chapter 3 and the shadow of the love Boy❤

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careful before you love hem tell me what is love.put in the comments# what love is like for you and I will pick five of you whose answers I liked best and I will give you a shout out 

"Love what is it love is it a feeling you have that you just can't part with until the end of time is it an affection for a person a need that pulls you in deeper and deeper until you're so deep all that is there is nothing but black Love what is it a figure of an illusion inside your mind a lie messing with your head making you do thing the way it wants you to tell me what is it a shadow playing games making you want to come back for more and more over and over and over on and on and on again and again and again until you are just stuck on a loop playing cat and mouse over and over again until someone's heart gets broken what is love A darkness that is full of horror terrifying impeccably horrible matters torturing you with all your worst nightmares but is irresistible and wonderful and perfect in every way imaginable just as much as it is horrifying making it incredibly difficult almost impossible to let go of that being making it extremely impeccably hated and despised in every which way possible. what is it tell me what is love because the answer to that is that there is no answer because of everybody experiences it differently there are millions of different ways that people describe love so you can say all of those reasons are true or none of them some people don't get over it like others and you can really be in trouble if they don't it doesn't really matter what matters is that love is not a game there are consequences when you play with peoples heart's worse than you may think so be careful whose heart you break you don't know what demons you're going to have to fight for them to move on and let go just listen to me at least please I had to learn it the hard way. 

Dear diary" today is the most popular day of the year for our  middle schoolers and that is valentines day."💕 I never really like valentines day 👎one I never saw the reason why people like it😕 too I never had someone like me 😘or someone I liked😍 in my grade in tall the 3rd grade and three my mom would kill me if I had a Boyfriend . and lastly I tried to give a heart to this Boy💗 I liked and he just threw it away 🚮it made me sad😭 but I got over it in tall now 😢so you think I would problem be not so happy about today being today 😡if you know what I mean so yeah will I got to get to school so I will write soon sincerely May😐 

as I walked down the hall  I began to feel trapped all this Valentine's and hearts and candies all over the wall's I began to question myself asking why they have to decorate I mean everything hearts posters banners stickers everything and better yet they don't even clean up after they're done like there are candy wrappers all over the floor everywhere gum stuck to the carpet like are you kidding me nobody wants to step in that! and why are girls so happy about Valentine's Day I don't get it (groan)this is the worst day of my life! everybody stopped in complete silence  I kept on walking I didn't realize until it was too late ..........that's odd wait a minute suddenly everything is quiet wait   (gasp)  I looked up oh no did I really just say that out loud the kid to the right of me whispered yep you did  I thought to myself just great what a wonderful way to start off my day by embarrassing myself in front of the whole school! so not only is this the worst day ever but now everybody in the whole school knows me say that and well Bob's my uncle if not everybody heard me but that won't matter every one will know about it cause someone will post a thing about it on the internet and gossip oh don't get me started on gossip oh how I hate gossip it is the worst and easiest fastest way to get a bad reputation and is the longest most of the time usually permanent to try to get rid of the reputation gasps today is going to be a long day it is one of those days again😫 as I ran thoughts through my head will I was walking down the hall I heard a voice that was low but sweet I looked up to see what it was standing in front of me was a boy to our school deep inside me I certainly had this feeling I never had before it was extremely happy about what it was seeing but I don't know why all of a sudden my voice got Funny sounding and for some reason, I  was nervous I started to talk weird I lost my concentration and my face felt numb my cheeks turned red and I couldn't look him in the eye? What is happening ? the boy looked at me and asked "did you say something? Ohh yeah ......I mean no I didn't say anything sorry! What is wrong with me?  are you ok you look a bit red? "I a fine just a little nauseous that's all, are you sure because if you need me to I can get the nurse no i ........ I collapse to the floor the strange friendly boy caught me and carried me to the nurse I black in and out on the way there all I remember is hem holding me looking done and saying to me it will be ok I got you and then that was it afterward I woke up in the hospital the doctor said I had a nervous breakdown and then I passed out from sweating too much causing me to feel ill making it hard for me to breathe that explains the coughing 😱 he said if it wasn't for that boy I would have died from choking to death you owe hem big time I thought it through my head a few times but then I realized this boy saved my life how can I repay them he's a good person who didn't even know me all this for a stranger 🙏take you 😇 a  voice muttered something what did you say honey my mom replied who is this stranger what is his name we must meet him he is so kind we have to give thank's to hem for saving you sade my mom  I don't know I told herwhat do you mean I gest had come up to him before I passed out I only said a couple of things to him I don't even know his name we did even have a conversation at all it was just random stuff like I  bumped into hem and he  thought I was talking to him but I wasn't and then he asked if  I was okay cuz to him I looked bad  I guess and i just said I was fine and then I passed out and the last thing I remember is hem saying you'll be okay I got you and then I'm here so yeah 😰 so you don't even know who he is said my mom no actually don't i replied well do you know what he looks like cuz maybe if you see him again you can give hem a thank you card or something or even better I will make some cookies can you give that to him if you see hem again gest to lat hem know how much this means to us said my mom sure sure he's a new kid at school if I see him again I'll make sure to give him a thank you card or some of your cookies okay sounds good to me said dad now let's go home and get you some soup you need to rest for school tomorrow sad mom okay and we went home nothing had changed everything is exactly the same as when I left to go to school this morning my bed was the same my room was the same my  living roomwas the same my bathroom was  the same the upstairs was the same the hallway was the same the kitchen was the same the backyard and  the front yard  we're the same hack my dog was still sleeping in his bed exactly the same nothing was different but the feeling I felt inside so much different and I couldn't tell what feeling I was  feeling cuz all that was here was the same including me from the beginning up straight until I meant the  boy ever since the touch me something in me different. I was up all night thinking about what had happened and Was preparing myself the one I would see him again the next day what it would be like have a conversation with the boy that saved my life and had stolen my heart what a kind an and a friendly person who I wanted to get to know because no boy had ever impressed me and made me blush the boy had black hair and blue eyes a tall tall muscular body with Brown eyebrows and a heart of an 😇 angel in tell tomorrow.

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