Chapter Twelve

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I looked up at her shocked and got up. She looked confused. She didn't/doesn't know, how could she know.

I heard it, heartbeats. She titled her head to the side "what is wrong?" I kissed her. I sat beside her and nuzzled her. She giggled "Heyuna, my mate. I hears something when I laid against your belly. You are pregnant. " she stopped giggling "what?! You must be imagining things. I can't be, we were careful. Not now" I hugged her. She started to freak out and I hugged her. She mumbled something about the war as I hushed her. I picked her up "let's prove that I wasn't just imagining things." she laid in my arms as she nodded. We went to town as I carried her. She was silent the whole way. A father I am going to be a father.

We went to the grocery store and I put her down. I looked at her "let's get a pregnancy test. I can pay for it. I can go in and get it for you but I don't want to leave you alone. " she nodded "let's go in and get one. I will pay you back. I only have my card, my father sees what I purchase on there. I will pa-" I kissed her "no it's fine. You are my mate and" I placed my hand on her belly "is our kid." she looked down at her belly then up at me. We walked inside and I grabbed a test while she stood by the drinks pretending to look for one. After paying I walked over to her. I took her hand in mine and we went to the family restroom. She walked inside while I stood outside of the door. I waited for a few minuetes giving her privacy to go to the bathroom. She held the test as she opened the door. I walked in and she closed it. She looked up at me "we still have to wait the five minuetes to see if I am. " I nodded. I kissed her "may I go to the bathroom while we are waiting? When I heard the heartbeat I almost peed myself from shock." she nodded giggling. I walked over to the toilet not even waiting until she looked away because I didn't care if she watched or saw. I went to the bathroom and flushed before washing my hands. I walked over to her. She blushed "I didn't mean to watch. It's a little awkward because I have never been in the same bathroom with anyone. " I hugged her "it's fine. You can watch all you want. You are my mate and it isnt the first time you have seen my nether regions. It is sort of how we ended up like this. " she looked up at me.
We looked at the test it had a "+" on it. It was positive. She is and I was right. She fell into my arms when she saw the test. I looked at her "we are going to be parents." she looked up at me nervously. She threw the test away and we left the bathroom. We walked to the woods while she remained silent. I sat on the forest ground and looked up at her. She sat on my lap "what are we going to do? The war may be happening soon and we made a kid. Most poeple prepare for war by placing safe guards while we fuck. We are going to be parents, Jason! I feel like I am nervous and happy about it. What are we going to do?" I kissed her "we will be fine let's not tell them yet but I will do anything to keep you safe. If you want to tell them we can but you are carrying our kid so it's up to you." she curled up on my lap and placed a hand on her stomach. I put my hand on hers "whatever you decide I'm with you till the end no matter what." I kissed her forehead. She looked up at me "we need to come up with a plan to tell them." I nodded if this is what she wants to do we will do it. I looked at her "for one I am going to find or make something so if they try to bite, claw or shoot you. You will both be fine. Something we can hide under your clothes. So they can't tell." she nodded "the baby, we last fucked about two weeks ago. I will" she paused as if doing the math " I will be due in less than two months. Less than two months to prepare, to make this world safe for them." I looked at her "Heyuna." she looked up "yes?" I may stress her out. It's better she knows though "do you want to know how many heartbeats I heard besides yours?" she nodded "tell me. So we can know how to prepare." I kissed her forehead. She is already planning for their arrival. I lifted my hand as I put a finger the left side of her stomach. Pointing at her belly "One." I put my finger on the other side of her belly "and two." she giggled "I am ticklish and you know that. Wait did you say we are having twins?" I kissed her forehead again. I looked at her "may I get a good listen? So I can double check how many heartbeats there are." she got off my lap and nodded. She laid on the forest floor and I laid beside her.

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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