Mad Tea Party

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Peter made his way through the dark forest, lost, wounded, and frightened. His arm was hurting and Peter was worried that it was infected. He continued on though and soon, he heard a laugh. He looked around nervously. "Hello?" Peter called. "It seems as though you have run into something with rather wicked claws." A voice behind him said. Peter turned around to see a man that looks like Alfred but his hair, skin, and eye color was different. A large grin was plastered on his face. He wore clothes similar to Alfred's. "Yes. I have." Peter said. "What did ya get into a fight with?" The man asked. "A Kumajini..." Peter said. "Kumajirou? Uh oh. Rather brave kid, aren't ya?" Said the mysterious man. He disappeared suddenly then reappeared behind Peter. "If you don't take care of that, it will fester and putrefy." The man said with a smirk. "I'm aware of that. I'll get help elsewhere." Peter said nervously. Something about this guy scared him. "But you need help from someone with enhanced evaporating skills. Lemme see it." The man said. Peter backed away. "Id rather you didn't." Peter snapped. "At least let me bind it for you." The man said as he appeared behind Peter again. Peter held out his arm and the man began bandaging the wound. "What's your name?" Peter asked. "Allen. What's yours?" Allen asked. "Peter. Peter Kirkland." Peter introduced. "The Kirkland?" Allen asked. "I think you're mixing me up with my brother. Why can't you remember him?" Peter asked. Allen grinned, ignoring Peter's question. "Alright. I'll take you to the two mad men but that's the end of it." Allen said as he disappeared. "Oh yes. If a boy is lost just take him to two crazy people. That's safe." Murmured Peter. "You coming or not?" Asked Allen. Peter sighed and followed Allen. He followed him all the way to a run down house. In the front yard, a large table was set up and refreshments were upon it. Peter tilted his head curiously and made his way towards the tea party. A man with pink hair looked up and his light blue eyes met Peters. A wide grin spread cross the mans face. The other man, a blonde with glasses and an insane look in his eyes, pointed at Peter. "Wha...he...wha?" The man, voice like Berwalds, stuttered. Kuro looked up from his tea and rolled his eyes. The one with pink hair stood on the table and walked on it to Peter. Peter suppressed a laugh. "I knew it. You've come! I'm so glad! Welcome back, Kirkland." The man greeted in a warm voice. "No, Oliver. He's the wrong Kirkland." Kuro said. "The wrong Kirkland!" The one looking like Berwald cried. "No no, Bernard. Hes definitely a Kirkland. His hair is right and he has the eyebrows. See they're bushy!" Oliver chuckled. They all laughed and Peter stood there, slightly embarrassed. "Now, come along poppet." Oliver said as he grabbed Peters hand. He lead the boy to a seat. "We've been waiting. You're fashionably late. Naughty." Scolded Oliver. Bernard handed Peter a cup of tea. "I've been thinking of things that start with the letter M." Oliver laughed to Peter. Then, in a serious voice, Oliver murmured "Do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?" Peter tilted his head curiously. "Down with the blood eyed baron!" They all said in unison. "What?" Peter asked. "The blood eyed baron as in the the red king." Allen explained with a sigh. "Yes. He shall be dethroned on the Frabjous day. Until then, I'm waiting." Oliver said as he took out a watch. Bernard, who's watch was soaking in a cup of tea, looks at the soaked watch. "It's ticking...ooh it ticked again!" Bernard giggled. "Upon the Frabjous day, you shall slay General Winter and our freedom from the red king will return!" Oliver said. "All this talk of slaying is putting me of my tea." Murmured Allen. Oliver rolled his eyes and said to Peter "Oh, our world is falling to shambles and poor Al is put off his tea." Allen looked at Oliver lazily. "What happened that day was not my fault." Allen declared. Oliver's eyes grew darker. His once blue eyes now had pink rings in them. "Oh dear." Bernard stuttered as he sipped his tea. Peter remained silent as Oliver stood up and began to walk to Allen. "No, you were only out to save your skin you weak, pathetic, cowardly, IDIOTIC, SON OF A-" Oliver yelled. "Oliver!" Kuro said sharply. Oliver returned to normal. "Thank you." He whispered. "Cat fight." Chuckled Bernard. "I'm fine." Oliver assures as he went back to his seat. "What happened to you, Ollie, you used to be a great dude. You made the best red velvet cupcakes this world has seen." Allen whined. "You bake?" Peter asked curiously. Oliver smiled. "Once upon a time. On the Frabjous day, and only the Frabjous day, will I bake again." Oliver resolved. They all laughed cheerfully.

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