Day 2: Rain

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Welcome again!

So, day 2, and the theme is 'Rain/Celeste butterfly (Serenity, peace and pureness)'

Disclaimer: I don't own KnY.

On with the chapter!


Kocho Shinobu doesn't really like the rain.

She doesn't hate it, she's just not a fan of it; however, for this one time, she's truly thankful that it began to downpour all of a sudden.

Her mind had begun to formulate a plan the moment she realized that it didn't look like it would stop any time soon and so, she decided to take advantage of it.

With a smile on her face, she began walking towards a certain room in her home where her objective most likely was, the sounds of fighting and a voice trying to get the two more loud individuals to quiet down just confirmed her assumptions.

'I will make up for interrupting your moment that other time with this Kanao.' The Insect Pillar thought as she opened the door.

"Come on Monitsu, let's see how tough you really are!"

"Shut up, you stupid boar! And my name is Zenitsu!"

"Guys, be a bit quieter, there may be some injured people trying to recover here."

Shinobu stared for a moment as she saw Zenitsu and Inosuke arguing about something while Tanjiro tried to calm them down.

"Ah, Shinobu-san, hello." The Kamado greeted. "Sorry for the noise."

"It's fine, there aren't any injured here right now." The Pillar assured him. "I actually came here because I have a favor to ask you Kamado-kun."


"I sent Kanao to buy some things for me but I didn't think it would start raining like this all of a sudden." She pointed at a window where the water continued to fall to emphasize her point. "And she didn't take an umbrella with her, do you think you could go and give her one?"

"Of course!" Tanjiro quickly answered as he grabbed his haori.

"Hey, wait a minute, why do you get to go, I cou-ghfh."

"Shut up, Gonpachiro is the best for this kind of job." Inosuke said, after taking off his mask and throw it at the blond.

"What are you talking about? Anyone could-" Zenitsu got interrupted mid-sentence again when Inosuke head butted him in his stomach.

"Please go, I'll handle these two." Shinobu said to Tanjiro.

"All right, I'll hurry to where Kanao is." The red haired teen nodded and took off, grabbing two umbrellas from a rack at the entrance before leaving.

'Hehe, I'm glad I prepared that little surprise.' The Kocho thought, as she remembered when she put those two umbrellas and made sure they were the only ones in the racket before coming to Tanjiro with her request. 'Now, to deal with the two noisy ones.'


'It's not stopping.' Kanao thought with an almost neutral expression as she stood below the small roof at the entrance of the shop her master had sent her to buy as she stared at the falling rain. 'I was hoping to go back quickly... and 'train' with Tanjiro for a bit.'

While the thought brought a pretty blush to her cheeks, she didn't try to shake it off or distract herself. It was strange to her but the more she interacted with the red haired swordsman the more her mind tended to wander to what they did together; whether it was 'training', talk or simply having him near her as she blew bubbles, she felt there was something different to everything when Tanjiro was around.

'Please stop soon.' She thought as she continued to stare at the grey sky, now frowning slightly.


She turned to the direction where her name came from, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Tanjiro?" The Tsuyuri said in surprise as she saw her fellow demon hunter walk to her and stop just outside of the shop's entrance, an umbrella covering him from the falling drops of water. "What are you doing here?"

"Shinobu-san sent me." Tanjiro answered, showing the other umbrella he had brought. "She said that you didn't have an umbrella and asked me if I could bring you one; did you get everything you needed?"

" I-I mean, yes, I got everything, I was just waiting for the rain to stop to make my way home."

"Well, now you don't have to wait." The red haired teen said with a smile as he opened the second umbrella. "Let's go!"

Kanao smiled and took the offered item with one hand, her other hand holding the bag with the things her master asked her to buy.

"Thanks for coming to get me." The purple eyed girl said as they began to walk back.

"It's no problem, what did you bu-ghfh."


"I'm okay." He quickly assured her. "But wha...?" The Kamado looked up and noticed a giant hole in his umbrella from where a lot of water suddenly fell on him.

"H-here." Kanao said, moving closer to him and covering both of them with her umbrella.

"Thank you, Kanao." Tanjiro said happily as he checked the broken umbrella. "That's a shame, it didn't look damaged at all."

"Don't worry, it wasn't your fault and I'm sure my master will understand, I'll vouch for you."

"Alright." The Kamado nodded, closing the umbrella.

"You're really soaking wet, though." The Tsuyuri thought out loud. "Could you hold this for a moment?" She asked, motioning to her umbrella.

Tanjiro nodded and took it from her, making sure it still covered both of them, and saw her rummage through her pockets until she found a handkerchief and began to use it to dry his face.

"You should go take a bath when we get back to make sure you don't catch a cold."

"Y-yeah." The Kamado nodded with a blush.

"Your face is re-" Kanao cut herself mid-sentence when she realized what she was doing but continued to dry him off a bit, albeit with a red face that she tried to hide by moving her gaze downwards. "Th-there, I don't think I can do much more without a towel."

"Thank you." Tanjiro said, smiling softly. "Let's go, then."


The two resumed their walk, with Tanjiro holding the umbrella while Kanao held her bag.

'...this is...' Tanjiro's mind wandered as they continued their walk. ''s as if there aren't demons around.' He thought, unconsciously inching closer to the girl at her side. 'It's peaceful.' He glanced at Kanao who continued to look down in embarrassment with her face flushed.


'Ah... I see...' His heart skipped a beat but he didn't give any outward signs.

Except for the blush that matched the Tsuguko's one at his side.


My contribution to day 2!

As always, I hope you enjoyed and remember to check out the tumblr and twitter for more content!

Feel free to leave feedback, until next time!

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