Call me kate

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Monday morning came sooner than I expected. I was so happy to seen Katherine, I've missed her over the weekend.

As I walk through the double doors I instantly see Katherine walking straight towards me. I instantly become hot and my hands become sweaty. Her eyes never leave my body as she looks me up and down. For a strange reason she is the only person that makes me feel transparent, like she can seem all the emotions that I am feeling without me having to even tell her.

As we slowly come closer toward each other, I see a sexy smirk appear on her face but as we slowly pass Escher other in the reception, she doesn't say a word. However, she I suddenly feel a shard smack on my ass making me gasp in shock.

A smile appears on my face as it takes me back to our first kiss on Friday night.

The amount of confidence she has really turns me on.

As I sit down at my desk for the first time that morning, I suddenly notice a note on my computer screen.

Hey baby, sorry for walking out in a hurry on Friday. I hope I can make it up to you.

Katherine xxx

I love when she calls me baby. It makes me feel so wanted and loved.

I am worried about how my family will act about me liking a woman as they already don't like spending time with me , this is just going to add another reason for them not to like me.

Suddenly, I smile come across me my face as I notice Katherine slowly walking towards me, looking sexy as ever. Her beautiful curves swinging as she walked closer towards me. She looked amazing in that tight black dress.

"So.." I spoke up first. " how were you going to make it up to me?" I asked, referring to the note she left.

She gracefully came and sat on the edge of my desk, facing me.

" Well... I was thinking you would be happy with this." Then suddenly she pulled my collar towards her instantly making our lips connect. I smiled into the kiss, making her smile back at me. I love the taste of her soft lips.

"Katherine, people will see us." I moaned as she continued to kiss down my neck.

" I told you, call me Kate." She told ,me, sternly. "And they can watch." She let out a laugh.

The rest of the day went by slowly, however I am finding it really hard to concentrate which Katherine around. All day I keep catching  staring at me, which is not helping me with getting my work finished for the day.

I am having to stay later tonight to finish this work that I was supposed to have finished already.

What is wrong with me. I get my dream job and I'm not even preforming my best because I can't stop thinking about my gorgeous boss. This is not what I had planned it about to be like.

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