Chapter 15 (Rewritten)

Start from the beginning

"Where are you going ?" Blair looked at me confused and worried

" I'm needed in the Land of the dead"

The closer i got to them the stronger i began to feel, i finally stood on their ground and the pain took over forcing me to the ground

"Stop please" i felt the blood dripping from my nose

"Please holy mother stop this"

Slowly fog began to cover the entire area and when it lifted she was seated at the root of the same tree

"You called me here, is the pain really neccessary?"

She laughed a musical laugh "I'm sorry my dear but it is a neccessary evil to remind you that we are your elders and to test you and see if you would try to retaliate, the other witches arent convinced that your a fully pure"

I smiled at this "but you are?"

"I believe that there is a little evil in us all and in the right situations it will make itself present but i do believe that you are pure and that you only have everyones best interests at heart which is why i summoned you here today"

"I'm glad that you believe in me but what does that have to do with today?"

"It's Alexandria she has something big planned something very unexpected and its going to shock the whole family, i cant tell you what it is as that would mess with balance of time but i need you to prepare to be the one who has to control the situation and by any means necessary control that family because old emotions will be over run and if not handled properly could be used to all of your demise, take my warning and be careful"

"How soon is this happening mother?"

I watched as she got a dazed look in her eyes "My dear, it has already begun"

Slowly the fog surrounded us and then it disappeared and i was alone, i felt the chaos and distress before i heard it, I took off running for the main hall telling anyone i saw loitering around to run for cover and to stay with their families. No matter how prepared we all were i dont think we could ever be prepared for what i walked into, it looked like a war zone. Alexandria was there with witches and vampires and in the mix fighting them off was the whole royal family , the royal guard, Blair, my mom and micheal. As much as i wanted to continue this fight and join in none of us were ready for this ambush and i had to put a stop to it

"Incendia" i put a barrier of flames separating the two groups to by me some time, i walked and stood in between everyone and slowly let the flames die down to see Alexandria emerge.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up puppet" She used her index finger and stroked down the side of my face, i saw right through her facade the spell i cast on her was weakening her more and more by the minute she looked tired, older and drawn out.

"You look as if you've aged a thousand years Alexandria and its only been what a few months" i ran my index finger down the side of her face mimicking her ealier actions.

"Dont get too cocky puppet i have an advantage over you"

"You wish you did alexandria, my spell will continue to weaken you and when the time is right i will kill you so you can stop with these childish visits because all they serve to do is aggravate me and kill off the few people dumb enough to stand at your side"

At this one of her vampires tired to lunge at me, i didnt even look in her direction before i raised my hands to thrust her into the air in a chokehold snapping her neck throwing her now lifeless body across the room.

"See, pointless , i suggest you leave before things really get ugly"

She grinned and i've seen that grin she did have something up her sleeve and me trying to distract her wasnt helping me to figure it out. It was as if Blair read my thoughts, there is someone else here waiting for her to bring them out. i can barely make her out she is trying really hard to close her mind off.

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