ℓєѕѕσи тωєиту ѕєνєи ((27-2))

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"Big brother/big sister/wife!"

After the ten long hours of torture I went back to my room to only be greeted with three ikemen.

What heaven it was...
Till I got bomb with question and began the roll of the rope in the tag of war.

"Let go of big brother Úr!" Levi demanded as he pull my left hand.

"No! You let go of big sister Úr!!!" Mammon resort back as he pull my right hand.

"Both if you let go of my wife!!!" Asmo argue back at his two older brothers as he hug my waist and pull me from behind.


I'm actually suffocating when Asmo holding my waist to tight I can breath.

Wep I'm in total pain what could get worse?

The door open and the oldest of us appeared with the triplets in his hold.

"..." he look at the scene and my face of agony before he left the three babies in the floor. "Attack you older sibling!!" He order te tree babies who by the way obeyed and now crawling towards me.

Oh so mature of you lucie!!

"You should learn you lesson when you try to runaway for the third time." He then left me.

Being tormented by ikemen and babies that now crawling up from my feet.


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