Ch. 9: The Ball Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Ramposa: I see. Am I the first to arrive?

Mouth: The last I'm afraid. But not to worry! My Lord as been holding the festivities off until you graced us with your attendances. If you'll follow me.

    Ramposa looked to Gazef and gave him a curt nod. A few nobles had decided to join the King and attend, as would all of Blue Rose. Gazef and Climb would also be attending. They followed Mouth with a few of their soldiers forming a protective wall between them and the Black Numenorean soldiers that the Mouth called them. The Mouth talked up Sauron's fair look and great leadership all the way to the Dark Tower, with the great eye sitting atop it.

    Once they arrived at the base, the Black Numenoreans formed a line on either side of the door. The Mouth stood by it and gestured into it.

Mouth: After you, King Ramposa.

    While skeptical, the King walked to the door with everyone behind or beside him. When he opened it a orange and black portal appeared. He could just make out a gigantic room with people talking and drinking. Taking a deep breath he stepped in.

Ramposa: Oh my.

Renner: It's beautiful!

    The ball room was gigantic, enough to house a small army if necessary. The dance floor was made of a dark glass that sparkled with the lights. Speaking of the lights, they seemed to float and move around above everyone, shining in gold or white. There was a large stairway that seemed to lead to a golden door. Tables with all sorts of food and refreshments for all beings were in abundance. Gazef awed for a bit but stopped when he noticed some movement beneath the tempered glass floor. Since the glass was too dark he couldn't tell what it was, but it was big.

???: It seems everyone is present now.

    Everyone in the room looked up to the golden door and saw the most fair man they've ever seen. He had long white hair with two golden bands and a calming and handsome smile. His skin was slightly pale and his eyes were a warm orange. Staring into them felt like you were watching a fireplace during the winter and snuggling with someone you loved.

    He had a golden circlet with a red gem in the center and wore a black formal outfit with silver highlights. Most prominent of all, however, was the single golden ring sitting on his right index finger.

Sauron: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the first Barad-Dur Ball of Mordor! It is an honor and privilege to be hosting such esteemed guests of honor in my halls

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Sauron: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the first Barad-Dur Ball of Mordor! It is an honor and privilege to be hosting such esteemed guests of honor in my halls. I am Sauron, Lord of Mordor, and your host for tonight. Tonight is a spectacular night for a ball, wouldn't you agree? All of you look beautiful and handsome tonight! The ladies look elegant and the gentlemen look chivalric! As you can see I have invited all of high standing or renown. Kings, queens, nobles, wealthy merchants and the such! This Ball is and opportunity for all! Converse, eat, drink and dance! Enjoy your time here! Let tonight be a night to let your worries be forgotten! Enjoy!

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