The OutCast~~ {Part1}

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I was sitting down, minding my own buisness when i saw a tanned skinned, brown haired kid walk across the campus. Okay i admit, most guys at my school were only after girls who were well the 'Sluts' but this guy was goodlooking and almost EVERY single girl bombarded him, he didnt notice any of them. He seemed to be walking in my direction and staring right at me, even though i was partially covered by shadows. I felt my heart beat a little faster as he got closer.


I didnt know why i was heading for the shadows when i walked into that school, But something was pulling me there. I didnt care about the hundred or so girls who were trying to charm me into being shown around by them. I just headed for the shadows. And thats when i saw her. She was beautiful. With her Long wavey Pitch black hair and big hazel-brown eyes. She was sitting alone and looking out at me. Why was she in the shadows? I didnt know. But i was soon to find out. After 5 minutes i was standing in front of her. I sat down and introduced myself in a soft and kind voice, "Hi. Im Dean. Im kinda new here" I held out my hand for her to take. She shook it while saying, "Hi Dean, My names Hayley. Its nice to meet you. Oh and dont mind all of the girls. They're excited to have new meat here." She said with a scowl on her face. I laughed and shook my head. "I dont mind. I dont pay much attention to it really. Why are you all alone in the shadows?" I asked her, curiously. "I find the shadows comforting. I'm, what people call me, an Emo." She said to me grinning like it was some kind of joke. I smiled at her. "Well if you find them comforting, then that would be why you like sitting in them." Well Done Dean. Way to sound like Captain Obvious. I really had to work on that...

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