"I'm Maisy" she said in a perky voice, sticking out her hand "Johnny" I said shaking her hand after about 30 seconds "I'm Brynn" another one said calmly "and I'm devenity" the girl who pushed Brandon said "oh cool" I said confused on what I should say "I'm will and this is Brandon" William said and all the girls stared at him "I love you accent" the platinum blonde said "hahah and I love how Brynn has a boyfriend" a guy said coming up from behind them "oh yeah" she said and he rolled his eyes.

"Hi I'm Carson" he said and another boy who I was with Kenzie cane out "I'm Jacob" he said smiling and I shook both of their hands "anyways not to interrupt but I want food" William said "oh um all we really have are snacks" I said handing him a 20 "good enough" he said snatching the 20 and walking away "I'm going to um go with them" that Lexi girl said and everyone laughed "well it's not like it's going anywhere" Mackenzie said patting the seat next to her and looked at me "yes Johnny you are allowed to sit next to me" she said giggling at me

"I like you sweatshirt" I said sitting down next to her "oh um thanks" she said smiling at me knowing it's mine. "Ok Kenz you pick the first song" Carson said handing her the phone "no I wanna pick" Brynn said and Mackenzie just threw her the phone "break it you buy it" Carson warned "I can't leave" she said reminding him

Kenzie POV
When Johnny say next to me I got super nervous because my friends can get a little crazy which isn't always the best thing for people who are new. "Okkkkk music time" Brynn said picking a song "omg I love this song" Annie said pointing to the phone. Just then Johnnys friends came back "just saying WiFi is down here so nothing is working" one said which caused everyone to sigh "if you want music that bad have Johnny sing for you" another said and his eyes widened "I didn't know you can sing" I said "you didn't know because I can't" he said glaring at his friends and they just rolled there eyes

"Come on Sing for me" I said smiling "no" he said blandly "comeeee on." I said punching him in the arm "you just abused me" he said which caused me to laugh "oh I remember Johnny was a great singer" Asher said "ok we get it" I said to Asher and he just chuckled "do you have like keyboard" he asked out of nowhere "um yeah we have a music room" I said getting up and he followed "you get to hear me sing" he whispered in my ear as we walked there and I just smiled.

"Can I pick the song" she asked "sure" he said looking around but passing the keyboard to go to the guitars "can you sing Falling like the stars" I asked him "sure" He said as he sat in one of the chairs and turned it to face me. (Don't really feel like putting the lyrics) As he finished singing I just smiled at him and he looked at me confused "you have a really pretty voice" I said staring at him "thank you" he said putting down the guitar and signing "you should sing more" I said getting up and sitting next to him "so I'm why are you here exactly" I asked him looking at my hands avoiding his eyes

"Aren't you like not suppose to ask that" he asked chuckling "I-um-oh yeah that was totally like not appropriate" I said laughing mentally slapping myself "I'm kidding it's ok it's not like I can't talk about it" he said shrugging "but I'm here for depression" he said shrugging "your sad" I asked completely confused "no. I'm not sad,I'm angry" he said calmly "my anger makes he do dumb stuff which makes me sad without feeling sad" he explained and I completely understand

"You really don't care about this do you" I asked him "not really. It doesn't really tell you who I am, more of what I am" I told her "and you are....." she asked "I am a 17 year old boy who has this crush on this girl who is super nice" he said inching his face closer to mine "describe this girl. I wanna know if I know her" I said smiling "well her name starts with an M, she has brown hair, pretty brown eyes, me and her share the same problem" he said pulling me into his lap so I was straddling him "your making me upset by waiting" I said before smashing my lips into his. We kissed for like 10 seconds before we heard a knock on the door and I jumped off of him to run to the door

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