9. Voyager by Jo Blankenburg; I still believe this would make an epic trailer music for autumn_sunfire's The Journey. Perhaps I will make a fan trailer some day... 

10. Czar by Jo Blankenburg; again, this would make the perfect music trailer for autumn_sunfire's The War. Again, may make a trailer some day for it...

11. O Come O Come Emmanuel by Celtic Woman; I literally shrieked for joy when this was released. It's so perfect! 

12. The Little Drummer Boy by Celtic Woman; the Latin Gregorian chant in the beginning and this whole arrangement just makes my heart so happy. Literally the only version of this song that I like. 

13a. Between Two Worlds by Leah McHenry; you couldn't have this list without the song that inspired the novel...

13b. Oblivion by Leah McHenry; same song, different version... 

14. Upon Your Destiny by Leah McHenry; I love the melody and bass lines in this song. 

15. Redemption by Leah McHenry; last one, I promise, from her. This song got beetz that I approve of. 

16. Tapestry by Bruno Major; shoutout to Tweeter109 for showing this to me! I love it so much, and it fits perfectly with my novella, My Fair Lady. 

17. Bridge of Khazad-dum cover by Eurielle; I WISH THEY HAD USED THIS ONE IN THE MOVIE

18. Carried Home by Marcus Warner; Okay, this guy could compose music for my Princess of the Highlands Trilogy were it turned into films. I would trust him with that. 

19. Siúil a Rúin by Ella Roberts; this came out today and I'm so freaking in love with it!!!

20. In the Night by Andrew Peterson; shown by autumn_sunfire and is Malcolm's theme song in Aonachd - The Last Road. T_T 

21. Dancing in the Minefields by Andrew Peterson; also shown by autumn_sunfire. And yes, I know I'm doing more than 20. You have a problem with that? 

22. The Reckoning by Andrew Peterson; also recommended by autumn_sunfire; I love this one so much. 

23. Breuddwyd Glyndwr by Plethyn; this is officially my Morthira song. (MORDRED!!!) 

24. After the Rain by Marcus Warner; not sure why, but it's my Friona song now. (Yes, just started fangirling over autumn_sunfire's stuff. Be quiet.)

25. Final Song by The Dancing Bardess; composed for Tweeter109's The Fourth Piper. It's my favorite composition. Shut up, I can promote it if I want. ;P 

Yeah, I went over. And I haven't begun to exhaust my stores of all the music I listen to. We haven't even gotten to classical, or dubstep, or trailer, or finished my large library of Celtic and filmscore... T_T *I COULD DO SO MANY MORE*

But yeah. Consider thyselves tagged even though I don't feel like tagging anyone. 

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