told her, she held me as I cried in her arms. "He doesn't deserve you." "But I love him." "I know, trust me I know." Jordan was my first everything, from kiss, to sex even my first boyfriend and I wanted to believe we would be together forever but now I don't know how to confront him or if he even thinks we are dating. Like he told his mom we were and everyone in the house thought it.

      "I hate to do this but I'm suppose to meet Leila." "She needs you more than me. I'll be okay." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, plus Dani is here." "Okay, call me if you need me." "Of course." I have her a tight hug before she walked out the house. "Olivia just told me come here." Daniela came busting in my room. A small laugh came with the fresh tears as she hugged me. "I ordered ice cream and tacos for you mamas." "Thank you." "Talk to me, keeping it in won't help." "He cheated on me, he's been cheating on me. And I had no clue. No clue if we are together, his friends don't know except Spencer. His family knew they wanted us together but now his dad leaves and he thinks he can get around like I'm nothing. I'm nothing to him. I thought he loved me." I cried. "Alexis." "I don't know how many people he's slept with, why wasn't I enough for him. You know he didn't even text me while he was away. I sent him so many text while i went to visit my family. But he gave me nothing in return. I'm so mad, that I feel like an idiot." "Honey, it's okay let it out." "Oh my god he's posting on Instagram with hoes!" "Don't look at you phone." "Thirty minutes ago? JJ is live." I opened the live to see a cop and the owner of the restaurant we always go to. "No way." I groaned. "Give me the phone." I hugged passing it to her. We sat on the bed she calm talked me down with my emotions.

        "Lexter!" "You gotta be joking." I looked at Daniela who looked at me. I got off my bed walking downstairs. "Go home." "We need to hide from Mrs. Baker." "We?" Jordan walked in with a smile on his face. "Yeah, so you got snacks." "No go home, you idiotas. You got in a fight and almost arrested. You deserve the shit your mom will give you. Bye." "Lexi come on." "Don't touch me." "Okay I'll be going home." JJ said walking out the door feeling the tension. "You really think you can come in here after being with your side piece? After you got in a fight for telling another dude his girl was in your dms. Olivia told me. Tu eres un pendejo, sabes que. Estoy hecho. We're done." "Let me explain." "Explain what. Que hiciste trampa." "I don't know what you are saying." "You cheated on me. You told me you loved me, that you were in love with me." "I am, I make mistakes Alexis. I'm sorry." "Mistake is one time, but this is since you won state. You think you are big and cool. I'm not gonna sit around and look dumb. If you loved me you wouldn't have to be with anyone else. So since you want to be a tramp go, pinche puta." "Baby... please don't be like this." "No, we aren't together. I'm good, consider yourself without me. Oh wait, you  already did. Give me my house key." "Fine." I took the key opening the door. "I'm sorry." "I'm not." I looked at the ground then up at him. "Goodbye Jordan." He didn't say anything, he got in his car and drove home.


        The next morning was the scrimmage game. I had to go with Tina since we were now co-captains for the rest of the season. And since we overlook the football team we had to go to scrimmages. I got ready doing my usual routine getting dressed in ripped jeans, my cheer shell and varsity jacket. I put on white airforces before brushing my hair out and grabbing my keys. "I'll be back later D." "Okay you sure you want to go?" "Yeah, I mean kinda have to." "Okay, text or call if you need me." "Yup." I got in the Audi picking up Tina driving us to the cafe then school. "I'm so sad you've never put me on to JJ." "You want an infection?" She laughed and I gave her the look. "Really?" "Probably I mean he gets around." I chuckled. "In that case how about Kenny?" "Also a hoe honestly anyone on the team is a no go, trust. What about Brody on the baseball team." "No he just got a girl." "Hmm." The player began to take the field, we stood under the Beverly tent with the water. "They're too cocky." I told her watching the boys talk shit. Jordan was short a pass, the boys were all off. Spencer couldn't focus when Leila showed up, since that day she hasn't been herself and I could tell she was having problems. But her dodging everyone made it difficult to talk to her.

"You know Jordan keeps looking." "At what?" "You. What's going on there?" "Nothing." "Doesn't seems that way come on Lex." "Nothing serious." I told her, she nodded leaving the topic alone. "So much for state champs." I groaned watching the boys go below two touchdowns. "They just need to focus, they'll come back." The game ended and the eagles lost, thirty-four to nineteen. "Yeah so much for state champs." Tina laughed. Knowing how the boys are after a Loss I went to my car. Tina said she wanted to talk to Kenny and I told I had to go.

I went home changing my top to a regular shirt. "Hello?" "Hey want to come hang out?" "Yeah give me ten." "Okay." I ended the call with Olivia running downstairs. "Alexis where ya going?" "The Bakers' house." "Okay." I drove to the house knocking on the door. "Hey." "Hey." I smiled hugging her. "Mom ordered takeout." I nodded following her to the kitchen. "Hey love." "Hi." I hugged Mrs. Baker before sitting on the barstool.

"Hey Liv have you seen my phone or keys?" "Haven't seen them maybe channel took them. Oh sorry Chanel." I raised my eyebrows looking between them. Mrs. Baker slide a flip phone across the counter. "What's this?" "Your new phone until I say otherwise, as for You're car keys they're in my purse where they will stay for the next month, you can take the bus. I changed the WiFi password and if you haven't figured it out yet you are grounded." I watched Jordan's face get gradually pissed off. I wanted to laugh, I looked at Olivia's face as she looked down. I could tell she wanted to, too. "So hashtag grounded, to bad you don't have a phone to post about it." Liv jokes, but Mrs. Baker came back with a response. Both were in treading water. "So dad leaves and I get punished for it." "Watch it Jordan Baker." "And that's our cue." Olivia and I grabbed our food running up to her room.

"What should we watch?" I asked sitting on her bed. "Let's talk." "About?" "You, how are you?" "I'm dealing with it, I mean there's no much to it. I was sad, and now I'm in a middle mindset between sad and angry." "How are you working it out?" "Mostly the gym or school, reading." "Does it help?" "Better than drugs and alcohol would. I'm focused, it's back to how it was before, but now I keep my best friend." She smiled turning on the tv playing Euphoria. We spent the whole night finishing half the season before I went home.

Season 2, episode 2

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