Changing Perspective

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After we got done with the show I had a stomach ache, and I hoped that it wasn't what I thought, Fronzak hitting on my Jee. I knew that if he said anything to her she'd fall for him, because I've been an ass due to lack of sleep, screaming girls, and stress from touring in general, and he's been, well...sweet to her. As I walk backstage I see her shakingly pulling up her skirt as I open the door. I don't remember what I yelled, I just know I was heartbroken, which I turned into anger. When Chris told me I didn't love Jee I was so pissed I could have knocked his head off. No one, not even her, knows how much I love her. If she knew she wouldn't be acting like that with him. After what seemed like an eternity, Jee finally looked into my eyes. I know that she could see the pain as well as anger in my eyes. After looking at her for a minute I think I can finally talk without by voice cracking, "Come on Jee, let's go!" I yell. I try to sound pissed, but I realize that I used her nickname I gave her. As I look at her before putting my hand on her back, she looks confused.

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