When You Guys Fight

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You and Marshall are in another one of your famouse fights. It starts with the simplest thing, he saw pictures of you talking to an old guy friend that  ended up online. Stupid Ass Paparazzi.

"Why the fuck would you cheat on me Y/N?!?!"

"Why would you think I would cheat on you Marshall? We've been together for almost three fucking years!!" You felt the tears build up in your eyes, but you were determined not to let them go. You had to show your strength with Marshall when you two faught. If let him see you cry while both of you screamed he won. And you did not like losing.

"I dont know Y/N, look at the pictures!! Did you fuck him to?!?"

"No I actually didnt, you can ask him though."

"God I fucking hate you sometimes Y/N! Why wont you just admit it already?!?"

"What did you just say?" You felt your anger rising and the sadness falling and the tears turned into fury as they slowly slipped out of your eyes.

"I said I 'Fucking hate you sometimes!' Y/N!!"

Marshalls  POV

"I said I 'Fucking hate you sometimes!' Y/N!!" As I said those words I realised I had fucked up. I didnt really mean it. Honestly I didnt, but I didnt know what to believe anymore. But then when I saw Y/N start to cry, I knew I pushed it to far. I have never told her that I hated her. And she never crys when we fight either.

"Y/N I'm sorry, I didnt-"

"No. Its fine, I get it, you hate the woman that gave up her job, her normal life, and overlooked everything you've put me through and what you've been through and put it to the side." Her voice was hurt and light, like she was gonna burst into tears.

"Y/N really I didnt mean that please listen to-" I was cut off.

"I need to get outta here, I cant handle it anymore. You always pick fights with me, and you have cheated on me three times, two with the same woman, but I overlook it and I go with it, and forgive you because I love you. I love you Marshall, but I cant do it anymore."


"So your leaving me now??" His voice was getting angry and rising in loudness as he spoke to me.

"I dont know, but I know I wont be staying here tonight. So believe what ever you want Marshall, I dont care anymore, I try to tell you the truth and you dont even trust me. But I trusted you before and I was bullshit faced lied to." I was in tears and almost hyperventilating at this point. I never thought it would come to this with us.

"Please, please Y/N. Dont leave me tonight I overstepped and I'm truely sorry! Please believe me!" Then I saw what Marshall never does when we fight or in general. He started to cry, which made me know he was sincere about it, but I still needed my time to think.

"I just need to think Marshall." As I pushed passed him. He just stared at me with red watery eyes.

Marshalls POV

I dont know what I got myself into. I always do this shit, I always take things to the next level,and I might lose her over the stupid shit that came outta my mouth. I sat down and put my head in my hands and lost it. I sat there for what felt like ten minutes crying because I might be losing the best girl that ever came my way. I DO trust her. I let her in to my life, my house, she gets along with my girls. She is my best friend. I couldnt be happier with her, I cant help it if I get jealouse so easily. I dont beleive she would cheat on me. She loves me to much to do that. I decide that I'll go talk to Y/N and discuss everything over with her.

Eminem FanficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora