Prologue: What You Need To Know

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Author's Note: The prologue will be updated occasionally when new characters are added or if a character changes during the course of the story.

          In this world, magic is a common everyday thing and hybrids are the main species on the planet. Despite there being many, many different species, the most well known are the Wolves, Cats, Birds, Bunnies, and Fish. The Wolves are the top rank out of everyone, and also are the only species of hybrids who can be crowned as royalty in the kingdom this story takes place in. The Cats and Birds are ranked next, and the Bunnies and Fish are last. Crossbreeds are often ranked in between Wolves and Cats/Birds.

Sorcery is known as a profession in this world, as well as a variety of magical things like herbalists, witches, wizards, and other magic users. Magic varies from kingdom to kingdom, and it is often the easiest way to figure out the homeland of a character. The kingdoms consist of the Northern Star Kingdom, the Glacier Kingdom, the Oasis Kingdom, the Woodland Kingdom, and the Smoldering Isles. The Northern Star Kingdom is the story's location.

The royal family is another story, however. The Queen, Queen Hope (after the Hope Diamond), is a ruthless and cruel dictator who has brainwashed her subjects into believing that she is a kind and compassionate Wolf. Her husband is dead and she has two children: a son, Apollo, and an adopted daughter, Corrine. The Queen employs many rare hybrid servants such as jackalopes, tigers, and eagles. She has a royal guard of only the fiercest of fighters and has no remorse when asking them to slaughter.

Her tamest punishment, however, is banishing. When she banishes someone, they are sent to the Ash Forest, named for a fire that destroyed much of its splendor over fifty years ago. It is in these woods that our protagonists meet, dear reader, and begin the risky but rewarding plot that would be spoken of by storytellers for years to come.

Character List

—Minty Rose: A snow leopard hybrid from the Glacier Kingdom who travels the other kingdoms to heal and learn new spells. Female. Light gray hair, yellow eyes, and snow leopard tail and ears. Pronouns are she/her.

—Cruxian: Exiled leader of the Royal Guard. Falcon hybrid. Exiled for the assassination of Prince Apollo and attempted murder of Queen Sapphire. Female. Falcon wings and yellow eyes. Black hair. Pronouns are she/her.

—Corrine Chandler: Adopted wolf daughter of Queen Hope. Female. Hates her mother and brother. Wolf ears and tail. Pronouns are she/her.

—Nova Arctus: Jackalope hybrid and the royal advisor to Princess Corrine. Non-binary and hates the queen for constantly misgendering them. Pronouns are they/them.

—Opal Fire: Head of the Royal Guard after Cruxian's banishment. Tiger hybrid. Female. Short brown hair and amber eyes. Demigirl, so pronouns are they/them and she/her.

—Iris Celeste: Head of the Royal Library and the only person in the castle who knows every secret passage. Female. Dove hybrid. Pale blue eyes and white hair. Pronouns are she/her.

—Queen Hope Chandler: Queen of the North Star kingdom. Wolf. Female. Long grayish-purple hair and red eyes. Horrendously cruel but fakes kindness towards her subjects. Pronouns are id/iot. Jk she/her.

Alright, I think that's it for now. Hope you like it!

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