Why did you bring me here?

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I'm sorry, I never caught your name . It's regina, Regina mills. Robin smiled. Ever so fascinated with the brunette that layed before him. I should get going , Regina said. My name is Robin , robin locksley. Thank you , robin. I just have one question. Why did you bring me here? Robin answered , well m'lady you passed out last night at the club I work at. I got to you first. I was protecting you from people who wanted to take advantage of you in your state. Regina smiled and thanked him. Do you work tonight robin? Yes m'lady I do, robin said. I will see you tonight at the pub , perhaps you may pour me a drink. Regina couldn't figure out why he would protect her. But she was very grateful that he did. Dying to see him later on that night Regina left his apartment and took a cab home. She got ready for work. Her job was dangerous. But , Regina wanted to help protect her city. She works as a detective. A damn good one at that. She loved her job, and even more that she can keep her son Henry safe. Her son is 12 years old . He is her world ,she would run through hell and back for him. Henry always loved how his mom would protect him and the city at any cost. Because, that is who she is. Loving and caring, for everybody. Even people she barely knew. Robin saw that she is extraordinary, in many different ways. Even though, he had a smile that warmed up regina's whole heart. Like if she was falling for him. As he saved her life physically and most important physically. Anything could have happened to me and he was the one. The one that saved me and he didn't even know who I was.

Robin And Regina Existing only for meDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora