They're finally getting Married

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The residents of U.A were more than thrilled when Inko broke the news the next day, who was telling Midnight, who told Mic who screamed so loudly, he told the entire school… Inko wasn’t the happiest camper when every student who saw her congratulated her and subsequentially told her they heard about it from Mic, but she brushed it off by the end of the day, reasoning that the students were bound to find out sooner or later, though that didn’t stop Mic from hiding in closets and behind groups of students to avoid the potential wrath of The Mother of All Heroes.

               At the end of the day, Inko decided to drop off some food to the dorms, still greatly concerned for the future of these children who seemed to run on nothing but junk food, unhealthy sodas and pure, idiotic determination when she didn’t intervene. Inko started her food run at the General Education dorms, as she was their teacher most importantly, and worked her way through the Business and Support dorms (making sure the odd Pink haired girl from the sorts festival ate something and somehow fell asleep, which earned praise from Power Loader, who had been trying to get the girl to sleep for a concerning amount of time), and finally making her way to the Hero Dorms. Inko decided she really wasn’t in the mood to hear Monoma complain about favoritism, so she visited the 2-B class first and was met with praise for her cooking and congratulations for the engagement, Kendo speaking up as they helped store the food.

               “Ms. Inko, do you know where you’re going to get your dress?”

               Inko couldn’t help but beam at the girl’s question, having known since she had divorced Hisashi, who had insisted she wear an expensive and name-brand dress.

               “My friend Mitsuki’s husband is in the Fashion Industry, so I was going to ask him to do it… of course, I still have the dress from my first wedding but… well, I’d rather not bring those memories up, if I can help it.”

               The 2-B students who were listening nodded in understanding, the girls smiling wistfully as Poni asked for clarification to those who were more proficient in her native language so she could properly understand everything. Inko couldn’t help but let her smile grow wider as she continually bombarded with questions, answering them happily. Despite their… rocky start, the class of 2-B were all genuinely good kids. Speaking of “rocky start”, as soon as Inko managed to detach herself from 2-B’s dorm, she heard the familiar voice of Monoma call out to her. Full of surprise and confusion, Inko turned to face the young man, who looked almost guilty.

               “Ms. Inko… I know you have no reason to accept anything I say, but I wanted to apologize for everything I said last year… about your son and how he was bound to follow the footsteps of… that man… I was out of line, and I’m so ashamed that it took what happened at the Training Camp for me to see that… and I know I should have said this sooner, I found that I couldn’t find the words… I guess what I’m trying to say is… I’m sorry for being an ass, and for taking so long to say it.”

               As Inko listened, she could see the pained look of shame and genuine guilt in the boy’s eyes and, while she hated to see such a look on his face, she couldn’t help the feeling of swelling pride at the boy’s growth.

               “Monoma, I forgave you a long time ago. If you feel like you really want to atone for what you did, you should talk to Izuku; he doesn’t bite, I promise… and maybe you should stop trying to antagonize your sister class and start building relationships with them. They’re all great kids like your class, and you may very well have to fight with each other on the battle field one day; It does us civilians nothing but harm if you try to constantly try to one-up those you should be working with. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

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