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I got home safe. I changed , took off my makeup before laying down. Climbing into bed and getting comfy.Robin was my last thought before nodding off to sleep. Awaking the next morning. Bright and early. I showered and got dressed. Put my make-up on. After , I was finished. I needed to go into work. Grabbing my purse. Walking out the door and locking it up. Got into the car and started it. But, something felt different . Just had to shake the feeling off. I drive to the office. Park my car. Im in the parking garage. Grabbing my things from the trunk. When someone comes up and put a napkin over my nose. Everything went black. Once I awoke, my head was pounding. Opened my eyes only to shut them. The light was bright. I couldn't move. I tried but couldn't. My hands and legs were restrained. What the hell. You're awake. Greg smiled. What do you want from me? I questioned. He was inching closer towards me. You. Your crazily beautiful. Sexy. Smart. Sane. Regina couldn't help but laugh. Whats so funny? Greg asked demanding to know. I'm far from it actually. It doesn't matter. Your mine now. As he put his hand in my hair. Kinda like he was combing it, but with his hand. He shocked me. Literally. My entire body was shaking from it. Being cold and hot at the same time. I passed out. Still robin being the last person on my mind.

Robin pov
I was fascinated with a women. Not just any woman. Her name. Its regina. She's out of this world. I knew I would have to wait to see her today. Being more than ready to know more about her. And where she came from. I'm going to try my very best to keep her safe and happy. It's what she deserves.

*end of pov

*back to Regina
Slowly fading away from reality. My body is fighting but giving up at the same time. I didn't expect anything like this to happen to me. I can't fathom his sick obsession with me. He's CRAZY! I lost all consciousness and passed out from being shocked too many times. Can't help but wonder how I can escape.

Robin thought of the beautiful woman Regina who enticed him. More than he could admit. I was walking to work since it's only a ten minute walk. Great exercise and time to think. Wondering how this woman would come back to my job just to see and talk to me. She must really like that I watched out for her. I'm excited to see her. Waiting and waiting hours go by. A no show? She even told me herself she would be here? I hope she's okay and nothings happened. My mind is starting to race. What if something really happened.

How was it?

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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