Chapter 66: Names?

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Rey's POV:

It's been about two months since the triplets were born here on the medical frigate but today is the day we get to finally take them home to the Temple. Ben comes in with these strange metal floating capsules. "These are called youngling pods, they are designed to move our little ones around with us a little easier. Poe and Finn helped me build them. What do you think?" Ben explains. I laugh and give him a kiss. "You did good daddy," I say with a wink that I know drives him crazy. We load our children in the pods, Ben pushes a button that closes their hatches so no one can disturb them while they are sleeping. We walk hand in hand off the ship and back to our room. The pods following us like ducklings do their mother.

When I enter the room the younglings, Poe and Finn are there to surprise us. I hug all my students. I have missed them so much while I have been away. I can't wait to get back to teaching, even though my hands might be full for a while. They show me what they have done to the room in order to get it ready for me bringing the triplets home and it's absolutely perfect. They even tell me how Ben cried when he saw it which causes all of us to laugh except Ben.

"Master Rey we haven't asked yet but what are their names?" One of the students asks. I smile and look at Ben as he opens up the pods.

"This little boy with the brown hair and freckles is Lucas Tano Solo. Named after Ben's uncle Luke and grandfather apprentice and friend Ahsoka. The other little boy with dark slightly curly hair is Hanz Organa Solo. Named after Ben's father Han and his mother Leia Solo. Finally, our little girl here is Ani Amidala Solo. Named after Ben's grandfather Anakin and his grandmother Padmé." I explain to the younglings.

"Why aren't any of them named after your side of the family Master Rey?" Another student asks and Rey can't blame them; it must seem kinda odd.

"Well, I don't really remember my parents and my grandfather was a really really bad man. So you could say it because I don't like my family that much." Rey explains causing all the kids to chuckle.

While the babies are still asleep I do a small force lesson with all the children. Ben and Poe join in the class which makes me smile. Poe feels left out and pretends to know what we are doing until he falls over and causes everyone to laugh.

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