Turning Point

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Two very different villains are at their ends, so it's time for them to begin the road to change

Tomura stared through the screen before him, his eyes full of anger and betrayal, as the screen flickered to life and the image of the only man to ever care for him filled it, strapped to dozens of medical machines. The two guards nearby barked that they had five minutes to say what they wanted to. Tomura blinked and, after a few moments, found himself speaking angrily.

“Why? Why did you leave me Sensei? Why did you throw everything away for one pathetic child? Did I ever mean anything to you?”

Tomura didn’t even realize he was crying as the man, the villain and mentor who had saved him just let out a dry laugh before coughing and speaking in a harsh and cold tone.

“No, you didn’t. You were a means to an end; nothing more and nothing less… Your relation to Nana Shimura is the only reason I took you in; you were always a way to get under the skin of anyone who knew that woman. Perhaps if things had been different… if you had been just a little more patient and ruthless, or if Izuku never had a quirk to begin with, that might have changed.”

The air in the room seemed to get thinner as the villain spoke and Tomura was fighting to breathe correctly as the onslaught of words continued.

“As for why I risked everything… Midoryia is far stronger than you could possibly imagine; I could tell that the moment I saw him all those years ago. Hisashi had brought him along to a meeting, as his dear mother was sick as a dog and there was no sitter to be found… I could sense his dormant power, but stealing quirks from children before they manifest is a line even I would not cross. Yes, there was the chance he would reject me, but if All Might had not meddled, I would have taken the boy’s quirk and, as a result, break the precious symbol of peace in one fell swoop. In summary… you are nothing to me; you are not my student, you are no ‘disciple’ that I wish to bind myself to, you are not my ward; you are a pathetic child whose usefulness has expired… as I shall also expire, very soon.”

A few moments passed in silence before Tomura spoke in a hoarse voice, the light of hope slowly dying within him.

“So… it was all for nothing. All the promises and the preparation… all the obstacles I removed at your will… for your approval; it was all for nothing.”

The man- no… Tomura didn’t know if he deserved that title anymore… the monster said nothing and Tomura moved to stand, momentarily forgetting that he was still very much restrained, and speaking coldly.

“I see. Then this is farewell for good… All for One. I hope you rot in hell.”

The old villain smiled through the screen at his former ward’s anger… how pathetic. As one of the guards moved to lead the boy away, All for One decided to call out one last time.

“I’ll save your place when I get there Tomura!”

Tomura didn’t even turn look behind him as he heard the screen flick off, the cold realization of his actions and situation piercing him like a knife of ice, the chill spreading throughout his entire body. Once he was back in his cell, all he could think to do was curl up on the bed and sob silently into the thin pillow and rough blanket he’d been provided. He once knew he could have escaped easily, should his Sensei wish him to… but that hope was dead and gone. He had no intention of leaving, knowing he would pay whatever price this pathetic society deemed fit to give him… anything would be better than living his life thinking that monster still cared for him… even thinking of the name he’d been given caused him to die slightly more inside. He looked up to see a man he didn’t know, but assumed was important nonetheless, standing before his cell with a sad look in his eyes.

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