seven * (trigger warning)

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{{ Written by Stephanie N }}


《《 All Rights Reserved 》》


Seven | The Motive

"My queen. Are you awake?" I heard Mark ask through the mate mind link.

I smiled to myself before opening my eyes. It was sunrise, and I could still hear the fighters doing their jobs despite probably feeling sleepy.

"My king," I replied. "has just woken me up. What do you need?"

"I'm coming home. I need to talk to you about the rogue's intentions." He said. "The fighters will leave to sleep now."

I unlocked the house when he said that. The fighters bowed their heads to me before leaving.

Mark appeared looking tired but even then he was so handsome to me. Baggy eyes and all.

"I love you." I said to him.

He smiled before laying in bed. "I love you too." He said. He locked down the house which alerted me.

"The rogue was sent from an enemy pack that has been trying to take the thrown for centuries." Mark said.

"I'm afraid they may know of your existence. I'm not sure, but I want to keep you safe." He said as his fingers caressed my cheek.

"If they know I have a mate, they'll use you against me. I don't really want anything happening to you. I would go insane without you." He said with tears in his eyes.

Mark rarely cried in front of people so I took this seriously.

"I know you have a lot of stress on your behalf. I wish this wasn't so." I said.

"I'm the only royal bloodline of my immediate family line. I have cousins to take over but that'll shift the tradition. It's always been my immediate family, not my cousins. Straight down the family tree. Not branching off left or right." He said.

When he said that, I started crying as well. We were both stressed for different reasons.

He patted my hair as he placed kisses along my face. "Don't cry. It's okay. We'll be fine." He said.

"I just w-want a baby, and for you to be safe." I said through my tears. I wiped them away with the back of my hands.

"I know. I know." He said as he hugged me. He kissed my mark before resting his cheek against my head.

"What were you doing with the NCT guys?" I asked.

"We're trying to make a solar powered fence that helps monitor the pack boundaries." He said. "That way, it doesn't run out of battery or anything."

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