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"Jordan, just come along to the casting. You can help us pick the cast." I groan as my dad, Tim, urges me to go with him and the casting directors to the auditions for his new movie.

I really didn't wanna go, especially since I have no interest in filmmaking. My dad though, being a director, wants me to be just like him and be part of the film industry too. He says it's in my blood. But really, I wanna be an artist instead. Not a painter though, I hate painting, but a drawer. I would say I'm pretty good at it too, but according to dad, drawing is for the people who wanna work for the director, like a person who draws storyboards. But I've said to him that not everything revolves around filmmaking. But he just ignores me. Anyway, I haven't even told him I want to draw, cause I know he'll criticize me.

I groan again. I honestly have nothing else to do today, except draw, but I've run out of room in my sketch books, I'll have to buy another one. So, I might aswell do something to fill my time.

"Alright, fine." I say to get him off my case. Dad grins. "Atta boy." He pats my back.

"Oh, by the way, we're auditioning for the females today." He says on his way out of the kitchen. I raise my eyebrow. Maybe there will be some pretty girls there. I smirk to myself and laugh. Nah, I don't care.



"Good luck with your audition today Sabrina." One of my best friends, Liza, says to me over FaceTime. I'm in a three way call with my two best friends, Joey and Liza.

"Yeah, you're gonna kill it." Joey smiles.

I smile back at them. "Thanks guys." I thank them. "Speaking of, I gotta go soon, my audition is in an hour."

Joey and Liza are always there for me 24/7. I can always talk to them about anything. They're my family away from family. I also have my sister, Sarah, and I love her to death, but like I said, it's nice to have people who aren't in your family.

"Talk to you guys later." I wave at Joey and Liza as we hang up. I put my phone away and start getting ready.

This audition is for a new movie about a girl who wants to play basketball, but she's too short. Her coach believes in her, even if she's not that good at playing, and the girl is determined to play and will stop at nothing to prove that she can be just as good as the other players.

It's directed by Tim Slater. He's directed a few movies that I've seen, but nothing too famous.

I get in the car as my driver starts the drive to the casting place. I run lines on the way there.



So far, these auditions have been a drag. All these actresses have all been so boring.

I slump in my chair as my dad and the other casting directors discuss whatever. We're all sitting at a long desk. My dad gave me one of the little sheets they have so I could write my opinions about the people who audition. I've just been doodling all over it though, not like he would listen to my opinion anyway.

"Alright, next is Sabrina Carpenter, reading for the role of Kelsey." One of the casting directors announce to us.

Oh no, another boring audition.

I close my eyes and pull my baseball cap over my eyes, knowing that I probably might fall asleep, as the door opens and the girl walks in.

My dad tells her to start reading from the script,

"Basketball has always been apart of my life, from when I was a baby..."
Her voice catches me off guard. It's so soft and clear, and her acting, from what I can hear, because my eyes are still closed, is perfect.

I open my eyes, and blonde hair catches my eye from the little I can see from under my my baseball cap. I lift my cap up so I can see properly.

My eyes widen, because standing there in the middle of the room, is, and I kid you not, the very depiction of gorgeous. She is beautiful. Her big blue eyes and her light blonde hair, framing a beautiful face. Perfection at its finest. Not only has she been given the gift of being gorgeous, but she can act too. I look at my dad and the other people, who are watching with interest.

Sabrina finishes.

Dad smiles at her.
"Well, you certainly grabbed my sons attention, who was sleeping through half of these auditions." My face reddens as the girl slightly smirks.


I almost lost my breath when I came in. Not because I was nervous, well, I was a little, but actually because there was an insanely attractive male, who looked about my age, sitting in one of the chairs. Although, he had his cap on over his eyes, but I could still see the rest of his face. He eventually lifted up the cap as I started my audition, and I almost stopped breathing, again. He was the definition of fine.

"You certainly grabbed my sons attention, who was sleeping during half of these auditions." The director laughs. I slightly smirk as I see his face go red.

Wait, son? He was the directors son? Wow, I had no idea he had a son.

The son was lowkey checking me out. I'm not complaining though, like I said, he's fine. I could see his toned abs through his shirt. He removed his cap and ran his hand through his hair. My heart felt like it was beating faster.

"That was great Sabrina. We'll let you know." Tim says to me.

I thank them and start to walk out of the room. My eyes stay on the son before I leave the room. He was staring right back at me and smirking.


Later that night, I go on my phone and google him, since I don't know his name, I search up his dad instead.

I look at what google says.

Timothy Dwayne Slater is an American director, producer and screenwriter. He is best known for his feature films including 'Leslie,' 'The New Age,' and 'Sundown,' which won an Academy Award for Best Cinematography.

Born: January 18th 1971 (age 49) Nevada, United States
Spouse: Jessica Slater-Oliver (m. 1996-2006)
Children: Jordan Slater

So his name is Jordan. I click his name, but nothing really comes up. It does however tell me his Instagram. I click on that and it takes me to his Instagram.

There's a lot of very impressive drawings on his account, and a lot of normal pictures of him, his friends and what not. It doesn't look like he has a girlfriend. I smirk. I keep scrolling and my eyes widen as I come across a shirtless picture.
Wooooooow he's hot. The caption says 'I took my shirt off because it was hot outside ok! I'm not a fuckboy.' I giggle at that.


I search 'Sabrina Carpenter' on instagram. Her account comes up and I click it. 'Singular Act 2 out now.' Whatever that is, probably an album or something. It wouldn't be surprising though, she is already so talented with her amazing acting, it wouldn't be surprising that she has an angelic voice too.

I scroll down and I almost spit out my drink I'm drinking as I see her latest post.

Ho-ly shit. She's sitting on the floor, and taking a mirror selfie. She is wearing a shirt, which is basically just a piece of frilly fabric and only bikini bottoms. Her legs are exposed and her ass. Well, you can't exactly see her ass but I can see her curves, and if her bikini bottoms weren't visible, you would definitely think she wasn't wearing any.

I feel something below my waist getting hard. Shiiiiiiiiiiiit.

I exit out of Instagram and lay back on my bed and try to go to sleep.

The Director's Son - Sabrina CarpenterWhere stories live. Discover now