Quirk Camp

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No-Ones POV

After Izuku got on the bus he sat down next to a tall teen with light blue hair he was also wearing a tight leather jacket and pants which showed his stomach The teen then gave Izuku a side-glance then said.

Teen: Heya buddy names ban your quirk showed up late too right.

Izuku nodded he then said.

Ban: Just like the rest of us right king.

A small boy with a brown hair and a yellow trench coat and blue pants laying on a pillow glared at ban then said.

King: Only Elaine can call me that.

Ban: I'm dating his sister.

Izuku nodded then a girl with pigtails a pink dress with purple eyes said.

Girl: Don't listen to him he's a jerk

Ban: and that sweet girl over there is Diane.

She then hmpmed Izuku then said "I'm Izuku nice meeting you all" he then heard a small laugh behind him when he turned around he looked at a girl with short dark hair golden eyes and red lipstick wearing a black shirt a white blouse with a blue jacket she then said.

Girl: the pleasures mine Izuku you can call me Merlin.

Izuku: Merlin like the wizard.

Ban: She doesn't want us knowing her real name.

Izuku shrugged the said "hello Merlin"

Boy: H-Hello M-mr Izuku m-my name i-is escanor.

Escanor was a skinny wimpy teen with glasses orange hair and a white button up shirt tucked underneath his green pants with a bow tie and a green vest.

Izuku: Nice to meet you too escanor.

Izuku then noticed a lonely boy with dark pink hair amber eyes glasses a skinny figure he was wearing a hoodie and some jeans he was also reading a book he asked Merlin.

Izuku: Merlin who is he.

Merlin: "smiles" I don't know he's just been sitting there reading for the entire time on this bus.

The boy then looked at him and said " hello Izuku I'm Gowther how are you" Izuku replies saying good Merlin then said.

Merlin: Since were all "late-bloomers" let's share our quirks.

Izuku them pulled out his notebook everyone stared at him except gowther Diane then asked.

Diane: What are you doing.

Izuku: This is my notebook where I write down quirks and there strengths and weaknesses.

Diane squealed van then grinned and said.

Ban: Can I see it I won't break it pretty please I won't break it.

King: Don't trust him.

Merlin then cleared her throat and said.

Merlin: why don't we share our quirks now I'll go first mine is called infinity it makes things stay forever in one state like with my quirk a flame could go one forever.

Escanor gulped then said.

Escanor: m-mine is called s-sunshine in the day I become s-stronger and my p-0ersonality changes too.

Izuku started writing down these facts at a incredible speed.

Diane: mine is called growth I can make things increase in size including me.

She then gave Izuku a flirty blush which had made him blush ferociously he then asked "is it good" to which he quickly responder with "yes"

Ban: I'm next which one ultra regeneration or snatch.

Diane: You have two.

Ban: "smiles" what jealous.

Ban: I was born with snatch it let's me steal objects and someone's power ultra regeneration let's me heal at I insane speed now what's your quirk Izuku.

I haven't come up with a name yet but I call it darkness it lets me heal and morph my body it also gives me enhanced strength and speed.

Ban. Oh... it sounds cool "smirks" it'll be fun to fight you.

He then slapped Izuku's back while king scoffed and said.

King: why are you such a brute my quirk is called disaster it let's me change the natural state of things he then turns the pillow into a teddy bear.

Izuku: that's amazing you can create anything with just one object.

King then smiled at him Gowther than said.

Gowther: I believe it's my turn my quirk is called invasion I can get into peoples minds and manipulate them scary right.

Izuku: No it sounds really useful you can stop a villain from committing a crime.

Merlin then smiled teasingly and said.

Merlin: that sounds heroic.

Izuku: I really want to be a hero so I act like that a lot.

Ban then smiled and slapped Izuku in the back while saying.

Ban: I wanna be a hero too so I hope your notes can help me.

Izuku stared at ban wide eyed and said "really" ban grinned and said "He'll yeah" Gowther suddenly said.

Gowther: From what I gathered everyone on the bus wants to be a hero except for the bus driver.

Escanor: Y-you went t-through our m-minds.

Gowther nodded then the bus stopped at the cabins and yelled "were here you can get out of the bus now" once everyone got out of the bus the driver then pulled out a microphone while smiling and said "new campers and they have some powerful quirks".

While at the camp there quirks will still developed also obviously they are all going to U.A do you all want them to be in class 1-a or dome in 1-a and 1-b that's all I'm just tired now.

Darkness of a hero Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang