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I kiss Jordan one last time before we get out of the car. I asked Joey if Jordan and I could meet her at her house. She replied with a single 'fine.' She even used a period, so now I KNOW she's mad, because she only uses periods at the end of her texts when she's mad.

Jordan gently grabs my hand and squeezes it. "It will be alright." He smiles sympathetically. I nod. I hope he's right.

We walk up the path to her door, and I ring the doorbell.

A few seconds later, Joey opens it. She stands there with her arms folded.
"Hey." She says, expressionless.

I try to smile. "Hey."

She walks away from the door so we can walk in, and we step inside and Jordan closes the door. We follow her into the kitchen.

Usually, Joey always offers me something or says 'take whatever you want' or gives me food that she made, but this time she just sits down in a chair.

"What did you wanna meet me for?" She asks while not looking at us.

I decide to just say it. "Joey I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about me and Jordan." I say shamefully.

She looks at me with a sorrowful look in her eyes.
"Why didn't you?"

I sigh. The truth is, I don't know why I didn't tell her. I guess a part of me just wanted to keep Jordan a secret, besides Jordan and me getting in trouble. But it's Joey and I should've known she would've kept it a secret.

"It was supposed to be a secret, we didn't want it to get out or else we would've gotten in trouble." I say. "And Liza just found out, we didn't tell her."

Joey shakes her head. "I'm not upset that Liza found out before me, I'm upset because my best friend thought she couldn't trust me."

I drop my mouth open in shock. "Of course I trust you!" I exclaim.

She folds her arms. "Then why didn't you tell me?"

"It was my fault, I didn't want her to tell anyone." Jordan says, stepping forward next to me.

The truth is though, I didn't tell Jordan that we could trust Joey too. I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't know if this whole thing is too dramatic. Joey and I hardly ever fight, I guess we don't know how to fight with eachother.

"Joey, we didn't mean to not tell you, you know I would tell you everything if I could, but some things I can't tell." I say.

She looks down at the floor and sits down. Maybe she's upset about something else too.

"Is this all this is about?" I ask her.

She rolls her eyes. "Yes Sabrina." She says. I don't believe her though. She's still not looking at me. I can see hurt in her eyes, but this isn't why, it's something else.

I step closer to her. "Joey, what wrong?" I ask her in a soft tone.

She groans. "Nothing!" She exclaims. "You know what, I think you both should just leave." She stands up.

"Joey-" I start. Tears start forming in the back of my eyes.

She steps forward, ushering us to the door. "No, just leave."
She opens the door.

"Joey please just tell me what's wrong!"
I plead.

"Go whine about it to Liza and your perfect boyfriend." She says before slamming the door in our faces.

I turn around as the tears start to fall, and burry my face into Jordan's chest.
He wraps his arms around me in comfort as I start sobbing. This is the most upset I've seen Joey. She never gets mad at me, even when I do something bad. That's just who Joey is, she's just always so kind and sweet, and she hardly ever gets mad at anyone.
So I think I really upset her this time.

Jordan rubs my back and leads me to his car and opens the door. He sits me down in the passenger seat.

"You promised it would be okay!" I suddenly exclaim. "You lied! You lied! You fucking lied!" I cover my mouth as I start sobbing some more. I'm shocked at my sudden outburst. Why am I getting mad at Jordan?? It's not his fault.
Jordan looks taken aback too.

He reaches over and grabs my hand. "I'm sorry." He says in a soft tone.

"No, I'm sorry I just got mad at you, it's not your fault." I say, sighing, wiping away tears. He pulls me in for a hug, and his warm embrace calms me down a little bit.
I burry my face in his neck, letting my tears wet his neck.


I fucking hate seeing my baby so upset.

It's all my fault, I should have never insisted we keep this a secret. Obviously we can't tell some people, but Sabrina should've been free to tell her two best friends. If she trusts them then I trust them.

I hold her in my arms where I know she feels safe. I want to keep her there forever and make her feel better.
She deserves the whole universe and I wish I could give it to her. Sabrina doesn't deserve this. Neither of them deserve this and it tears me apart to know that I might've caused it.

"It's all my fault." I sigh, resting my chin on her head. "Maybe our relationship wasn't supposed to happen."

She shoots up and looks me dead in the eye.
"No! It WAS supposed to happen." She exclaims, getting mad.
"Jordan I haven't felt this happy with anyone in a long time. You can't say it was your fault because it wasn't! This relationship means EVERYTHING to me. You were sent to me by an angel, I can't lose you too." She buries her head into my chest and I hug her tightly, letting the world pass by for forever.

The Director's Son - Sabrina CarpenterWhere stories live. Discover now