Part 7

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"Melissa!" I heard Indy yell. I looked up, hoping he wasn't going to yell at me for not staying put.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Where's Cassidy?" I tried to find the words to reply... I had no idea because I left to find Henry, so I just gave the grade school answer.

"I don't know."

"What were you doing, then?"

"Finding your father."

"I thought I told you to stay here!"

"We couldn't just sit here and do nothing!"

"You had the diary, didn't you?!"

"I gave it to Cassidy so I could find your father. When we came back, I found it in the sand. Obviously, she hid it so no one would find it!" The rest of that was just Indy yelling at me for five minutes... don't ask me how he pulled that off... While he was yelling at me, out of the corner of my eye, I saw some Nazi soldiers get back in the tank... and one had Cassidy in a grip! I snapped back to reality when Indy pushed me off my feet... resulted in being on my butt and covered in sand.

He stopped yelling when someone yelled over him, "Junior!" It was Henry. "Leave the poor girl alone. She went to find me, and that was her choice. She put on a Nazi uniform to sneak over to the tank and got me out. Have respect for this girl! She's a rare find these days, with her knowledge and quick thinking." I think Indy realized what he just did because he held out his hand to help me up.

"Thank you," I said to Henry as I brushed the sand off of me.

"Sorry I got carried away like that..." said Indy. "It won't happen like that again."

"It's okay..." I replied.

"So... what do we do now?" Sallah asked.

"We get my friend back," I said as I made my way to a horse and mounted it. I waited for Indy, Sallah, and Henry to mount the other horses. I took off following the Nazis, who left before that yelling conversation started. The rest followed behind me. About 10 minutes later, we caught up to the Nazis and their tanks.

"Where did they put her?" Henry asked.

"They put her in the tank... I think it's possible to sneak up behind the tank and jump on." I replied.

"You worry about the tank, Melissa. We'll take care of the rest." Indy said.

"Alrighty, then... Let's rescue Cassidy." Since we were on the top of a hill, we rode down it slowly, then sped up when we got to the bottom. It took only about five minutes for us to catch up to the Nazis. Sallah and I rode alongside the tank, and when we got parallel with the middle, Sallah held the horse steady by the reins while I tried to balance on the saddle. Once I was positioned, I jumped onto the tank and landed on the part of the tank that didn't have moving tracks on it. I heard gunfire everywhere, and I saw that Indy and Henry were undoubtedly making a distraction, one good enough to keep them all occupied. I lifted the top up and looked down inside it. The only person I could see from that angle was Cassidy. Just before I started to get to the ladder, something wrapped my neck... like a chain of some sort. A Nazi general had climbed onto the tank and got me tight on the neck. He was trying to choke me. I had to do some quick thinking; otherwise, I was done for. I elbowed him a few times, which loosened his grip just enough for me to get out. When he tried to grab me again, I kicked him in the nose. While he was trying to stop the bleeding on his nose, I quickly jumped in the tank, and all the soldiers were staring at me...

"Hello, boys..." I remarked as I promptly pulled the pistol and shot eight out of ten guys. It was a bigger pistol, carrying more bullets than the first one I had.

"Does anyone else want a bullet in their chest?" I remarked... one soldier was cowering in fear while the other one was driving the tank. I shot the cowering soldier, and I ran out of bullets again... figures... the driver seemed to pay no attention to us. Indy was keeping him busy as is. So, we climbed back up to the top of the tank. That general was still there, though. He almost knocked me on the head when I poked my head up, but I escaped that. I quickly jumped out of the tank and started a punch fight with the general. The last one was a punch to the general's face, and he landed on the track of the tank and got crushed by the tank. I saw Sallah still had my horse with him, so I signaled him over to the tank. I even yelled, "SALLAH! GET OVER HERE!"

When Sallah got to the tank, I got on the horse, then Cassidy got on behind me, so two on the same horse. Indy and Henry were after some people in other cars ahead of us, and Sallah joined them as well, but I had an idea to get rid of the tank.

"Cassidy.." I said

"Yeah?" She replied

"Do you trust me... And I mean really trust me?"

"Yeah, I trust you. Why?"

"This next crazy thing may put that to the test... You wanna hear it?"


"I am going to almost run us off a cliff to get rid of the tank."

"Are you nuts?!!"

"This horse can turn faster than that tank can. It's either that or blow it up... And there's no way we can blow that thing up. You with me or not?"

"I'm gonna be crazy saying this, but... Yes, I'm with you."

"Once I get in sight of the driver, there's no going back... Let's do this!" I got the horse to speed up, and we got in front of the tank. The driver took notice and started after us. Every time I moved out of his sight, he turned the tank so he could see us. He was on to us, but so much he didn't notice the cliff. Indy, Henry, and Sallah took notice as well, and just stared at us... the car had gotten away.

"Melissa, I think you're scaring Indy and them as well," Cassidy said.

"As long as we survive, I don't care what reaction they have right now," I replied. We were almost at the cliff, and a few yards before the drop, I quickly stopped the horse and turned him to the right. The driver didn't see the cliff, and he tried to turn the tank to follow me, but the rocks were coming loose because of the tank's weight. The tank fell off the cliff and exploded when it landed.

"Well, that took care of the tank," I remarked.

"Yeah, good on that... but we may be next to fall from the cliff." Cassidy said, panicking. I looked behind me and saw more rocks were crumbling. I had the horse start running from the rocks, but the stones in front of us were crumbling too. I quickly turned the horse once more to the right to run away from the cliff. We caught up to Indy, Henry, and Sallah, who were looking at us oddly.

"I know, I know, it was crazy and stupid," I said.

"And you almost scared us to death as well," added Henry.

"Hehe... sorry... where's the car?"

"Got away... they're probably at the grail's location by now." Indy replied.

"We going after them or what?" Cassidy asked.

"We were just making sure you two didn't fall off first... but I believe we can still follow them before the wind covers the tracks." Sallah replied.

"Let's go, then."

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