Part 9 (Final)

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"We got it! Come on!" She said with the Grail in her hands as she started walking backward...but to something bad.

"Dr. Schneider! The knight gave a warning not to pass the... seal.." Before I finished, she stepped on and passed the seal. Then a quake started up, and the ground began to split apart.

"MOVE!!!!" Cassidy yelled. "I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!" We all started running for the exit, but the ground split where I was standing, and I gripped the edge. I saw Dr. Schneider plunge to her death and the Grail along with her. I started to slip... When both of my hands slipped, I felt someone grasp onto my hand. I look up, and Indy was there, doing his smiling smirk.

"Figured I'd save you as you saved me earlier." He said. I smiled, and I reached my other hand up, and he grabbed it and pulled me up. We ran out of the temple as it collapsed.

"Well, that was certainly the experience of a lifetime!" Cassidy said. "And goodness sakes, Melissa, I thought you were dead for a second."

"It was an experience for a lifetime...and yes, I thought I was too," I replied. Our group started mounting our horses with Cassidy and me on one horse, and a conversation starts up.

"See, Junior. I knew we would find it." Henry said.

"What is with this... Junior?" Sallah asked.

"That's his name.. Henry Jones Jr," Henry replied.

"I like being called Indiana," Indy said.

"We named the dog Indiana," Henry remarked. Sallah went on laughing because he thought Indy was named after the dog, not his father.

"Uhhh... Are we gonna stand here debating about names, or are we actually going to leave?" Cassidy asked, butting in.

"Yeah, we actually need to be home.." I added.

"It would be nice to be back before dark," Sallah said.

"Well, shall we be going then?" Henry asked.

"We will... Ladies first?" Indy replied.

"With pleasure." Cassidy and I both said. We looked at each other for a second. Then, I got the horse trotting for a bit, later to a gallop the rest of the way. The others followed with Indy and Henry on both sides of us. We rode back to Jordan and then took a flight back to Venice the next morning. The plane was a little more classy than the other ones we had been on. There were two rows of seats facing each other, so I sat across from Cassidy, and Indy sat next to me and across from Henry.

Ten minutes into the flight, Cassidy, and Henry were asleep. I was wide awake, looking out the window to my left. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and Indy was looking at me. "Yes?" I asked.

"I just wanted to say thank you for you and your friend making the trip to find me. You have wit and determination, Melissa. I hope you keep those traits throughout your entire life. Also, make sure Cassidy keeps her humor too... I hope we run into each other again sometime." Indy replied.

"Same to you and your father. Here, I don't think I need to hang onto this anymore." I said as I handed Indy the diary.

"Thanks for keeping it safe."

"No problem." We all slept for the rest of the flight. When we got back to Venice, we got on a plane back to the United States. Indy and his father personally took Cassidy and me back to my house since Cassidy's mom agreed she could spend the night. We waved goodbye to our new friends and went into the house. Our parents had set up air mattresses in the basement for us to sleep on. We just went on the mattresses and watched tv until midnight. The last thing that was on was Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. We watched it all the way through, which was until midnight.

"Didn't we just go through all of that?!" Cassidy asked.

"Yes, but our personal version is better," I replied... We laughed for a few seconds then fell asleep.

This goes to show that your wit, determination, and humor can get you through any situation, even with a rescue mission and lives on the line. This is my story of how Cassidy and I saved the day by rescuing Indiana Jones, as well as having fun and horror attacks on the way.

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