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"Eric is scaring me mommy," those words echo in my head. I space out, but come back to reality when I hear a loud crash.
I jumped at whatever it was, and Raye looked like she was going to cry. I pulled her into me and kissed her head as I told her everything was okay. She didn't say anything, I squeezed her and whispered I was going to go check on her brother.
I walked out of her bedroom to see Josh and Eric together. Josh was saying something to Eric, I couldn't hear what. It looked serious, but soon they started laughing. Eric was laughing so hard he fell over, and to which Josh tickled him making him laugh even harder. I went to get Raye to show her everything was okay with Eric. When we walk out of her room, the boys are walking out of Eric's room.  "Hey guys! How do you feel about a movie and some cookies?" "YAY," the kids yell, making Josh and I smile.
Even though the world isn't perfect and we sometimes fight, I'm perfectly happy in this moment. Everything that's happened has happened for a reason. As much as I hate some parts of my past, I wouldn't change it for the world. All roads have lead to moments like this that make life worth living.

Synthetic Love, My HatefuckOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz