Morning After

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I wake up, my body still drowsy from the night before. My body has a shock of pain through it as I turn over on my right hand.

"Ugghh." I moan.

"Do you remember anything from last night." Kate speaks in a groggy morning voice.

Thinking back to the night before, I do remember punching Megan in the face and I don't regret it at all. However, anything after that was very foggy.

"What happened after I punched Megan?" I ask Kate, sitting up to meet her eye line.

"She punched you back and then the bouncers kicked both of you out of the bar." I could tell that she was mad at me but I'd had enough of Megan's attitude towards our relationship.

"Well she deserved a good punch in the face."

"No, you needed that punch in the face. You could have ignored her fucking actions towards us and been the bigger person! But you just cant do that! You had to show me up in that fucking bar and make me look like I've got a fucking violent girlfriend."

I was shocked. I didn't know what to say. I thought she would have wanted me to shut Megan up.

"I'm sorry, I-I just thought that she needed to be told that you wasn't interested in her anymore and the way she was talking to us was so fucking horrible. she did deserve everything she got last night."

she started to get out of bed and change into her robe when I quickly sat on the corner of the bed and pulled her body into me.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to make you feel like this." I say, pulling her into a hug.

"I just thought that you was different. I thought that you were this shy, innocent girl who wouldn't harm a fly. I was just shocked." she admits.

"I am that shy, innocent girl that you fell in love with, but when it comes to you, ill do anything to protect you and make you feel safe. I'm sorry."

she kisses me deeply with so much love and passion.

"That make some breakfast. pancakes?" she asks.

"You know me so well."

The rest of the day went really fast. We spent most of it cuddled up on the sofa watching cringe worthy romcoms, which Kate normally hates but she hade no objection to them today. we were both spooning and I had Kate's arm wrapped around me tightly.

"Babe, do you know how were going round to your parents house for dinner?" Kate says, with her breath hitting my neck.

"Umm, yes."

"Do you think you should tell them about us? its being 6 months."

"Shit, I know. I will tonight. what the worse that can happen."

"Thank you baby."

"I should have told them ages ago I just haven't had anytime to actually talk to them. Tonight you'll be there with be so what's the worse that can go wrong?"

"I love you."

"I love you."

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