chapter 2 the vision

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did you know a storm is quiet as a raindrop drop in the forest night did you know that the dark is dark as the darkness surrounds you in your dreams and your heart did you know that you will be free if you can escape what you see like home it will always be there or is it a vision from your memories. 

I went to church today and during church before the service had started  I was sitting in the backbench waiting for my mom to meant me  it was raining outside so I started coming up with a pome for Sunday school I started to come up with something "but I was interrupted  by someone standing to the right of me at the end of the bench thair standed was my grandma she called to me as if she was waiting for me to come with her somewhere but just as I was approaching the end of the bench I remanded she hade died and then my mom wack  in and asks me with I was doing I turned to look at her and I sade I was washed away by the raindrops  and I sat down mom look at me   funny and did say anything  she sat donw and than church started after church I was sitting in my Rome and all of the thing that my grandma was to me ran across my mind my grandma was the best in the holl world she loved me and i loved her i was 7 yers old wene she died it was the werst day of my life i steel can't get over it to day but for one secen i thot that she had never died and for that i for got so the vishon i had semd real as if it was a mesigh  from some one the feeling i got wene she call my name it  was as if she was wanted for me to folw her i was so convinced that it  was real I was going to folw her and if it wernt for my mom i wode have so fare  thing have bene good so as long as i stay on top of it i shod be good i don't know with is happening to me but it is got to stop soon and quik  i am starting to think  i am crazy and soon some one else is going to thhink i am crazy to. 

Dear diary" today I saw my grandma I "was gest as shocked as you wode thing seeing what I had said in the past so fare I have been thinking long and hard about what had happened to me today and I am starting to think that I am being sent a message from my self contains something is her something in me is trying to tall me something and it is calling me to a place that is dark.  dark and cool I don't know the place but the feeling I can feel it I can almost taste it as if it is a definition of something some of which with no definition so maybe it is me I can't tall but the feeling is  strong as it has been getting stronger ever since it  had started I have  no clue what it is 

but I hope to find out ps may.

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