When You Guys Fight

Start from the beginning


I sat on the floor with my knees pulled into my chest crying silenty to myself when I heard something.

*knock, knock*

"I'm almost ready, what do you need?"

"I need to talk to you...actually."

"About what?"

"About what transpired tonight, and also wanted to know if there was any chance of you staying here tonight."

"I dont know, but ya sure, we can talk about it." He went to touch me and I jumped a little, I guess I was startled.

"Do I scare you that much?"

"No, you just startled me a bit."

Marshalls POV

Yes. I thought she's willing to talk to me...I guess I'm doing okay.

"I'm still upset Marshall." She looked at me with those big Y/C/E that were red and puffy. But its like she can read my mind sometimes. She gets me and thats what I love about her...sometimes I dont even have to talk, cause she understands me so well.

"Okay, so baby I'm really, really sorry about what I said. I didnt mean it. You know how easily jealous I get sometimes, okay I dont want you to leave me, even if its for a night. I want you here with me, please." I felt my tears ready to spill. Fuck.


As I looked at Marshall, those beautiful, crystal blue eyes, were now red, swollen and puffy. It looked like he had been crying for an hour or so. He was the man I loved and still do love. Even though we have our differences, I still want to be with him. I dont wanna leave tonight, I think I just said that in the heat of the moment. But he still needs to know that my feelings were hurt. So I guess its now or never.

Marshalls POV

"Marshall, you really hurt me. You tell me you love me, and I believe you, we share everything together. You are so good and gentle with me, you know that you were my first? Coming from my past that you know about.But you have never said that you hated me. And to be honest I never thought that you would ever say that to me. It made me think that I wasnt good enough for you or something. And what you dont get Marshall, is that I love you. I love you more than anything. More than myself. I put everything I have, and had into this relationship with you. I guess what I want to know, its killing me to even think this, but, Marshall do still even love me??"

Those words killed me inside. To see her so sad. Did it really come across as if I didnt love her?

By now I was in tears.


"Y/N, do you really think that I dont love you? Y/N I love you more than life itself. If it doesnt show, than I'm sorry. But please baby, please. Dont go, we have always worked through the problems, big or small. What I said was out of anger and the heat of the moment, and it was wrong. I truely don't know what I would do without you. You make me a better person, you have looked passed all of my problems that I have had, past and present. I've let you in to my world, my home and opened up to you more than anyone you or I or we know. You have earned my trust. Which you know is hard to get. I respect you, and I wont keep you from going but I will beg and plead for you to stay."

Hearing those words I fell in love all over again. I started crying and I then realized, that if we weren't meant to be, then I would have already left and not have stuck around. Which I'm glad I did, because I have heard what I never thought I would ever hear. But this time in a good way.

"Oh my god Y/N, did I say something wrong? Are you okay?"

I felt him wrap me in his arms and I hugged and held on to him as much as I could. He rubbed my back and kissed my head, we stayed like this for a little while.When my tears were calmed down I looked up at him. I finally broke the silence and said;

"How come even when your not rapping you use words perfectly and always say the right thing?"

He chuckled and just said;

"Thats what I do. But I only do that with the things I love the most."

Marshalls POV

Before I could read her expression, her soft plump lips were on mine. And honestly, that kiss, was the kiss that I will always remember, besides our first kiss. Because that kiss was filled with all the love both of us could manage to put into it.

Authors Note: Okay so if anyone has any questions just leave them in comments or message me. Thnx ♡◇♡

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